On 2010-08-25, at 06:00, Paul Steckler wrote:

> Today, I found the culprit.  Here's the pattern:
>   dynamically load .cmxs file
>   query list mutated by .cmxs file      (* no problem *)
>   Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.minor_heap_size         = ...};
>   Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.major_heap_increment = ... };
>   query mutated list   (* segfault! *)
> If I move the Gc.set's to the program initialization code, before the
> loading of dynamic code, no segfaults occur.

I bet the second Gc.set doesn't matter, and if you replace them with
Gc.minor () you get the same behaviour.

> Is this expected behavior?

Definitely not.  You should file a bug report here, preferably with
a complete repro case:
> Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

-- Damien

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