
Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of September 13 to 20, 2011.

1) Towards a really native toplevel? ocamlnat w/o as/ld
2) a push style event combinator
3) A small patch for ocamlc 3.12.1 to find reudundant opens
4) Jane street's core (et al.) post-hurricane code release
5) Lwt and exceptions
6) OCaml installer for windows available
7) OCMP: 0.1 release
8) Morpion et évaluation paresseuse
9) A limitation of "with type" declarations for first-class modules
10) Netamqp, a client for AMQP-0-9-1
11) Other Caml News

1) Towards a really native toplevel? ocamlnat w/o as/ld
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00092.html>
** Continuing an old thread, Benedikt Meurer announced:

> I'll push the i386 version once cleaned up and integrated with the approach 
> implemented for the amd64 version now.

The i386 version is also fully functional now, and our current prototype is 
available from the ocamlnat-jit branch from my "ocaml-experimental" 
repository at:


> It should be noted that there's still some room left for optimizations 
> (i.e. use short jumps whenever possible, etc.), but the results so far are 
> already quite promising: The new ocamlnat beats both the old ocamlnat as 
> well as the byte code toplevel in every benchmark I've tried. I'll prepare 
> a detailed comparison when time permits.

I did a preliminary comparison today, results are available at:


The results are given as speedup compared to the OCaml 3.12.1 byte code 
toplevel. "OCamlNat/jit" is ours, "OCamlNat/ext" is the ocamlnat thing that 
silently ships with OCaml 3.12.1, and "OCamlJIT2" is my previous byte code 
JITter. Time was measured as combined user+system time for the toplevel 
process plus all child processes.

As you can see, we achieved speedups of up to 100 times faster than the byte 
code toplevel (which is in part related to the fact that llvm-gcc is the 
default compiler with OS X Lion, and thereby disables the register assignment 
optimizations for the byte code interpreter).
2) a push style event combinator
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00128.html>
** Satoshi Ogasawara announced:

I'd like to announce the release of PEC, a push style event combinator.

  PEC : <https://github.com/osiire/Pec>

This small module(about 350 LOC) provides

- a composable event.
- map, choose, never, join and several useful functions.
- immediate reactions corresponds sending data to events.
- no memory leaks.

I think PEC is useful to write event driven systems. The signature is as 

type 'a event

(** [make ()] makes a new event and sender function.*)
val make : unit -> 'a event * ('a -> unit)
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a event -> 'b event

(** [choose l] is a event which will be raised when one of specified events 
occurred. *)
val choose : 'a event list -> 'a event
val never : 'a event
(** [join ee] is a event which will be raised when a inner event occurred.
    "Inner event" is a event comes from outer event [ee]. *)
val join : 'a event event -> 'a event
(** [bind e f] is [join (map f e)] *)
val bind : 'a event -> ('a -> 'b event) -> 'b event
val scan : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b event -> 'a event
val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a event -> 'a event
val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a event -> 'b event
val zip : 'a event -> 'b event -> ('a * 'b) event
val take_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a event -> 'a event
val take_while_in : ('a -> bool) -> 'a event -> 'a event
val take_n : int -> 'a event -> 'a event
val once : 'a event -> 'a event
val drop_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a event -> 'a event
val drop_n : int -> 'a event -> 'a event
val delay : int -> 'a event -> 'a event
val pairwise : 'a event -> ('a * 'a) event

(** [subscribe f e] attaches the [f] to the specified event.
    The [f] will be called when the [e] will occurred. *)
val subscribe : ('a -> unit) -> 'a event -> unit

(** [value e] returns a reference cell which store a latest value *)
val value : 'a -> 'a event -> 'a ref

(** [run ()] runs PEC event system and returns a number of queuing size of 
sended data. *)
val run : unit -> int

 Using PEC, you can write a drag event from mouse events like this.

let (+>) f g = g f
(* E is PEC module *)
let dragging mouse_down mouse_up mouse_move =
  E.bind mouse_down (fun dloc -> E.choose [
    E.map (fun uloc -> `Drop (dloc, uloc)) mouse_up;
    E.map (fun mloc -> `Drag (dloc, mloc)) mouse_move;
  +> E.take_while_in (function `Drop _ -> false | _ -> true))
** Philippe Veber asked and Satoshi Ogasawara replied:

> How would you compare it with react (<http://erratique.ch/software/react>) 
> which, AFAIU, can
> be used for similar purposes ? At least I can see there is no notion of 
> signal (continuous
> function of time) in PEC (or maybe signals can be emulated somehow ?). Also 
> could you
> comment on the 'no memory leaks' feature ?

Yes, both the react and PEC can be used for similar purpose. But there
are some different points between the two libraries.

 - PEC is "subscribe" centered. If you leave a event alone without
subscribing, no actions will be occurred even if you send data to the
event.  The react library's system always runs update cycle at sending
data to events.

 - Instead of signal, PEC have "value" function. "value" function
attaches a event and returns a reference cell which contains latest
occurrence data of the event.  I think it's enough because signal is
only terminal point of reactive events.

 - PEC's inside representation of event is not dependency graph but
just nested variants.  Let me assume a event A depends on other event
B. In case of using dependency graph, event B has pointer of event
A. This caused difficulty about memory leaks because there is no good
timing to free the event A.  PEC's event is just a nested variants. It
means that event A has pointer of event B.  So the event A will be
garbage-collected automatically when the reference to the event A from
application layer disappeared. That is the reason why "no memory
3) A small patch for ocamlc 3.12.1 to find reudundant opens
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00132.html>
** Jun Furuse announced:

I have written a patch to detect redundant opens in OCaml source code,
which is useful to keep your opened module list minimum. Keeping the
list smaller is good to avoid name space contamination.

You can obtain the latest diff for OCaml 3.12.1 from my repo at
<https://bitbucket.org/camlspotter/mutated_ocaml> . After cloning, get
it by:

    hg diff -r ocaml-3.12.1-11110 -r redundant_open_warning

After patching, building is as usual:

    make core coreboot world opt opt.opt install # Beware what you are doing!

I have found nearly 150 redundant opens in OCaml source code! You
should check your OCaml code with it, too!

** Mehdi Dogguy then asked and Jun Furuse replied:

> It looks interesting. Thanks for your contribution ! Can you open a
> bugreport on mantis [1] and attach the patch there? so that it doesn't
> get lost.
> [1] <http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/>

Done. <http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=5357>
4) Jane street's core (et al.) post-hurricane code release
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00137.html>
** Continuing this thread, Markus Mottl announced:

this seems like a good occasion to announce the availability of the
latest versions of Jane Street Core, Core Extended, and related
libraries (type-conv, bin-prot, sexplib, fieldslib, variantslib) in
Godi.  Your preprocessing problem should be fixed in the latest
versions of these packages.  For manual installation you may need to
download some of them from OCaml Forge instead, which is more
up-to-date.  All packages should build on both Linux and Mac OS X.
Jane Street's "patdiff" tool should also become available in Godi some
time later today.
5) Lwt and exceptions
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00145.html>
** Deep in this thread, Dmitry Grebeniuk said and Jérémie Dimino replied:

> When I began to use Lwt, I was badly surprised
> by the fact that Lwt.t values are not real I/O actions.
> So I had to get a new habit: if the top-level module
> value has type Lwt.t 'a, I have to defer its
> computation by wrapping it under "fun () -> <expr>".
> And I have to remember which of my functions return
> Lwt.t values, which of my abstract types really have
> type Lwt.t 'a or contain the Lwt.t 'a values, to defer
> their computations/sideeffects too.

You are comparing Lwt with the IO monad. They are two different monads:
IO deals with actions while Lwt deals with threads. If you write:

  let m = IO.read_char IO.stdin

then [m] is just the description of the action of reading a character
from [stdin]. On the contrary, if you write:

  let m = Lwt_io.read_char Lwt_io.stdin

then [m] is really a thread waiting for a character from [stdin]. If you
use "fun () -> ..." everywhere then this becomes actions but it is not
threads anymore and you loose most of the advantages of Lwt. For example
with Lwt you can write:

  let t1 = f1 ()
  and t2 = f2 ()
  and tn = fn () in 
  Lwt.bind t1 (fun x1 -> Lwt.bind t2 (fun x2 -> ... Lwt.bind tn (fun xn -> 
return (x1, x2, ..., xn)) ...))

and this will let [t1], ..., [tn] run concurrently. With the IO monad
this is just exactly the same as:

  let x1 = f1 () in
  let x2 = f2 () in
  let xn = fn () in
  (x1, x2, ..., xn)

in a non-monadic world. There is no concurrency at all.
6) OCaml installer for windows available
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00147.html>
** Jonathan Protzenko announced:

I created an installer for Windows. I'd be happy if you could try it
out, give me feedback, and tell me if it works for you. Download it
there: <http://yquem.inria.fr/~protzenk/caml-installer.html>.

What does the installer do?

The installer is built using mingw/msys (*not* cygwin), 32bit
flavor. The installer :
- installs a full ocaml distribution, 
- sets up the path, env variables, ld.conf, etc. 
- downloads the right activetcl installer and launches its setup if
the user doesn't have the right version of activetcl installed
- unless the user opts-out, the installer will download emacs, install
the caml-mode files, associate .ml and .mli files with emacs in the
windows explorer, and write the right .el files so that the caml-mode
is operational without requiring any extra configuration,
- the installer will also add start menu entries and register
uninstall information for the control panel "add/remove programs"

Basically, once the installer is done, you can fire up an emacs and do
M-x run-caml, and it works.

Because I'm not bundling any as.exe, users will need extra steps to
enjoy native compilation. The recommended procedure (also described at
the link above) is to install mingw/msys to get a working unix-like
environment, and export the right FLEXLINKFLAGS. Because I'm bundling
flexlink in the installer, this is the only manual action that's

Target audience

My main target is students / non-geeks who just want an emacs to play
with, and possibly a little bit extra environment to try out
compilation. I don't intend on investing a lot of time / energy into
this. My goal is not to provide anything like a full ocaml
distribution (I've been told godi works on windows), more like a quick
and easy way to get setup.

I would like you to implement feature X

If you have any feature requests, please submit a patch. The project
lives on GitHub <https://github.com/protz/ocaml-installer> so please
do send pull requests if you feel so inclined.
7) OCMP: 0.1 release
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00151.html>
** Stéphane Legrand announced:

This is an annoucement for the first release of the OCMySQLProtocol
(OCMP) project .
OCMP is a native (no link with the MySQL C library) implementation of
the MySQL client protocol.

- Bitstring.
- Cryptokit.
- and optional oUnit.

Home page:

Usage example:

GPL v2 (same as MySQL open-source version).

Suggestions, comments and bug reports are welcome.
8) Morpion et évaluation paresseuse
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00154.html>
** Jeremy Fix announced in French:

En m'inspirant du papier de Hughes (1990): "Why functional programming
matters", j'ai écrit une page sous la forme d'un sujet de TP pour
coder l'algorithme minimax et alpha-beta pour résoudre le jeu de
Morpion en voulant illustrer l'évaluation paresseuse et en se passant
le plus possible des mots clefs impératifs (notemment les boucles) et
sans utiliser les mots clefs d'évaluation paresseuse de Caml
(Lazy.force, ..)

Ca se trouve ici : <http://jeremy.fix.free.fr/spip.php?article32>

La solution se trouve tout en bas de la page.

Toutes les critiques sont les bienvenues.
9) A limitation of "with type" declarations for first-class modules
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00158.html>
** Yaron Minsky asked:

For some reason, 1st-class modules have more restrictive "with"
syntax, which turns out to be a practical problem.

The main constraint is that with constraints do not seem to be able to
refer to sub-modules.  Consider the following code snippet:

>     module type Foo = sig type t end
>     module type Bar = sig module Foo : Foo end
>     (* compiles *)
>     let g (type a) (m : (module Foo with type t = a)) = ()
>     (* fails to compile with a syntax error *)
>     let f (type a) (m : (module Bar with type Foo.t = a)) = ()

Of course, ordinary modules have no such constraint.  Any thoughts as
to what is going on here, and whether it can be fixed?  This has
really restricted designs I've been using, forcing me to flatten out
structures that are more naturally nested.
** Alain Frisch then replied:

The important point is that package types (the ... in a type
expression (module ...) or in an expression (module M : ...)) are not
module types. Syntactically, they are indeed a subset of module types,
but it is a strict subset, and they obey different rules than module

Package types live at the boundary between types and module types. In
a packing expression (module M : ...), the package type must produce a
well-typed module type. This is why you cannot write (module M : S
with type t = 'a), because "S with type t = 'a" is not a proper module
type. But (module S with type t = 'a) is a correct type.

Package types must also support all operations on types, including
equality, unification, etc. For instance, unifying (module S1 with
type t = 'a) and (module S2 with type t = 'b) is defined as checking
than S1 and S2 are equivalent paths and unifying 'a and 'b. The fact
that a package type can also be seen as a module type is nowhere used
in this definition. (Of course, one must be careful when defining
equality of package types that it does not allow to cast a module from
one module type to an incompatible one.)

There is some flexibility in both the definition of admissible package
types and the definition of equality between package types.

For instance, I don't see any problem or difficulty in your proposal
of allowing constraints on types nested in sub-modules (but this
should be checked carefully). Feel free to open a feature request for
this! Similarly, one could allow "with type t :=" constraints in
addition to "with type t =". Is there a need for that? One could also
relax equality of package types (module S1 with ...) and (module S2
with ...) by checking that S1 and S2 expand to structurally equivalent
module types (with the exact same ordering between value components!).
10) Netamqp, a client for AMQP-0-9-1
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2011-09/msg00168.html>
** Continuing the thread from last week, Gerd Stolpmann and Richard Jones 

> > Gerd, have you tried to interoperate with any other language?
> Well, this was developed for Mylife in a project where the sender was
> written in Python. (I don't have access to this code anymore, though,
> since I left Mylife.)
> > I tried examples/t_sender.ml along with the following Python receiver
> > (all on the same RabbitMQ instance), but the Python code didn't appear
> > to see any messages at all.  I'm quite probably doing something stupid.
> What's missing here is that you need to bind the queue to an exchange.
> Remember that t_sender only sends the message to the exchange amq.direct
> with a routing key of test_xy_routing_key. It does not send the message
> to test_xy directly (which is not possible). Without binding, the
> exchange just drops unroutable messages.
> Don't know exactly how to bind in Python, but watch out for a method
> queue_bind.

Thanks, that works.  For future reference, below is the full
working receiver.



import pika

connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
channel = connection.channel()



def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
    print " [x] Received %r" % (body,)


print ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C'
11) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocamlcore.org/>.

Logistic Regression in OCaml:

Higher Order Fun:

New logo and new Website for the Ocsigen project:

iOS is anti-UNIX and anti-programmer.:


Redundant open module warning for OCaml:

Coming to ICFP/CUFP?  Propose a BOF!:
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schm...@polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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