On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 08:59:30PM -0400, Michael Ekstrand wrote:
> Therefore, I am wondering: are there documented guarantees on which the
> native code stack overflow behavior rests?  Linux processes usually
> receive a segmentation fault when they run out of stack space; is that
> guaranteed, or is it simply the usual convenient behavior?  What about
> for other systems?

I am not an expert on all the various cases which might arise during a case of
stack overflow, but I believe on Linux it is exposed to userland as a
segmentation fault.  Exactly how this is exposed shouldn't be any different
when executing Caml native-compiled code or C code, for example.  In terms of
Caml-specific behaviour (and assuming that the user's code does not itself
alter the signal handling behaviour) then the runtime should catch the stack
overflow via the SIGSEGV handler.  The intuition behind what is supposed to
happen next is as follows: if the faulting address was in the stack, and the
program counter (PC) was "in your Caml program", then we produce a
Stack_overflow exception.  Otherwise we will just invoke the default signal
action for the segmentation fault, which on Linux will terminate the program.

(There are lots of functions in the runtime which could cause a stack overflow
in the case of a bug in their own code; and it would probably be bad if those
ended up with a Stack_overflow exception rather than a segfault.  This seems to
me to be at least one reason why you probably don't want to turn every segfault
in the stack into a Stack_overflow exception; instead, we try to distinguish
based on the PC.)

Unfortunately, there isn't really any wholly satisfactory notion of "in your
Caml program".  For example, you might end up getting close to blowing the
stack in a recursive Caml function which just computes things without calling
any library calls; and then you call a glibc function and hit the stack limit.
Such a fault might morally be "in your code" even though the PC is pointing to
somewhere inside libc.so.  Yet, you could also fail if you don't do any
recursing at all in your Caml program, and happen to call a function in glibc
which chooses to eat all the stack on Fridays only.  The symptom would be the
same; the PC is still inside libc.so, except this time glibc is at fault.

The approximation used by the runtime for "in your Caml program" is whether
the PC lies within the compiled Caml code of your program.  Thus, in
particular, if you get close to blowing the stack in your recursive function
and then happen to fail inside the runtime function [compare], for example,
it will not be reported as a Stack_overflow exception but rather a segfault.
As such, you can't rely on exactly what will happen; from the outside this
appears non-deterministic.

A further complication is addressed in Mantis 4746, which notes that the
address space randomization features of recent Linux kernels also has the
potential to mess up the runtime's metrics for calculating whether the
faulting address lies in the stack or not.  This can also affect, basically
randomly, whether you get Stack_overflow or a segfault.


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