
Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of March 22 to 29, 2011.

1) fighting the type system
2) Ocaml and cryptography
3) Core{,extended} 0.7.0 and support libraries now out of beta.
4) Efficient OCaml multicore -- roadmap?
5) What are "Language extensions"?
6) Netamqp, a client for AMQP-0-9-1
7) Other Caml News

1) fighting the type system
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-03/msg00165.html>
** Joel Reymont asked and Jacques Garrigue replied:

> How do I do this?
>       Thanks in advance, Joel

Well, you don't because this is clearly unsound.

> --- Util.ml
> type 'a writable = < write : Protocol.t -> unit; .. > as 'a
> module type Endpoint = 
> sig 
>  val request : unit -> 'a writable
>  val response : 'a writable -> 'b writable
>  val read_request : Protocol.t -> 'a writable
>  val read_response : Protocol.t -> 'a writable
> end

Your definition of 'a writable is actually equivalent to writing

  class type writable = object method write : Protocol.t -> unit end

and replacing uses of 'a writable by #writable.
The trouble is that returning a value of type #writable is unsound,
since it means that this value has any possible method, including write.
So you would be able to write:
     (request ())#foo
and have the type checker happily comply.

I'm not sure of what you're trying to do.
If you just want the Endpoint interface to specify an object type
containing at least write, you could use a private row type:

module type Endpoint = 
 type writable = private <write : Protocol.t -> unit; .. >
 val request : unit -> writable
 val response : writable -> writable
 val read_request : Protocol.t -> writable
 val read_response : Protocol.t -> writable

You can then instantiate it with a concrete type, using
   Endpoint with type writable := mywriter
** Joel Reymont then asked and Jacques Garrigue replied:

> The private row type is what I was clearly missing.
> Why does it work with the private row type, though? 

Because if you just define a constrained type every occurrence is
going to be a different instance of this type, while a private row type
ensures that this is the same type throughout the module.

> Are there other uses for 'private' in a module?
> Is the use of private row types described somewhere?

They are described described in section 7.9.3 of the manual:

You can find more examples in my paper:
2) Ocaml and cryptography
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-03/msg00171.html>
** Jehan Pagès announced:

I was just having a few thoughts/questions.

I have developed, in the context of another project, a Sha1
implementation (also a HMAC implementation and above this all a SASL
implementation with SCRAM-SHA1 mechanism support). That's not a
binding to any existent library and is fully native Ocaml. No C in

That's all working fine and is fast enough for being comfortable. But
that's definitely not as fast as a C implementation.
I made a small benchmark with OpenSSL's SHA1 functions and mine. Both
tests are loops running 10.000 Sha1 of the same string, then exiting.
Basically C goes around 6-10 times faster.

Note: my machine is a small notebook which is not powerful enough to
play most video games, nor even watch videos when they have a little
too high quality (and I am not talking of HD)! So on common desktop
machines, the test should go much faster for both version, but I guess
keep the same speed proportions. You might want to raise the loop to
100.000 though in order to see the difference.

Here are examples of such a run checked with time (there is some
variance between 2 runs, but the Ocaml version usually computes the
10.000 hashes in around 0.4 seconds while the C version computes them
in about 0.06 seconds):

~/SHA1$ time ./obench

real    0m0.416s
user    0m0.400s
sys     0m0.000s
~/SHA1$ time ./cbench

real    0m0.069s
user    0m0.060s
sys     0m0.004s

I checked the standard lib code and the MD5 code has been written in C
over there. Apparently the cryptokit library as well is writing core
cryptography in C.

I still think my code is pretty clean. I have made as much
optimization as I saw possible and though maybe other may be able to
still optimize it, I wonder up to which point now.

I am doing all computations over Int32 because the Sha1 algorithm
works over 4 octets words. At first, I was doing the "naive" approach
and was working on strings directly (going back and forth from a
character code to the character) but that was like extremely slow
(really). Still it allowed me to get the first working implementation.

Implementing with int, which is supposed to be much faster than int32,
would be nice (even though integers can be 64 bits on a 64 bits
platform, I can just mask the 4 higher octets in such case), but int
in OCaml is actually 31/63 bits because of the flag bit so I cannot
represent SHA1 words with int.

For those interested, you can download the benchmark (which includes
the code of Sha1) here:
<http://download.tuxfamily.org/ocamlxmpp/sha1_benchmark.tar.gz> ;(just
Just run make in the SHA1 directory which will be uncompressed, it
will create cbench and obench (a SSL library is needed for the C
benchmark, likely OpenSSL or other with the same API. Nothing external
is needed for the Ocaml one).

Maybe anyone has suggestions to improve?
Or Ocaml simply cannot compete with C here? (I don't mean to do
better, but getting closer would be already nice)
** Jehan and Gerd Stolpmann then continued the conversation:

> > (Gerd)
> > Funnily I did a SCRAM implementation for GSS-API a few weeks ago:
> > <https://godirepo.camlcity.org/svn/lib-ocamlnet2/trunk/code/src/netmech-scram/>
> (Jehan)
> Nice. What will be the use? (if there is any upper level project
> unless adding a feature for the library was the only goal right now?)

The motivation is that I currently develop a map/reduce platform (Plasma
- plasma.camlcity.org), and I was looking for a way to secure the
communication channels between the various components. Plasma uses
ONC-RPC, and hence a GSS-API mechanism fits best. I chose SCRAM because
of its simplicity - the alternatives would have been Kerberos, or
SPNEGO. However, these alternatives would have complicated the
deployment of the platform.

For GSS-API, SCRAM also supports encryption and integrity, so it is a
full-featured solution.

> > (Gerd)
> > It does not implement the crypto primitives in Ocaml, though, but simply
> > uses XL's cryptokit package - which is a quite complete C
> > implementation.
> >
> > > That's all working fine and is fast enough for being comfortable. But
> > > that's definitely not as fast as a C implementation.
> > > I made a small benchmark with OpenSSL's SHA1 functions and mine. Both
> > > tests are loops running 10.000 Sha1 of the same string, then exiting.
> > > Basically C goes around 6-10 times faster.
> >
> > This is something I observed already earlier for my cryptgps package
> > (which implements Blowfish and DES -
> > <https://godirepo.camlcity.org/svn/lib-cryptgps/trunk/>). Ocaml is not a
> > good compiler for this kind of code. I tried it both with int32 and with
> > normal ints (i.e. a 32 bit word is represented as two ints, where each
> > int gets 16 bits). Both approaches achieve about the same speed (on 32
> > bit platforms), and are a small factor slower than C (I think it was
> > around 4-5 times slower after endless optimizations).
> (Jehan)
> Indeed. About these endless optimization... I had another response
> (not made it to the list) with a link to uuidm code (also
> implementation a native Ocaml SHA1). I saw it uses Char.unsafe_chr
> instead of Char.chr. I didn't know this function, checked the source
> of ocaml, saw it is indeed in the interface but hidden behind (**/**)
> (so it did not appear in the doc).
> In my benchmark, I think it improves a little, but barely (enough so
> that I am not fully sure if the improvement I see is the randomness of
> consecutive benchmark tests). Still I keep it (as you say, endless
> optimizations: that's mostly when you don't know what else to do) as
> my code already makes sure that the code I pass to make a char is
> valid. But I wonder if this hidden function is meant to disappear some
> day... Is there some official status about this function?

I don't think so, but such functions tend not to disappear from the
Ocaml runtime (and I'm watching this for more than 10 years).

> > One of the problems seems to be that you cannot enforce to keep the
> > int32 values in registers all the time (at least in the inner loops). So
> > there are constantly boxing and unboxing operations. Even worse, this
> > also causes that memory is allocated all the time, and is of course also
> > cleaned up all the time.
> I see. So that's a limitation of the Ocaml compiler or is it anyway
> very difficult to have control on this kind of thing?

It's a representation issue. If an int32 value cannot remain in a
register, it needs to be "boxed", i.e. it is stored in a small memory
block that is specially allocated for this purpose. Although Ocaml is
very good at managing short-living memory blocks, there is a measurable

There is also the analysis complexity in the compiler which has to find
out when it is possible to keep a value in a register. The compiler
seems not to be written for optimizing small imperative loops as they
occur in cryptography. I guess this is just a matter of how much effort
you put into this.

> > I haven't checked on a 64 bit platform (at that time - ~10 years ago - I
> > did not have access to one). 64 bit platforms have more registers, and
> > there is no need to use int32.
> Yes I was thinking for quite some time (I mean, some days as this code
> is a few days old anyway) to try a int implementation when the
> platform is 64 bits (masking over 4 bytes). I just decided to do so
> yesterday. And it divides the benchmark time by 2.
> On the small 64 bits machine I have access (slow but slightly faster
> than my netbook), my Int32 implementation was running my benchmark in
> 0.25 seconds, and the int implementation of the same code otherwise in
> 0.12 seconds!

This is the price tag for these boxing operations.

>  So now I make some conditional implementation with
> macros so that I use int on 64 bits platform and the generic Int32 on
> 32 bits (or if I can't detect for sure I am on 64 bits).
> But the C implementation must have made some crazy optimization in
> assembly for 64 bits platform because they run in around 0.008
> seconds! So they are like 15 times faster now from my Ocaml
> implementation when it uses int!

There are probably some more optimizations you can do. For example, CPUs
have a feature called speculative execution - when a conditional jump is
found, they cannot easily continue filling their execution pipeline,
because they do not know whether the jump is done or not done. So what
they do is that they guess (and they are good at guessing, but not
perfect), and execute one of the outcomes of the condition speculatively
(so that the effects can be undone). Although this is an interesting
optimization in the CPU there is still some price to pay. The point is
now that it is best to avoid such jumps at all, because the normal
execution flow can then continue. If you write the assembly code
directly, and know the runtime characteristics of the CPU well, one can
greatly speedup the code by avoiding conditional jumps (e.g. by using
conditional moves, or by bit shifting tricks). Compilers have a hard
time generating such code.


> Oh and to come back to macros (using pa_macro with camlp4o), why is
> int validity checked by camlp4?!
> I had some tests like this:
>         0x8F1BBCDCl
>         0x8F1BBCDC
> Then when on a 32 bits machine, this stupid camlp4 ends in error
> because 0x8F1BBCDC is over max_int! But that's why I do the IFDEF
> test! Why does it ever bother checking this? I thought camlp4 was only
> about syntax, not about code validation. If camlp4 was to only do its
> job and pass the code to the compiler, this one would tell me if I
> really made an int error (which was not the case).
> Anyway that's not nice, I had to pass these int values as additional
> macros instead which is not pretty in my opinion.
> > My recommendation would be to avoid Ocaml for this type of code. The
> > compiler does not recognize that there is a loop it could completely
> > translate in unboxed mode. As far as I understand, a lot of work would
> > be required to make the compiler better here, and it would only affect a
> > few types of code (cryptography, pixel graphics, inner loops of
> > numerical algos).
> I see. Still I am pretty happy of my code right now. It is not as good
> as OpenSSL, but that's still pretty good when you think of it. I am
> still doing 10.000 computations now in around 0.1 second on very weak
> machines (even my notebook which does not read most videos well, I
> have now optimized down to around 0.35 seconds).
> I think I'll stop here for my sha1 implementation (unless someone
> points me to some really neat improvement I did not see). I am happy
> with it. :-)
3) Core{,extended} 0.7.0 and support libraries now out of beta.
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-03/msg00180.html>
** Till Varoquaux announced:

We are proud to announce the release of core 0.7.0. This is the first
non beta release that compiles on ocaml 3.12 and also the first to be
packaged with oasis. The code has been battle tested a bit more and
should be more stable/better than the 0.7.0~beta1 release. Unlike the
beta, this release also compiles on OSx.

all the packages are available on:

One notable change is that the signature of some of the functions in
type-conv has been changed a little (they don't take a location
argument anymore when they can infer from another one of their
arguments). This is more consistent with the camlp4 library and will
often encourage syntax extension writers to have more precise error
positions in their generated code whilst writing more readable
code. The existing extensions that use type-conv might need to be
ported; this should be a very easy task. If you have any questions
please reply to this mail or write to opensource AT janestreet.com


P.S.: Here's a small script that was used internally to get/compile
all the packages.


set -e -u -o pipefail


if [[ "${RUN_IN:-notset}" = "notset" ]]; then
 MY_TMP="$(mktemp -d '/tmp/get_jsc_package.XXXXX')"
 trap "{ rm -rf ${MY_TMP} ; exit 0; }" EXIT

#Call this script with TEST=yes if you wan to test compilation and linking
#but not to really install pakages on your machine...
if [[ "${TEST:-no}" = "yes" ]]; then
 mkdir -p "$dst_dir"
 cat "$(ocamlfind -printconf ldconf)"  > "$ldconf"
 export OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR="$dst_dir"
 export OCAMLFIND_METADIR="$dst_dir"
 export OCAMLPATH="$dst_dir"
 export OCAMLFIND_LDCONF="$ldconf"

if which wget > /dev/null; then

function dle () {
 rm -rf "$WD"
 mkdir -p "$WD"
 case "${url}" in
         if [[ "$DL_METHOD" = "curl" ]]; then
             curl -L "$url" -o "$dl"
             wget "$url" -O "$dl"
     *) cp "$url" "$dl";;
 tar -xvf "$dl" -C "$WD"
 rm "$dl"
 FILE_COUNT=`ls "$WD"|wc -l|sed -e 's| *||g'`
 if [[ "$FILE_COUNT" != "1" ]]; then
     echo "FILE_COUNT on $(basename "$arch") is $FILE_COUNT" >&2
     exit 1;
 pushd "$WD"/* ;

 if [[ -f configure ]]; then
    chmod +x configure

 #Build script
 if [[ -f setup.ml ]]; then
     ocaml setup.ml -build -classic-display
 make install

dle '<http://forge.ocamlcore.org/frs/download.php/495/ounit-1.1.0.tar.gz>'
#dle '<http://hg.ocaml.info/release/res/archive/release-3.2.0.tar.bz2>'
for i in type-conv-2.3.0.tar.gz bin_prot-1.3.1.tar.gz fieldslib-0.1.2.tar.gz 
sexplib-5.2.1.tar.gz core-0.7.0.tar.gz core_extended-0.7.0.tar.gz; do 
 dle "$PKG_ROOT/$i"
4) Efficient OCaml multicore -- roadmap?
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-03/msg00173.html>
** The editor says:

The yearly multicore discussion has arrived. As usual, it spawned many
messages (please see the archive link if you want to know more). Next
are the original message from Alexy Khrabrov and a reply from Fabrice
Le Fessant with some information from the mothership.
** Alexy Khrabrov asked and Fabrice Le Fessant replied:

> Where does the OCaml team stand on the multicore issues?  A year or so ago, 
> when there was a prototype parallel GC implementation, IIRC, Xavier said it 
> has to be done right.  So what are the official plans and the status of 
> integrating what volunteers had done?
> WIth Scala having a robust actors model and AKKA kernel, and Clojure built 
> around efficient shared memory concurrency with agents and references and 
> STM, and Haskell also really parallel, OCaml is lacking behind.  
> Furthermore, F# builds on strongly parallel .NET, overcoming granddaddy.  
> With multicores common even in laptops and iPads, we need an efficient  
> multicore OCaml!  Due to the model different from Haskell or Scala and 
> Clojure, now all on github, OCaml is both more stable and also is slower to 
> advance -- what do folks think about this situation?  How do you do shared 
> memory parallelism now?

  Actually, I had a discussion two weeks ago with Xavier and Damien
about this issue. There is some kind of agreement that the ocaml way of
supporting multicore would be to have several runtimes running in the
same process, in different threads. That way, the GC would still be
mono-threaded, so almost no speed loss for mono-threaded programs (i.e.
currently all OCaml programs ;-) ). There would be some kind of "fork"
function, that would create a new thread running a function in a new
heap, probably generated by a copy-on-need algorithm. The different
threads would not share heap memory, but would be allowed to share
structures outside of their heaps, probably for simple types like
strings and int/float arrays (or using the Ancient library).

  Now, there are still two problems:
(1) We don't know yet how to implement that in a portable way. TLS
(Thread-local storage) is only available on a few architectures. And not
using TLS implies non-backward compatible changes to the FFI
(Foreign-Functions Interface), i.e. all stub libraries would have to be
(2) As Gerd pointed it, there are not so many programs that would
benefit from that. So it is not currently on the top of our priority
list, although I am planning to give it a try in the next months, at
least for the TLS version.
5) What are "Language extensions"?
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-03/msg00222.html>
** Lauri Alanko asked and Xavier Leroy replied:

> In the O'Caml reference manual, the actual language specification is
> split into two parts, "The Objective Caml language" and "Language
> extensions". I'm curious as to what this division indicates about the
> status of different features of the language.

Don't put too much meaning in this distinction.  Basically, the
"language extensions" chapter describes most of the features that were
added since OCaml 1.00 back in 1995 (!), or that were present in 1.00
but considered a bit experimental then.

This said, only one of those extensions went away in the past (stream
pattern matching, as Martin Jambon recalled), and I don't see any of
the remaining extensions going away in the short to medium term.

However, some of those extensions are a little less "future-proof"
than the core of the language and are more likely to change in
slightly incompatible ways.  A prime example is recursive modules,
whose type-checking has changed a couple of times in the past (because
it walks a fine line between unsoundness and undecidability), breaking
some Caml code that uses recursive modules.

Perhaps, one day, the most stable "extensions" should be moved from
the "language extensions" chapter to the "Objective Caml language"
chapter, but this is just a matter of presentation.

Hope this clarifies the issue.
6) Netamqp, a client for AMQP-0-9-1
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-03/msg00254.html>
** Gerd Stolpmann announced:

the ocaml team at Mylife is proud to release another library to the
public: Netamqp is a client of the AMQP-0-9-1 protocol which is used to
talk to message queue servers. Netamqp is an independent implementation
of such a client, and not simply a wrapper around a C library.  Netamqp
has been tested against RabbitMQ.

Message queues are another way of establishing communication paths
between independent processes. The nice aspect about this architecture
is that message queues form a store-and-forward network: Each
participant is only a client of the central store, and is not required
to permanently check for the arrival of input. Messages arriving when
the client cannot pay attention are preserved in the queue. This makes
message queue networks very robust and easy to operate. The downside is
that there is a single point of failure, namely the queue server.

Messages are just strings of any length. AMQP does not attempt to define
a serialization format.

The Netamqp client allows synchronous and asynchronous message
processing, the latter with the help of Ocamlnet's event loop.

The homepage is at: <http://oss.wink.com/netamqp/>. See there for download
links, and the online manual.

There is a GODI package for Ocaml 3.12: godi-netamqp.
7) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocamlcore.org/>.

Effective ML Revisited (with videos):

Mesh 0.7:

Using Camlp4 for conditional compilation:

Core 0.7.0 is out!:

Calendar 2.03.1 released:
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schm...@polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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