On 06/28/2010 05:13 PM, Guillaume Yziquel wrote:
> Hello.
> I've been trying to compile a library with C++. With something like:
> ocamlc -verbose -a -dllib dllmystuff_stubs.so -dllib libstdc++ -o 
> myStuff..cma myStuff.cmo
> However, on Debian systems, there is a libstdc++.so.5 and a libstdc++.so.6 
> file. No 
> libstdc++.so file. So the -dllib libstdc++ option doesn't locate properly the 
> library. How do you 
> manage to have more control over the name of the library without resorting to 
> using an ugly 
> symlink in /usr/lib/ocaml/stublibs?
> All the best,

I have been able to link against libstdc++ by using -lstdc++ (rather
than -dllib).  This is on an Ubuntu machine with the standard
development packages installed.  Also, I use ocamlmklib rather than
directly running ocamlc to build my cma file; I don't expect that this
makes a difference for this particular problem, but is something worth
considering (and IMO easier).

- Michael

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