On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 07:34:08PM +0200, Loup Vaillant wrote:
> My problem is very simple. First, the following works as expected:
> $ ls lib
> batteries.ml
> $ cd lib
> $ ocamlc -c batteries.ml
> $ ocamlmktop -o ../ocamltop batteries.cmo
> $ ../ocamltop
>         Objective Caml version 3.11.1
> # open Batteries;;
> #
> The module Batteries has been loaded in the interactive loop as
> intended. Now, this *doesn't* work:
> $ ls lib
> batteries.ml
> $ ocamlc -c lib/batteries.ml
> $ ocamlmktop -o ocamltop -I lib batteries.cmo
> $ ocamltop
>         Objective Caml version 3.11.1
> # open Batteries;;
> Error: Unbound module Batteries
> #
> ??? This looks like a super-obvious bug, so I must have overlook
> something. Any idea what? Is it possible to built a sensible toplevel
> with libraries *not* in the current directory? How?

The problem is not the library itself, but rather the associated .cmi files,
which the toplevel requires. You can either give the  -I lib  arguments to
ocamltop, or use the  #directory "lib";;  directive in the toplevel.

Mauricio Fernandez  -   http://eigenclass.org

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