
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of January 03 to 10, 2017.

1) Positions available (functional programmer/OCaml/Ocsigen)
2) ppx_deriving question: deferring code generation?
3) Lwt 2.7.0 ? monadic promises; concurrent I/O
4) Preparing a project for opam
5) Portable way to retrieve and unpack tar files from github
6) Improved type error messages for Ocaml
7) Ocaml Github Pull Requests
8) Other OCaml News

1) Positions available (functional programmer/OCaml/Ocsigen)
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-01/msg00016.html>
** Be Sport announced:

Be Sport is looking for programmers familiar with functional languages, for a
development and research work.

The company:
Be Sport is a young tech company currently building its developers team. We have
a very ambitious development program and we believe in the use of modern
technologies coming from research to build strong basis for our apps. We work in
close relationship with research laboratories (CNRS, Inria, univ. Paris Diderot
...). Our main focus at the moment are languages and typing for Web and mobile
apps, recommendation algorithms for social networks, classification algorithms.

Our first app is a social network dedicated to sport.
Be Sport premises are located in the center of Paris.

We are looking for developers to take part in the development of some features
of our apps. Good general developers, knowing OCaml or other functional
languages (or willing to learn) are welcome.

Other skills related to the implementation of a social network are also welcome:
machine learning, database, search engines, etc.

The developers will be integrated in the programming team: participation in the
writing of specifications, implementation (client / server), stylesheets,
testing ? They will initially work on improving existing features, before
progressively taking the lead on some components.

Candidates must have some expertise on some of the following technologies:
Typed functional languages, ((especially OCaml and Ocsigen Js_of_ocaml/Eliom but
it is not mandatory)
Machine learning
Web programming (CSS, Javascript?)
2) ppx_deriving question: deferring code generation?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-01/msg00017.html>
** François Pottier asked:

I am currently in the process of writing a ppx_deriving plugin, called
"visitors". Overall, this has been a pleasant experience; a few hundred lines
of code have been sufficient to obtain nontrivial results.

In normal use, the user writes something like this:

  type foo =
    Bar | Baz
    [@@deriving visitors]

and some generated code is inserted just after the definition of the type foo.

However, I have reached a situation where the generated code cannot be placed
just after the type definition. That is, I need to allow user-written code to
appear after the type definition and before the generated code.

For instance, this user-written code could be a declaration of a global
variable "x", whose type is "foo ref", and which the generated code uses. The
declaration of "x" must appear after the definition of the type "foo", because
the type of "x" mentions "foo". And the declaration of "x" must appear before
the generated code, because the generated code (intentionally) refers to "x".

I am imagining that perhaps the user could write something like this:

  type foo =
    Bar | Baz
    [@@deriving visitors { delayed = true }

  let x : foo option ref =
    ref None


The effect of the flag { delayed = true } would be to store the generated code
somewhere in memory (instead of emitting right away), and the effect of the
floating attribute [@@visitors] would be to fetch that code from memory and
emit it.

To me, this seems somewhat ugly, but workable. Does ppx_deriving offer a
better approach? Does anyone have a better suggestion? Comments are
** Gabriel Scherer replied:

The semantics you propose is inherently stateful: delays accumulates some state
and [@@visitors]'s meaning (nitpick: I think it should be a floating attribute,
[@@@visitors]) depends on the current state. You could design a similar facility
using names for references instead of implicit state:

type foo =
Bar | Baz

let x : foo option ref =
ref None

[@@@deriving.for foo (visitors)]

(If we had access to the type-checking environment, [@@deriving.for p] could be
valid for any qualified identifier p that points to a transparent definition in
the current environment. Given the current ppx pipeline, I suppose that would
have to be restricted to being in the syntactic scope of an actual declaration.)

Hongbo Zhang introduced a similar "deriving from a distance" feature in his
preprocessor Fan, for the reason you give, and also to allow deriving
boilerplate code of datatypes defined in third-party libraries without having to
modify them directly.
** Christoph Höger also replied, and François Pottier said:

> Just out of curiosity, what does "vistors" do? If it resembles the usual
> Visitor Pattern you might find my ppx_deriving_morphism useful:
> <https://github.com/choeger/ppx_deriving_morphism/>
> (either as a starting point or inspiration or as something to obsolete).

Interesting -- thanks for your reply. Although I did search for related ppx
plugins, I did not find yours.

At a glance, my plugin seems broadly analogous to yours; it also generates
"iter" (= "fold") and "map" visitors. It differs superficially in that it uses
OCaml objects instead of OCaml records. It differs perhaps more deeply in that
the generated code can have more varied types, beyond your "map_routine" and
"fold_routine". But I need to experiment more, and write more documentation,
before making a public release.
** Alain Frisch also replied, and François Pottier said:

> I don't know if this would cover all similar cases, and perhaps it is a
> bit verbose, but what about something like:
>     include(struct
>      type foo = Bar | Baz
>      let x = ...
>     end [@deriving visitors])
> i.e. use an attribute on the module expression (and interpret it by appending
> more declarations to the structure).

This sounds potentially reasonable. However, I am not sure if ppx_deriving
allows this. If it doesn't, then I would have to package my code generator as
a ppx preprocessor, instead of a ppx_deriving plugin. Maybe that would be
easy; I am not sure exactly how much grunt work ppx_deriving is doing for me.
** whitequark finally replied:

> To me, this seems somewhat ugly, but workable. Does ppx_deriving offer a
> better approach? Does anyone have a better suggestion? Comments are
> appreciated.

ppx_deriving currently does not allow for any (non-horrible) way to do this.
I am OK with the approach you propose.
3) Lwt 2.7.0 ? monadic promises; concurrent I/O
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-01/msg00030.html>
** Anton Bachin announced:

I am pleased to announce release 2.7.0 of Lwt.


The primary goals of this release are (1) to improve communication
between maintainers and users, and (2) to prepare for (minor) breaking
changes to some APIs in Lwt 3.0.0 (planned for April). The changelog is
available here:


- Lwt now uses deprecation warnings ([@deprecated]), especially for
  upcoming breaking changes [1]. This required dropping support for
  OCaml 4.01.
- There is a gradual, communicative, conservative process for
  deprecation and breaking [2]. Maintainers of packages in OPAM get
  notified proactively (see [1] again). If you have code not published
  in OPAM, watch the Lwt repo, recompile the code at least once in three
  months, watch this mailing list, or subscribe to the Lwt announcements
  issue [3].
- If a planned breaking change is a bad idea, please let the maintainers
  know when you see the warning.
- Lwt now uses semantic versioning [4]. The major version will grow
  slowly but steadily, but this does not mean that the whole API is
  being redesigned or broken.

If you are releasing a package to OPAM that depends on Lwt, it is not
recommended to constrain Lwt to its current major version. A major
release of Lwt will break only a few APIs, and your package is likely
not to be affected ? if it is, you will be notified. You may, however,
wish to constrain Lwt to a major version in your private or production

- The main OPAM package lwt is getting rid of some optional
  dependencies in 3.0.0, which are now installable through separate OPAM
  packages lwt_ssl, lwt_glib, lwt_react. This is to reduce recompilation
  of Lwt when installing OPAM packages ssl, lablgtk, and react.
- Values of types 'a Lwt.t are now called promises rather than threads.
  This should eliminate a lot of confusion for beginners.

Lwt 2.7.0 also has a number of more ordinary changes, such as bug fixes
and the addition of bindings to writev and readv. See the full
changelog [5].

I am working on an all-new manual, including fully rewritten API
documentation with examples. It should be ready towards the end of

My hope is that all the above allows Lwt to be taken progressively into
the future, at the same time making development more open and more
humane :)


[1]: <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/issues/308>
[2]: <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/issues/293>
[3]: <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/issues/309>
[4]: <http://semver.org/>
[5]: <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/releases/tag/2.7.0>
** Ivan Gotovchits replied:

These are the great news! 

And thanks for the maintainers notification, it was really helpful :)

I have one comment, though:

 Values of types 'a Lwt.t are now called promises rather than threads.
 This should eliminate a lot of confusion for beginners.

And create a confusion for seasoned programmers, especially for those who are
accustomed to C++ newly introduced concepts, like promises and futures, where a
promise has quite an opposite meaning. In short, it has the same meaning as a
value of type `'a Lwt.u`, i.e., it is an object through which a promise can be
fulfilled. I think that it is better to refer to Lwt.t threads as futures
because they are the values, whose value is determined in the future. Another
way to name them is `deferred`, again for the same reason. You can also say,
that a value of type `'a Lwt.t` is a computation. You can also try to borrow
names from the Standard ML community, where `'a Lwt.t` like objects are named as

Finally, you may also find this project interesting [1]. This is an attempt to
factor out the core idea from both Core Async and Lwt. In particular, the Future
library allows us to write a monadic code, that is independent of a particular
implementation (Lwt or Async or Identity monad).

** Ivan Gotovchits then added:

Forgot to mention F# and their asynchronous workflows [1]. These guys did a good
job of hiding a monad behind simple ideas. Basically, they use term
"asynchronous computation" for the values of type `'a Lwt.t`

** Anton Bachin replied to Ivan:

I personally would have preferred to call them futures. I actually come
from a C++ background, including modern C++, and also I just like the
word "future" more than "promise."

However, I read through some articles, blogs, and SO posts, and came
away with the impression that the terminology is really not settled
between languages. Given that, I chose "promise" and "resolver" with the
following reasoning:

- The term promise is used in JavaScript.
- A large number of programmers use JavaScript.
- Lwt compiles to JavaScript sometimes.
- We may want to give special support for interfacing between Lwt and
JavaScript promises one day [1].
- Presumably, the people who standardized on "promise" in JavaScript had
good reasons for doing so, which I don't have time to deeply
investigate at the moment. While it is true that C++, among other
communities, standardized on different terminology, and also had good
reasons for doing so, the JavaScript precedent suggests that "promise"
is somehow defensible. I am "calling" on this precedent as an opaque
"library" of argument and experience. This may be a mistake :)
- I believe, during their process, JavaScript eventually explicitly rejected
both terms "future" and "deferred."
- "resolver" is just what I was left with after assigning "promise" to
what I thought should be "future" :)

The work-in-progress manual uses these terms.

It is possible to change the terminology, with suitable arguments. The
terminology issue is in GitHub [2].


[1]: <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/issues/270>
[2]: <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/issues/300>
** Ivan Gotovchits then said:

> - The term promise is used in JavaScript.
> - A large number of programmers use JavaScript.

These are very strong arguments. Yeah, JS didn't form my worldview (thank god).
But, I totally agree with you that if we will forget the C++, then "promise" is
a perfectly fine word for describing Lwt thread values. But please still
consider adding a small comment about the terminology ambiguity as a tribute for
the C++ background :) As you may see, we can get confused))

I also like the resolver :) It is non-ambiguous (you can't confuse promise and
resolver, that's nice).
** Malcolm Matalka also replied:

> I personally would have preferred to call them futures. I actually come
> from a C++ background, including modern C++, and also I just like the
> word "future" more than "promise."

To add some more terminology to the mix, I have generally seen Future
and Promise being two sides of the same thing.  A Future is a read-only
value that can be determined to a value and a Promise is the side that
can be set.  The wikipedia entry uses this terminology.

** Andreas Rossberg then added:

The history of the future/promise terminology is somewhat confusing. Friedman &
Wise introduced the concept as promises, Baker & Hewitt (re)named it futures
(there are only superficial differences). They gained wider popularity with
Multilisp, which also called them futures. As far as the functional language
space is concerned, that term pretty much stuck. In the imperative/OO space, the
term promise became somewhat popular with Liskov & Shrira and their promise
pipelining. However, most contemporary mainstream languages (C++, Java, ...)
also use future.

As far as I am aware, Alice ML was the first language that had _both_ futures
and promises and factorised them in the way you cite, where promises are
essentially single assignment variables ? at least I remember that we iterated
on various terminologies for a long time around 99/00 until we settled on this.
I don?t know how the future/promise API in C++ came about, but it arrived at a
very similar distinction. So did Scala. All these languages characterise
promises by the presence of a resolve/?fulfill' operator.

There is a different distinction being made by e.g. Mark Miller, who
characterises futures by a (synchronous, blocking) read operation, and promises
by a (asynchronous, nonblocking) bind operator taking a callback. Personally, I
find this use of terminology rather unintuitive and problematic, since there is
no reason that a blocking future cannot also have a non-blocking bind method
(and they often do). But it is the reason that JavaScript calls its notion
promise (although there was discussion about that). Arguably, though, it is the
odd one out as far as both mainstream and functional languages are concerned.

(More generally, I would not recommend using JavaScript as precedent for
anything regarding its promises, since they are broken in just about every
possible way. And I?m saying that as a member of the committee that standardised
them? :) )
4) Preparing a project for opam
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-01/msg00038.html>
** Helmut Brandl asked:

I am trying to prepare my project to being published via opam. I have pinned my
project to a local version on my harddisk and generated and opam file which opam
can build successfully.

Now I am struggling with the "install" section of the opam file.

For building I use ocamlbuild which builds a native executable file in the
source directory (to be precise in the _build subdirectory of the source
directory). Installing just means copying this executable into a directory which
is in the search path. I have achieved this by copying the executable directly
to ".opam/system/bin". However I am not sure if this is the recommended way
since somebody else might have chosen another directory name and path on where
to store ".opam".

Is there a portable way to do this? Thanks for any hint.
** Petter A. Urkedal replied:

> Is there a portable way to do this? Thanks for any hint.

Yes, take a look at the "package-name.install" section in
<http://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Manual.html>.  You can then drop the install
section from the opam file, and it also saves you from maintaining a
corresponding removal script, as opam will keep track of what gets
** Anton Bachin also replied:

When publishing to OPAM, you can create an install file that lists what should
be installed. I am linking to the example from Bisect_ppx (the question marks
mean ?if the file exists,? don?t use them if your file will always be built).
Bisect_ppx installs a binary called bisect-ppx-report:


The overall published structure looks like this:


If you are working locally, you can create your .install file next to the opam

In general, it is also possible to get various OPAM paths for the current

  opam config var lib
  opam config var doc
  opam config var bin
5) Portable way to retrieve and unpack tar files from github
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-01/msg00047.html>
** Helmut Brandl asked and David Allsopp replied:

> I am looking for a portable way to retrieve tar files from github and
> unpacking them.
> I could use system calls to "wget <https://www.github.com..>" and "tar xzf
> tarfile.tar.gz",  but this works only in environments where tar and wget
> are available i.e. possibly not on windows and maybe not on MacOS
> machines.
> Is there any library available on then opam repository to do this in a
> portable way. Thanks for any hint.

While the Windows support may not (yet) be perfect, ocurl
(<https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/ocurl/>) and tar-format
(<https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/tar-format/>) provide a route. There are
certainly other alternatives to ocurl (ocamlnet, for example - I think it may
even be possible to do it without needing a C library at all). Note that
unpacking a tarball is an inherently difficult portable problem in itself where
Windows support is concerned.
6) Improved type error messages for Ocaml
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-01/msg00049.html>
** Arthur Charguéraud announced:

It is my pleasure to announce the beta release of my patch for improved type
error messages.

opam switch 4.02.2+improved-errors

Quick demo:

*** With "ocamlc" ***

let _ = List.map (fun x -> x + 1) [2.0; 3.0]
Error: This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type 

This message is very confusing to the user who intented to write: (fun x -> x 
+. 1.)

*** With "ocamlc -easy-type-errors" ***

let _ = List.map (fun x -> x + 1) [2.0; 3.0]

Error: The function `List.map' cannot be applied to the arguments provided.

   | Types of the expected arguments: | Types of the provided arguments:
 1 | 'a -> 'b                         | int -> int
 2 | 'a list                          | float list

This new message show all the types involved, and does not attempt to guess
whether the user intended to write [2; 3] or intended to write (fun x -> x +.
1.); Trying to guess is a bad idea, because roughly half of the time the guess
is wrong, and it just adds more confusion.

Many more (cool) demos are available from the following sources:

* paper: 
* slides: <http://www.chargueraud.org/talks/2014_09_05_talk_ocaml_errors.pdf> 
* video: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_ipQZeBueg> 

How it works (short version):

When the flag "-easy-type-errors" is activated, the compiler behaves exactly as
usual, except when a top level definition fails to type-check. At such point,
the definition is type-checked again, using a slightly modified unification
algorithm, able to produce messages that are (I argue) more informative for
locating the error. The patched compiler is thus able to provide alternative
error messages with zero performance overhead on successful compilations. For
ill-typed programs, the new typing algorithm may be slightly slower than the
original one (as it performs a larger number of generalizations), but it should
never be orders of magnitude slower.

Pretty much all of OCaml is supported, with the notable exceptions of GADTs (by
lack of time of expertise), and record field name overloading (due to the fact
that it depends on the order in which unifications are performed). Note that
top-level definitions involving such features will still compile properly, as
long as it they do not contain any type error; if they do, then the error
message will likely be uninformative, in which case the flag "-easy-type-errors"
needs to be turned off.

If you like this patch and would like to see it one day integrated in the main
distribution, please post feedback on the mailing list, to convince the
developers and myself that it is worth further investment. I am especially
interested in feedback on the use of the new error messages in the context of
teaching OCaml.



[Many thanks to Armaël Guéneau and Gabriel Scherer for their help with the opam
7) Ocaml Github Pull Requests
** Gabriel Scherer compiled this list:

Here is a sneak peek at some potential future features of the Ocaml
compiler, discussed by their implementers in these Github Pull Requests.

Support the '0 dimension case' for bigarrays

Records with unboxed fields

Statistical memory profiling - Request for comments

Fix XSS in ocamldoc

Option-returning variants of stdlib functions

Add MPR#6975: truncate in Buffer module

Add missing @since annotations for 4.00 .. 4.05

A HACKING.adoc file with hacking advice

allow build in termux

Win64 stack overflow detection

Added some missing numeric C99-functions to Pervasives

Build dylibs, not bundles, on macOS

Implement responsefiles support PR7050
8) Other OCaml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet,

Full Time: Software Developer (Functional Programming) at Jane Street in New
York, NY; London, UK; Hong Kong
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schm...@polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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