On 20-09-2010, Dumitru Potop-Butucaru <dumitru.potop_butuc...@inria.fr> wrote:
> I'm certain most users here will consider the question trivially simple, 
> but I browsed the documentation without finding a solution.

There is an ocaml-beginner list, if you feel the question is trivial:

> The question is quite general: Given a polymorphic definition like 
> Map.Make(X), where
> X is some module, how can I specialize its 'a type parameter, e.g. by 
> setting it to Y, so that
> I have maps from X to Y ?

module M = Map.Make(X)

type y_map = y M.t 

(* N.B. Y is syntactically incorrect for a type identifier, you need to
use y *)

Sylvain Le Gall

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