
Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of April 23 to 30, 2013.

1) first release of dolog: the dumb ocaml logger
2) ackermann microbenchmark strange results
3) OCaml-Java & concurrent programming: request for feedback
4) OCaml mechanize?
5) Request for feedback: A problem with injectivity and GADTs
6) Book reviewers wanted
7) Thematic trimester "Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics", spring 
2014, Paris
8) Other Caml News

1) first release of dolog: the dumb ocaml logger
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-04/msg00162.html>
** Francois Berenger announced:

After an 'opam update', you should be able to see the dolog package.

Here is its minimalistic interface definition:
type log_level = FATAL | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

val set_log_level : log_level -> unit
val set_output : out_channel -> unit

val fatal : string Lazy.t -> unit
val error : string Lazy.t -> unit
val warn : string Lazy.t -> unit
val info : string Lazy.t -> unit
val debug : string Lazy.t -> unit

The full source code can be found here:


The license is a BSD one.

I believe the more complete logging alternative
is Xavier Clerc's Bolt (<http://bolt.x9c.fr/>).
2) ackermann microbenchmark strange results
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-04/msg00179.html>
** ygrek asked:

Got some time scratching my head over this little puzzle.
Consider this bog-standard ackermann code :

let rec ack m n =
  match m, n with
  | 0,n -> n+1
  | m,0 -> ack (m-1) 1
  | m,n -> ack (m-1) (ack m (n-1))
in let _ = ack 4 1 ()

One could also pass m and n as a tuple. Also the call to the actual computation
can be a toplevel let or not.  All in all 4 variants. Can you predict what will
be the performance and what is the difference (if any) in generated code?

All code and Makefile is attached.

Running `make bench` here consistently gives the following (ack1, ack3 - tuples,
ack2, ack4 - curried) :





Tested with 3.12.1 and 4.00.1 (ack4 becomes slower).

Moreover, the generated assembly code for the main loop is the same, afaics.
The only difference is the initialization of structure fields and the initial
call to ack. Please can anybody explain the performance difference? I understand
that microbenchmarks are no way the basis to draw performance conclusions upon,
but I cannot explain these results to myself in any meaninful way.
Please help! :)
** Many people replied, including Xavier Leroy:

As others said, probably code placement. A good tool to explore these
issues under Linux is "perf", in particular "perf stats", which lets
you count various hardware events. Running it on your 4 programs,
you'll see that the number of instructions executed is almost exactly
the same, but the branch mispredictions (for instance) vary
significantly, in a way correlated with the overall execution time.

(Note that this doesn't have anything to do with OCaml: you'd observe
crazy variations like these with any compiled language.)

> I understand that microbenchmarks are no way the basis to draw
> performance conclusions upon, but I cannot explain these results to
> myself in any meaninful way.

Nobody can except perhaps a few engineers at Intel or AMD who have the
whole microarchitecture of their processors imprinted in their heads.
(And then they will not tell you.) See, modern microarchitectures
contain so many clever heuristics that performance is generally very
good but essentially unpredictable...

rixed AT happyleptic.org

> Remember me of a paper I read some years ago that was measuring the
> effect of the various optimisation levels of gcc against the effect
> of addresses choices (randomised using environment strings of
> various lengths!), and which conclusion was that the effect of -O3
> compared to -O2 was less than the effect of "choosing" a good
> environment string :-) Couldn't find it again using Google ; maybe
> someone remember this paper?

It's probably "Producing Wrong Data Without Doing Anything Obviously
Wrong!" by Diwan et al, ASPLOS 2009,
This paper made quite a splash in the compiler community...        
3) OCaml-Java & concurrent programming: request for feedback
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-04/msg00180.html>
** Xavier Clerc:

The OCaml-Java is a project whose goal is to allow compilation
of OCaml sources to Java bytecode, thus allowing execution on
any JVM. The objectives are to gain access to a greater number
of libraries, and to be able to take advantage of multiple cores.

A new binary release of OCaml-Java has just been published,
with an enhanced version of the "concurrent" library. The library
features many different abstractions over concurrent computations:
atomics, futures, fork/join, map/reduce, STM, etc. An introduction
to the library can be found at the following address:
while general information about the project, and download links
can be reached at the following address:

I am looking for testers of the OCaml-Java project at large, and
of the concurrent library in particular. So, if you are interested in
OCaml multicore programming, just give it a try and give feedback
(either here, by private mail, or through the bugtracker available
at <http://bugs.x9c.fr>). Thanks in advance.
4) OCaml mechanize?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-04/msg00194.html>
** Paolo Donadeo asked and Stéphane Glondu replied:

> Is there something available in OCaml along the line of Python
> "mechanize <http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/mechanize/>"?

There are bindings to Perl's WWW::Mechanize in perl4caml. Its website
seems down, but it is packaged in Debian [1].

5) Request for feedback: A problem with injectivity and GADTs
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-04/msg00196.html>
** Jacques Garrigue said, spawning a huge thread:

Some of you may already be aware of PR#5985

To explain very shortly what is happening, a bug was found in the ocaml
compiler, both 4.00 and the development version, such that one that
convert a value from any type to any other type, bypassing all checks.
This is what we call a soundness bug, a hole in the type system.

Such problems happen at times, and we are usually very fast to fix them.
However this time the problem is bit more subtle, because fixing it
straightforwardly may make impossible to write a whole category of
GADTs. Hence this request for feedback.

Practical description of the problem:

It is quite usual to write type witnesses using a GADT:

type _ ty =
  | Int : int ty
  | Pair : 'a ty * 'b ty -> ('a * 'b) ty
  | Hashtbl : 'a ty * 'b ty -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t ty

This looks fine, but now suppose that we write the following code:

module F (X : sig type 'a t end) = struct
   type _ ty =
    | Int : int ty
    | Pair : 'a ty * 'b ty -> ('a * 'b) ty
    | T : 'a ty -> 'a X.t ty

The idea is to create a type witness with the
type constructor X.t instead of Hashtbl.t.
Now I can use it this way:

module U = struct type 'a t = unit end
module M = F(U)
let w = M.T M.Int
(* val w : int U.t M.ty *)
let w' = match w with M.T x -> x | _ -> assert false
(* val w' : '_a M.ty = M.Int *)

What this means is that we can now give an arbitrary type
to a witness for int. You can easily use it to build a function
from int to any  type:

let f : type a. a M.ty -> int -> a =
  fun w x -> match w with M.Int -> x | _ -> assert false;;
let g : int -> float = f w';;

If we look at the source of the problem, it lies in the fact U.t is not 
I.e. when we define a GADT, we assume that all the type variables in
the return type can be determined from the type parameter.
That is, from (int U.t M.ty) we assume that the type of the argument of T is 
(int M.ty).
However, since U.t is not injective, int U.t is actually equal to any type 'a 
and we can convert.
Note that, for known types, injectivity was already checked.
I.e., the following definition is not accepted:

type _ ty =
  | Int : int ty
  | Pair : 'a ty * 'b ty -> ('a * 'b) ty
  | T : 'a ty -> 'a U.t ty

However, abstract types were assumed to be injective.
Here we see that you cannot take this for granted.

The problem is of course not limited to type witnesses, and not even GADTs:
types with constrained parameters (introduced at the very beginning of ocaml),
can also trigger it.
And you don't need a functor to trigger it: once you know that two types are 
in some scope, there are many ways to leak that information.

Here comes the request for feedback:

The fix is simple enough: we should track injectivity, and assume that abstract
types are not injective by default.
However, this also means that the first type I defined above (using Hashtbl.t)
will be refused.

How many of you are using GADTs in this way, and how dependent are you on
abstract types ?

If we need to be able to define GADTs relying on the injectivity of some 
types, a straightforward solution is to add injectivity annotations on type 
the same way it was done for variance:

  type #'a t

would mean that t is injective.
This is implemented in branches/non-vanishing, in the subversion repository.
        svn checkout <http://caml.inria.fr/svn/branches/non-vanishing>
Note that in that branch Hashtbl.t in the standard library is marked as 
This introduces some new syntax, and libraries have to be modified to benefit,
so the question is do we really need it?

Jacques Garrigue

If you are curious about other difficulties of GADTs, the is also 
which introduces a notion of new types, either concrete or abstract, which are 
to be distinct from each other, and any other concrete type. This is useful when
checking the exhaustiveness of pattern-matching, as we can then discard 
branches. That branch is completely experimental.
** Among many replies, Jacques Garrigue said:

First, let me reiterate my request for feedback:

What I want to know is whether anybody is using GADTs in a way that would be
broken if we disallow type variables under abstract types (other than the
predefined ones) in the return type of GADTs.  I.e., for instance defining a
type witness type involving such abstract types.

This is really the question I want you all to answer.

If this is not the case, we can safely prohibit that at this point, and take
our time to think about the solution.

But if there are some users, we had better provide at least some mechanism,
and injectivity annotations seem to be the less intrusive (they don't
break any code, at least any existing code).
We may need to make clear that they are experimental and might
disappear, but at least we are not in a complete void.

Now just my 2 centimes on alternative approaches

Alain Frisch wrote:

> Jacques Le Normand wrote:
> > Fully injective types are the norm. It would have been nice to have a
> > "non injectivity" or "phantom type" annotation. Since phantom types are
> > seldom used, beginners won't get confused. It might even help beginners
> > understand the concept of a phantom type.
> I'd also prefer an annotation on "non injective" type parameters, rather than
> on "injective" one.  The problem with this approach is that it requires 
> existing
> well-typed code to be rewritten, to add these annotations (while annotating
> injectivity will only impact code using GADTs).  I still believe this is less
> intrusive than requiring most parametrized abstract type to be annotated, or
> else making GADTs less useful.

This may be a good idea for 5.00, but honestly this is a big change.

Moreover it is not so clear that this is the right choice for functors:
when a functor takes an abstract type as argument, it usually doesn't care
whether it is injective or not. And in practice there is a technique of adding
a type parameter to abstract types just in case we want to pass a parameterized
type, but usually using this functor for non-parameterized types.

Another point is that I'm not sure how much "less useful" GADTs become when one
forgets an injectivity annotation somewhere.

> For the transition, we could have two compilation modes (decided on the
> command-line) for this feature.  In "non-injective" (legacy) mode, every
> parametrized abstract type would be assumed to be non-injective.  This would
> allow to compile existing code bases (at least those not relying on GADTs).  
> In
> "injective-by-default" mode, non-injective parameters would need to be marked 
> as
> such.  Enabling this mode will require a few annotations to be added to 
> existing
> code, but this will be very easy, so I guess we don't need to support
> "injectivity" annotations the "non-injective" mode.

Again, the defect of such a mode is that it is going to apply to everything,
including functors.  A functor compiled in this mode might be not be applicable
to some modules, whereas there was no reason from the beginning to require
injectivity there.

And just using variance to change the behavior is not going to work well:
a standard practice is to explicitly define module types for the input and 
output of
the functor. We want the output types to be injective, but we don't really need 
requirement for the input types. But they are just module type definitions?
(See hashtbl.mli for instance for this pattern.)
** Nathan Mishra Linger replied and Jacques Garrigue said:

> Our codebase at Jane Street would not suffer from the proposed fix.
> In fact, we have previously wished the type system tracked injectivity of type
> constructors.  Because it didn't, we wrote Type_equal.Injective [^1] for cases
> when we need to track injectivity ourselves.
> [^1] 
> <https://ocaml.janestreet.com/ocaml-core/latest/doc/core/Type_equal.Injective.html>

Thank you for the pointer.

One could say this actually shows the need for injectivity annotations
(eventhough Core currently works around them).

To be more precise, injectivity has several uses:

1) To allow you to infer equations between types.
   For instance, assuming the standard equality witness type:

        type (_,_) equal = Eq : ('a,'a) equal

   the following function typeckecks

        let conv1 : type a b. (a array, b array) equal -> a -> b = fun Eq x -> x

   because array is known to be injective, but  this one doesn't

        let conv2 : type a b. (a Queue.t, b Queue.t) equal -> a -> b = fun Eq x 
-> x

   because Queue.t is an abstract type whose injectivity is unknown.

   This part was correctly handled since 4.00.0.

2) To allow you to prove exhaustiveness of pattern matching, by ensuring
   that other cases cannot happen. For instance,

        type (_,_) comp =
          | Ceq : ('a,'a) comp
          | Cany : ('a,'b) comp

        let f (x : (int array,bool array) comp) = match x with Cany -> ()
   causes no warning, because the type system can prove that Ceq since
   int array and bool array cannot be equal in any scope. However

        let f (x : (int Queue.t, bool Queue.t) comp) = match x with Cany -> 0

   should emit a warning, because we cannot prove that int Queue.t and
   bool Queue.t are distinct in the absence of injectivity information.
   Note that this is not correctly handled in 4.00, and you will get no warning
   in this situation. Worse, since the code is optimized accordingly (i.e. no
   runtime check is introduced), if the type is really not injective, and you
   pass Eq, you can use this as a hole in the type system.
   This now works correctly in trunk (PR#5981).

3) The problem I describe in my first mail. I.e. when defining a type,
   if you use type variables appearing in constrained type parameters,
   you need the type constructors leading to the type variables to be
   injective. This is PR#5985, and it is only fixed in branches/non-vanishing.

The goal of the Type_equal.Injective interface in Core  is to work around the
limitation on abstract types in (1), by letting you prove injectivity by hand.
But if we had injectivity annotations, this would solve simultaneously all 3
problems: no need to build proofs by hand anymore.

So I understand you answer as: Jane Street is not directly concerned by
(3) at this point, and has already developed a workaround for (1).
I suppose you could profit from injectivity annotations, since you had
to develop a workaround, but this may not be that urgent.

(2) is not so much a problem, since it only means that you may have to
add extra cases to pattern-matching.
** Jacques Garrigue then said:

I have now committed in trunk a fix to PR#5985.
You can use it to test whether your codebase runs into problems.
You can either obtain it from subversion directly
svn checkout <http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk>
or use opam to do it for you.

I checked that at least Core itself compiles without problems.

Again, if you run into problems, you can try branches/non-vanishing,
which allows you to annotate some abstract types are injective.
** The editor says:

There was a huge discussion after this. Please follow the archive link above if
you want to read more.
6) Book reviewers wanted
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-04/msg00209.html>
** John Whitington announced:

I have prepared a book "OCaml from the Very Beginning" which will be published
in the next few months.

If you have been involved in teaching OCaml to people who have never programmed
before in any language, either academically or more informally (or have a
special interest in this situation), and feel you can spare a little time to
review a draft, please drop me a note by email.

(A paid technical review will also be done -- this adds to rather than replaces

If you've already seen an earlier draft, no need to write -- I'll also be
sending this draft to the same people as last time.
7) Thematic trimester "Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics", spring 
2014, Paris
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-04/msg00219.html>
** Pierre-Louis Curien announced:

We are pleased to announce the following important event.

A 3-months trimester

"Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics"

will take place at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France

in the spring 2014 (from 22 April to 11 July, preceded by a preschool at
CIRM, Marseille).

Details are enclosed below.

Pierre-Louis Curien, Hugo Herbelin, and Paul-André Melliès (organisers)

Dear colleague,

It is our pleasure to announce a programme on "Semantics of proofs and
certified mathematics" organised by the Centre Emile Borel of Henri Poincare
Institute in Paris, from April 7th to July 11th, 2014.

The organisers are Pierre-Louis Curien, Hugo Herbelin and Paul-Andre Mellies.

Information on the programme can be found at : <http://www.ihp.fr/en> or at

Registration for the programme is free and recommended on:


Deadline to apply for financial support is September 16th, 2013

During this trimester:

- A summerschool at CIRM is organized from April 7th to April 18th, 2014:
If you intend to participate in this event, it will be necessary to make a
pre registration through this link:
The number of participants to CIRM Summer School being limited, if necessary
a selection among the applications will have to be made by the organisers.


- 5 workshops will take place:
1) « Formalization of mathematics in proof assistants » - May 5th to 9th
(except Thursday, 8th- bank holiday)
2) « Constructive mathematics and models of type theory » - June 2th to 6th
3) « Semantics of proofs and programs » June 10th to 14th (Tuesday through
Saturday- Monday, 9th-bank holiday)
4) « Abstraction and verification in semantics » June 23rd to 27th
5) « Certification of high-level and low-level programs » July 7th to 11th

If you intend to participate to one or several of these events please
register first to the whole programme. Registrations for these workshops will
be opened later on.

I will at that time send you a message informing you about it.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Paris!
The poster of the trimester programme may be retrieved from the site
8) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocaml.org/>.

Cryptokit 1.7 released:

forge distribution upgrade 2013/04/24 - 04/27:
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schm...@polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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