Hello,Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of January 02 to 09, 2007.
1) Wrapping C++ in Ocaml? 2) symbol table containing symbol tables 3) Symbolic computation 4) Question on writing efficient Ocaml. 5) Building OSX Universal Binaries 6) Before teaching OCaml 7) calling ocaml from threaded C program ======================================================================== 1) Wrapping C++ in Ocaml?Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 46ef5380a8ac600b/4ecbb1353c456041#4ecbb1353c456041>
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Erik de Castro Lopo asked and micha answered: > I have wrapped a C library for use with Ocaml and didn't find > the task too daunting. I have now found a C++ library that would > be useful, but the Ocaml ORA book makes no mention of wrapping > C++ libraries. you can only wrapp via C - functions > Has anyone got any experience wrapping C++ libraries in Ocaml? > Is it possible? Painful but doable? Too painful to think about? I have done it a few times, it's much typing :-) you must write a c function for the methods of the class you want to wrap and give them a pointer to the c++ class, so you can call the method there. Often you define on the c++ side an adapter class which delegates method calls to the ocaml side (f.e. when wrapping events from and to c++/ocaml). For big libraries it's a neverending task without more tools. There is the platinum framework (on sourceforge), a c++ class lib with a little gui. This lib compiles for win32, Linux, WinCE and qnx, I have done some wrapping to the gui part, together with the event handling and it works very nice (if you want to read it as an example). > Any pointers or advice appreciated. Python, Ruby and Perl all have wrappers for QT and they use tools to generate the C interface I think. Maybe worth to look at... ** Dmitry Bely also answered: Swig? <http://www.swig.org> ======================================================================== 2) symbol table containing symbol tablesArchive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 0982973b5cc84581/45fd672b01304768#45fd672b01304768>
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** William W Smith asked: In pidgin OCaml I'd like to write something like type complicated = IVal of int | StrVa, of string | SymTableVal of symTable and symTable = Map(string -> complicated)I tried many variations on using the Map module to implement a recursive data structure like this. I failed miserably. (The above wasn't the syntax I ever
used, but it gets the idea across.) However, when I create an object class [ 'key, 'content ] table : ('key -> 'key -> int) -> object ,,, end I can successfully declare type complicated = IVal of int | StrVal of string | SymTableVal of (string, complicated) tablethat does what I want. Ithis isn't the whole declaration of complicated, but I believe once I get this declaration working, the more quirky variations work
too.Do I need one of the more advanced features of OCaml that I don't currently understand to use Map the way that I want without writing a whole table class? I don't even see how I can use Map from inside the table class to do what I
want which would also be acceptable.I don't want to have to break open the Map module to modify it and thus change
the licensing of my final program. ** Jon Harrop answered: You need recursive modules, something like this: # module rec StringMap : Map.S = Map.Make(String) and Symbols : sig type t = | IVal of int | StrVal of string | SymTableVal of t StringMap.t end = struct type t = | IVal of int | StrVal of string | SymTableVal of t StringMap.t end;; module rec StringMap : Map.S and Symbols : sigtype t = IVal of int | StrVal of string | SymTableVal of t StringMap.t
end ======================================================================== 3) Symbolic computationArchive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 0510d9ffb5361f0d/c042e3a723a2aff2#c042e3a723a2aff2>
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Jon Harrop announced:I've just updated our Benefits of OCaml page with a more elegant symbolic
computation example: <http://www.ffconsultancy.com/free/ocaml/symbolic.html>In particular, results are composed using a pair of non-trivial constructors
that perform simple simplifications: # let rec ( +: ) f g = match f, g with | Int n, Int m -> Int (n + m) | Int 0, f | f, Int 0 -> f | f, Add(g, h) -> f +: g +: h | f, g when f > g -> g +: f | f, g -> Add(f, g) and ( *: ) f g = match f, g with | Int n, Int m -> Int (n * m) | Int 0, _ | _, Int 0 -> Int 0 | Int 1, f | f, Int 1 -> f | f, Mul(g, h) -> f *: g *: h | f, g when f > g -> g *: f | f, g -> Mul(f, g);; val ( +: ) : expr -> expr -> expr = <fun> val ( *: ) : expr -> expr -> expr = <fun>I'm also translating this into F# for my forthcoming book "F# for Scientists".
Even on an example as simple as this, F# has some significant benefits: 1. + and * can be overloaded for the expr type. 2. User-defined types can have their own comparison functions. 3. Set and Map are polymorphic (not functors).Hopefully F#'s active patterns will also allow operators in patterns, allowing
code like: let d f x = match f with | Var v when x=v -> Int 1 | Int _ | Var _ -> Int 0 | f + g -> d f x + d g x | f * g -> f * d g x + g * d f x and: | f + (g + h) -> (f + g) + h and so on. ======================================================================== 4) Question on writing efficient Ocaml.Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 530b3c57e2aaddad/a01ed9f98f7daadf#a01ed9f98f7daadf>
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** This thread spawned many interesting answers. Here are a few. Ian Oversby asked and Richard Jones answered:> Does this mean that unboxing is inefficient in OCaml? I've written an > alternative version of the C++ that returns NULL instead of out of bound
> values which was close to the same speed so it would be a little> disappointing if I couldn't achieve something similar in OCaml with Some /
> None. It's not so much that boxing/unboxing is inefficient in OCaml, but rather that ocamlopt compiles exactly what you ask it to. If you ask it to use a box, it uses a box! (Well, mostly ...) See: <http://caml.inria.fr/pub/old_caml_site/ocaml/numerical.html> in particular the note about Gallium. ** Jon Harrop later answered the original post:> I've written some Ocaml code to solve the problem of placing 8 queens on a
> board so that none of them attack each-other.Your program is very verbose: many times longer than is necessary. Most of this verbosity can be attributed to performing various boxing, unboxing and allocation tasks that are superfluous and simply slow the code down. However, profiling suggests that you're also using a different algorithm in OCaml as the core functions are called many more times in the OCaml than in the C++. Contrast your code with a minimal program to solve the n-queens problem in
OCaml: let rec unthreatened (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = x1 <> x2 && y1 <> y2 && x2 - x1 <> y2 - y1 && x1 - y2 <> x2 - y1;; let rec search n f qs ps = if length qs = n then f qs elseiter (fun q -> search n f (q::qs) (filter (unthreatened q) ps)) ps;;
let ps = rev (flatten (init n (fun i -> init n (fun j -> i, j)))) search n f [] psThis program starts with a list of all board positions "ps" and simply filters out threatened positions as queens are added. Performance is poor compared to
your C++: 0.625s C++ (130 LOC) 4.466s OCaml (28 LOC)My first solution is written for brevity and not performance so it is still 3x
slower than the C++: The core of the program is just this: open List;; let print_board n queens = for y=0 to n-1 do for x=0 to n-1 do print_string (if mem (x, y) queens then "Q" else ".") done; print_newline() done; print_newline();; let rec fold_n2 f accu x y n = if y=n then accu else if x=n then fold_n2 f accu 0 (y + 1) n else fold_n2 f (f accu x y) (x + 1) y n;; let unthreatened (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = x1 <> x2 && y1 <> y2 && x2 - x1 <> y2 - y1 && x1 - y2 <> x2 - y1;; let rec search n f queens () x y = if for_all (unthreatened (x, y)) queens then if length queens = n - 1 then f ((x, y) :: queens) else fold_n2 (search n f ((x, y) :: queens)) () (x + 1) y n;;then I wrote this to search once and print and then search a given number of
times (for benchmarking): exception Queens of (int * int) list;; let _ = let n = 8 in let f qs = raise (Queens qs) in (try search n f [] () 0 0 with Queens qs -> print_board n qs); match Sys.argv with | [|_; reps|] -> for rep=2 to int_of_string reps do try search n (fun _ -> raise Exit) [] () 0 0 with Exit -> () done | _ -> ()The "fold_n2" and "search" functions are both polymorphic folds. The former
folds over a square array and the latter folds over all solutions to then-queens problem. The generality of the "search" function is not used in this case, as I just print the first solution found and bail using an exception.
On my machine, 1000 solutions takes: 0.625s C++ (130 LOC) 1.764s OCaml (30 LOC) So OCaml is >4x more concise but 2.8x slower than C++.Profiling shows that a lot of time is spent in List.for_all. We can roll this
ourselves to remove some polymorphism and improve performance: let rec unthreatened x1 y1 = function | (x2, y2) :: t ->x1 <> x2 && y1 <> y2 && x2 - x1 <> y2 - y1 && x1 - y2 <> x2 - y1 &&
unthreatened x1 y1 t | [] -> true;; let rec search n f queens () x y = if unthreatened x y queens then if length queens = n - 1 then f ((x, y) :: queens) else fold_n2 (search n f ((x, y) :: queens)) () (x + 1) y n;; This gets the time down to: 1.159s OCaml (33 LOC)We can continue optimising by removing some generality. Let's turn the "fold"
into an "iter" so that "search" becomes monomorphic: let rec iter_n2 f x y n = if y<n then if x=n then iter_n2 f 0 (y + 1) n else (f x y; iter_n2 f (x + 1) y n);; let rec search n f queens x y = if unthreatened x y queens then if length queens = n - 1 then f ((x, y) :: queens) else iter_n2 (search n f ((x, y) :: queens)) (x + 1) y n;; Performance is improved even more, at the cost of generality. 0.827s OCaml (34 LOC) So OCaml is now only 30% slower whilst still being ~4x more concise. ======================================================================== 5) Building OSX Universal BinariesArchive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 469c0c235df5cc59/845919efbc0a6049#845919efbc0a6049>
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Nicolas Cannasse asked and Daniel Bünzli answered:> I'm regularly making OSX releases of the haXe compiler (<http:// haxe.org>) > which is written in OCaml, but since I only have a Mac Intel, I didn't
> find a way to produce a PPC version of the compiler.> I would be interested in building OSX Universal Binaries using ocamlopt.
> Did anybody found a way to do that ? The only way I see is to have access to both a ppc and intel machine an join the executables with the command line tool lipo. Maybe a wish to directly produce universal binaries should go in the bugtracker. ======================================================================== 6) Before teaching OCamlArchive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 6af9f3b7a680dcb0/777ca8fd3b9d01a2#777ca8fd3b9d01a2>
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** David Teller asked: I'm going to start teaching OCaml soon and I'm fishing for ideas and suggestions. I hope this list is the right place to ask. Within a few weeks, I'll be teaching OCaml to a class of second-year students in _mathematics & informatics_. The bad part is that their knowledge of computer science is limited to 3 term-long lectures of "algorithmics" (read "Java under Windows"), and that they have nil knowledge of Unix/Cygwin or Makefiles, or even Emacs or command-lines. The good part is that a number of them consider Java "not mathematical enough", so they may be good candidates for functional programming. I'm planning to base my lecture roughly on part 1 of _Developing applications with Objective Caml_, perhaps replacing the chapter devoted to Graphics with the use of LablGTK. Then again, perhaps not. Some low-level graphics might be interesting for them. I also intend to give them a term-long project to work on and develop. Right now, I see the following difficulties: * the environment -- under Windows, is there any viable alternative to Emacs + the MinGW-based port ? * the Makefile -- I've found OCamlMakefile [1] but I haven't tried it yet, hopefully it's simple enough for my students to use without too many arcane manipulations * the task -- for the moment, I have no interesting idea of OCaml-based projects. Perhaps something like finding the shortest path along subway/train lines ? Thanks for any idea/suggestion/comment, David, And a Happy New Year [1] <http://www.ocaml.info/home/ocaml_sources.html> ** Sylvain Le Gall suggested: Well, you can try : <http://www.librecours.org/> There is some lecture about OCaml. Maybe you'll find your answer in this (already done) lecture ? ** Aleksey Nogin said: > * the Makefile -- I've found OCamlMakefile [1] but I haven't tried it > yet, hopefully it's simple enough for my students to use without too > many arcane manipulations Have you looked at OMake - <http://omake.metaprl.org/> ? For simple OCaml projects, the OMakefile would be 1 line: DEFAULT: $(OCamlProgram prog_name, module1 module2 module3) It's easy to install on Windows and it is self-contained (you do not need GNU Make). ** Jacques Garrigue suggested: For the graphics, I would rather suggest lablTk. It is much easier to use for beginners. And you can even work interactively using the Tk.update command.> * the environment -- under Windows, is there any viable alternative to
> Emacs + the MinGW-based port ? For writing programs, emacs helps a lot. In particular, the possibility to execute phrases in the toplevel while editing a file makes things much easier. Emacs looks scary, but for this specific case you only need a limited number of key combinations :-) Once you've installed Tcl/Tk (required for LablTk), then you can use ocamlbrowser. It can be helpful too, particularly for browsing the library. (These are very personal suggestions...) ** Andrej Bauer said: I teach theory of programming languages with ocaml on Windows. The path of least resistance seems to be ocaml + XEmacs + tuareg + premade make files (although omake sounds like a good option). It takes one lecture (45 minutes) to explain the setup, and the first homework is "install everything and compile helloWorld.ml". If you're teaching math students who think that "java is not mathematical" enough, then you could offer mathematical projects, possibly involving graphics, such as: 1) A program that plots the graph of a function. This would involve parsing the function, so you'd have to teach basic lexing and parsing techniques. Or you can provide the lexer and parser and have them extend it with more functions. For extra credit: a program that plots surfaces in 3D. 2) A program for drawing graphs in the plane. The layout of a graph is computed with one of many algorithms, e.g. a spring embedder. You can reuse the graph data structure to develop other things (shortest path etc.) You can have a graph drawing competition. You can have them draw graphs with 10000 vertices. I once "won over" several math students from the Dark Side++ by showing them how to define the datatype of finite graphs and implement basic constructions, including computing Cayley's graph and finding the chromatic numbers (by a brute force method). They were convinced because the source code was "mathematically clean" and something like 5 times shorter than corresponding C++ would be. 3) This is shameless self-propaganda, but several people used random art as a fun project, see e.g. Assignment 2 at <http://www.cs.hmc.edu/courses/2005/fall/cs131/homework/index.html> (and compare with the "real thing" at <http://www.random-art.org>). In this project you can avoid writing parsers, while still having abstract syntax and an interpreter, or even a compiler/optimizer. 4) If your students are very mathematical, something like the tiling examples from "Developing applications in Ocaml" might interest them. ======================================================================== 7) calling ocaml from threaded C programArchive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 3232761d87119b80/92f28e7ef3f96ce2#92f28e7ef3f96ce2>
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Trevor Jim asked: I'm having some crashes with a threaded C program that calls ocaml code. (Unison on Mac OS X.) This discussion:<http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/ 684a6f1647fdbe3/e4ad7e1e8fca5edb? lnk=gst&q=threads&rnum=1#e4ad7e1e8fca5edb>
provides some good information, but I could use some more info. (And I hope this will make it into the manual at some point.) Specifically: The program is an ObjC program, a GUI wrapped around an ocaml program (Unison). The ObjC program is multithreaded. From the above discussion I realize that only one of the ObjC threads can call back to ocaml at any given time, therefore I have a lock for ocaml callbacks (a posix threads mutex). However, I still get crashes. I think I must be missing some locking. So far I have locked ObjC calls to caml_callback, caml_callback_exn, etc. I have not locked certain other calls of the caml C API, e.g., caml_named_value() caml_copy_string() caml_remove_global_root() caml_register_global_root() Val_int() Field() String_val() Wosize_val() If anyone knows exactly what parts of the ocaml C API need to be locked for this scenario, it would be nice to have that in the documentation. Also, I wonder whether there is any issue with having one ObjC thread in the ocaml runtime, while another ObjC thread accesses an object that is either an ocaml root or accessible from an ocaml root -- is any locking required? ** Markus Mottl answered:With the exception of "Val_int" none of the above is thread-safe. Since the
GC can move values at anytime while your C-thread is executing, anyC-function that accepts or returns a "value" (= OCaml-value) is potentially
unsafe. Val_int is an exception, because OCaml-ints are unboxed (btw.unlike int32, int64, nativeint!). Atomic (also atomic polymorphic) variants
and characters, too, are unboxed and can therefore be safely handled by C-threads at any time.Furthermore, it is safe to access the contents of bigarrays if they cannot
be reclaimed during that time (e.g. because you protected them beforereleasing the OCaml-lock using CAMLparam, etc.), because their contents is
outside of the OCaml-heap. Otherwise never access OCaml-values from a C-thread if there are running OCaml-threads. Here be dragons... If anyone knows exactly what parts of the ocaml C API need to be locked> for this scenario, it would be nice to have that in the documentation.
Yes, that would be nice indeed... Also, I wonder whether there is any issue with having one ObjC thread > in the ocaml runtime, while another ObjC thread accesses an object > that is either an ocaml root or accessible from an ocaml root -- is > any locking required?The OCaml-GC may run at anytime and mess with the existence and position of
OCaml-values. Thus, you cannot do what you want here without locking. ======================================================================== Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using
vim (version 6 or greater). :set foldmethod=expr :set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1 zM If you know of a better way, please let me know. ======================================================================== Old cwn ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> . ======================================================================== -- Alan Schmitt <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool happen.
.O. ..O OOO
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