On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 1:24 PM, Goswin von Brederlow <goswin-...@web.de>wrote:

> It is too bad I don't want to learn CML but use Ocaml. The CML examples
> from the book don't translate into ocaml since the interface is just a
> little bit different and those differences are what throws me off.

> So could you give a short example? E.g. the merge sort from the book.

You're right: OCaml's syntax differs enough from the text that it's annoying
to cut-n-paste the examples. Fortunately most example are a few lines of
code, so I didn't realize how difficult it could be on a larger example
(like the merge sort example.)

Attached is my translation of the mergeSort from the book. You get to play
with it and see if it works  :)


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open Event

let mySend c d = sync (send c d)
and myRecv c = sync (receive c)

let spawn f =
  ignore (Thread.create f ())

let split (inCh, outCh1, outCh2) =
  let rec loop = function
    | (None, _, _) -> (mySend outCh1 None; mySend outCh2 None)
    | (x, out1, out2) -> (mySend out1 x; loop (myRecv inCh, out2, out1))
    loop (myRecv inCh, outCh1, outCh2)

let merge (inCh1, inCh2, (outCh : int option channel)) =
  let rec copy (fromCh, toCh) =
    let rec loop v =
	mySend toCh v;
	match v with
	  | Some _ -> loop (myRecv fromCh)
	  | None -> ()
      loop (myRecv fromCh)
  and mergep (from1, from2) =
    match (from1, from2) with
      | (None, None) -> mySend outCh None
      | (_, None) -> (mySend outCh from1; copy (inCh1, outCh))
      | (None, _) -> (mySend outCh from2; copy (inCh2, outCh))
      | (Some a, Some b) ->
	  if a < b then
	    (mySend outCh from1; mergep (myRecv inCh1, from2))
	    (mySend outCh from2; mergep (from1, myRecv inCh2))
    mergep (myRecv inCh1, myRecv inCh2)

let rec mergeSort () =
  let ch = new_channel() in
  let sort () =
    (match myRecv ch with
       | None -> ()
       | v1 ->
	     (match myRecv ch with
		| None -> mySend ch v1
		| v2 ->
		    let ch1 = mergeSort()
		    and ch2 = mergeSort()
			mySend ch1 v1;
			mySend ch2 v2;
			split (ch, ch1, ch2);
			merge (ch1, ch2, ch)
	     mySend ch None
    (spawn sort; ch)
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