On 2010 Oct 22, at 7:59 , Oliver Bandel wrote:

> Also with arranging a parser (e.g. with ocamlyacc) both ways can be walked 
> along, either by just accepting everything and build up the tree, and later 
> detect erros in syntax or type... (for example all scanned entities given 
> back as strings or string lists)...

Let me describe an advantage that I see for Scheme over OCaml which pushes in 
the opposite direction to your proposal.
Analyzing a Scheme  program such as (let ( ... (r ...) ...) ...) where the 
ellipses may be pages of code, I can put the cursor just to the right of the r 
and type splat B twice on at least the Mac and learn the scope of r.
There are few more frequent steps for me as I study Scheme code.
Any of several editors that are not Scheme savvy can do this and even the Mac's 
Terminal program (a glass TTY for the shell) knows this trick.
I miss this in OCaml.
Perhaps this is because the gross parsing of Scheme is carried out at the 
lexical level—parentheses first!

As I reason about the scope of an OCaml variable, the whole cache of program 
logic in my head is flushed!
And them I am not sure of the result.
A systematic algorithm to determine scope is complex and error prone.

I want simple syntactic rules to determine scope, rules that fairly general 
editors can help with.
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