Yoann Padioleau wrote:
> Is there any tutorial on why such features are useful ?
> Concrete examples of their use.

Thank you for the question! I think you may find many examples
of delimited continuations on the following web site:

Notable examples are the probabilistic programming language HANSEI,
normalization of MapReduce bodies by evaluation, and a framework to
program CGI applications in `direct style' (as if they were regular
console applications). Delimited continuations proved quite useful for
writing code generators: to perform let- or if-insertions in the
generated code, one has two choices: write the generator in a monadic
style or CPS, or use a `direct style' relying on delimited
control. Experience seems to show that direct-style generators are
more perspicuous.

> For instance can you implement python generators and its yield stuff
> by using this library ?
Yes! Here is the complete code

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