
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of May 21 to 28,

Table of Contents

OCaml 4.08.0+rc1
Dungeon crawler game
Jbuilder support will stop in one month
cstruct 5.0.0 with new capability types

OCaml 4.08.0+rc1


Damien Doligez announced

The release of OCaml version 4.08.0 is imminent. We have created a
 release candidate that you can test.

 The source code is available at these addresses:


The compiler can also be installed as an OPAM switch with one of the
 following commands.

 opam switch create ocaml-variants.4.08.0+rc1


 opam switch create ocaml-variants.4.08.0+rc1+<VARIANT>

 where you replace <VARIANT> with one of these:
 • afl
 • default_unsafe_string
 • flambda
 • fp
 • fp+flambda

 We want to know about all bugs. Please report them here:

 Happy hacking,

 Damien Doligez for the OCaml team.

 (Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*")

Language features:

• #1947: Introduce binding operators (let*, let+, and* etc.) (Leo
   White, review by Thomas Refis)

 • #1892: Allow shadowing of items coming from an include (Thomas
   Refis, review by Gabriel Radanne)

 • #2122: Introduce local substitutions in signatures: "type t :=
type_expr" and "module M := Extended(Module).Path" (Thomas Refis,
   with help and review from Leo White, and Alain Frisch)

 • #1804: New notion of "alerts" that generalizes the deprecated
warning [@@ocaml.alert deprecated "Please use bar instead!"] [@@ocaml.alert unsafe "Please use safe_foo instead!"] (Alain
       Frisch, review by Leo White and Damien Doligez)

 • #6422, #7083, #305, #1568: Allow `exception' under or-patterns
   (Thomas Refis, with help and review from Alain Frisch, Gabriel
   Scherer, Jeremy Yallop, Leo White and Luc Maranget)

• #1705: Allow @@attributes on exception declarations. (Hugo Heuzard,
   review by Gabriel Radanne and Thomas Refis)

• #1506, #2147, #2166, #2167: Extended `open' to arbitrary module expression in structures and to applicative paths in signatures
   (Runhang Li, review by Alain Frisch, Florian Angeletti, Jeremy
   Yallop, Leo White and Thomas Refis)

• * #2106: .~ is now a reserved keyword, and is no longer available for use in extended indexing operators (Jeremy Yallop, review by
   Gabriel Scherer, Florian Angeletti, and Damien Doligez)

• * #7841, #2041, #2235: allow modules from include directories to shadow other ones, even in the toplevel; for a example, including a
   directory that defines its own Result module will shadow the
   stdlib's.  (Jérémie Dimino, review by Alain Frisch and David

Type system:

 • #2110: Partial support for GADTs inside or-patterns; The type
equalities introduced by the GADT constructor are only available inside the or-pattern; they cannot be used in the right-hand-side of the clause, when both sides of the or-pattern agree on it. (Thomas
   Refis and Leo White, review by Jacques Garrigue)

• #1826: allow expanding a type to a private abbreviation instead of abstracting when removing references to an identifier. (Thomas
   Refis and Leo White, review by Jacques Garrigue)

 • #1942, #2244: simplification of the static check for recursive
definitions (Alban Reynaud and Gabriel Scherer, review by Jeremy
   Yallop, Armaël Guéneau and Damien Doligez)

Standard library:

• #2128: Add Fun module: `id, const, flip, negate, protect' (protect
   is a "try_finally" combinator)
<https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Fun.html> (Many
   fine eyes)

 • #2010: Add Bool module
<https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Bool.html> (Many
   fine eyes)

 • #2011: Add Int module
<https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Int.html> (Many
   fine eyes)

• #1940: Add Option module and Format.pp_print_option `none, some,
   value, get, bind, join, map, fold, iter', etc.
   (Many fine eyes)

• #1956: Add Result module and Format.pp_print_result `ok, error,
   value, get_ok, bind, join, map, map_error', etc.
   (Many fine eyes)

 • #1855, #2118: Add `Fun.protect ~finally' for enforcing local
   invariants whether a function raises or not, similar to
`unwind-protect' in Lisp and `FINALLY' in Modula-2. It is careful about preserving backtraces and treating exceptions in finally as errors. (Marcello Seri and Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni, review by Daniel Bünzli, Gabriel Scherer, François Bobot, Nicolás Ojeda Bär, Xavier Clerc, Boris Yakobowski, Damien Doligez, and Xavier Leroy)

• * #1605: Deprecate Stdlib.Pervasives. Following #1010, Pervasives is
   no longer needed and Stdlib should be used instead.  (Jérémie
   Dimino, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär)

• #2185: Add `List.filter_map' (Thomas Refis, review by Alain Frisch
   and Gabriel Scherer)

• #1957: Add Stack.{top_opt,pop_opt} and Queue.{peek_opt,take_opt}. (Vladimir Keleshev, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär and Gabriel Scherer)

• #1182: Add new Printf formats %#d %#Ld %#ld %#nd (idem for %i and %u) for alternative integer formatting – inserts '_' between blocks
   of digits.  (ygrek, review by Gabriel Scherer)

 • #1959: Add Format.dprintf, a printing function which outputs a
   closure usable with %t.  (Gabriel Radanne, request by Armaël
   Guéneau, review by Florian Angeletti and Gabriel Scherer)

• #1986, #6450: Add Set.disjoint (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, review by Gabriel

• #7812, #2125: Add Filename.chop_suffix_opt (Alain Frisch, review by
   Nicolás Ojeda Bär, suggestion by whitequark)

• #1864: Extend Bytes and Buffer with functions to read/write binary
   representations of numbers (Alain Frisch and Daniel Bünzli)

 • #1458: Add unsigned operations unsigned_div, unsigned_rem,
   unsigned_compare and unsigned_to_int to modules Int32, Int64,
   Nativeint.  (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, review by Daniel Bünzli, Alain
   Frisch and Max Mouratov)

• #2002: Add Format.pp_print_custom_break, a new more general kind of
   break hint that can emit non-whitespace characters.  (Vladimir
Keleshev and Pierre Weis, review by Josh Berdine, Gabriel Radanne)

 • #1966: Add Format semantic tags using extensible sum types.
   (Gabriel Radanne, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär)

• #1794: Add constants zero, one, minus_one and functions succ, pred,
   is_finite, is_infinite, is_nan, is_integer, trunc, round,
   next_after, sign_bit, min, max, min_max, min_num, max_num,
min_max_num to module Float. (Christophe Troestler, review by Alain
   Frish, Xavier Clerc and Daniel Bünzli)

• #1354, #2177: Add fma support to Float module. (Laurent Thévenoux,
   review by Alain Frisch, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, Xavier Leroy)

• #5072, #6655, #1876: add aliases in Stdlib for built-in types and exceptions. (Jeremy Yallop, reports by Pierre Letouzey and David Sheets, review by Valentin Gatien-Baron, Gabriel Scherer and Alain

• #1731: Format, use raise_notrace to preserve backtraces. (Frédéric
   Bour, report by Jules Villard, review by Gabriel Scherer)

 • #6701, #1185, #1803: make float_of_string and string_of_float
   locale-independent.  (ygrek, review by Xavier Leroy and Damien

 • #7795, #1782: Fix off-by-one error in Weak.create.  (KC
Sivaramakrishnan, review by Gabriel Scherer and François Bobot)

• #7235: Format, flush err_formatter at exit. (Pierre Weis, request
   by Jun Furuse)

• #1857, #7812: Remove Sort module, deprecated since 2000 and emitting
   a deprecation warning since 4.02.  (whitequark)

• #1923: Arg module sometimes misbehaved instead of rejecting invalid
   -keyword=arg inputs (Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Gabriel

• #1959: Small simplification and optimization to Format.ifprintf
   (Gabriel Radanne, review by Gabriel Scherer)

 • #2119: clarify the documentation of Set.diff (Gabriel Scherer,
   suggestion by John Skaller)

• #2145: Deprecate the mutability of Gc.control record fields (Damien
   Doligez, review by Alain Frisch)

• #2159, #7874: annotate {String,Bytes}.equal as being [@@noalloc].
   (Pierre-Marie Pédrot, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär)

• #1936: Add module Float.Array (Damien Doligez, review by Xavier
   Clerc and Alain Frisch)

• #2183: Fix segfault in Array.create_float with -no-flat-float-array
   (Damien Doligez, review by Gabriel Scherer and Jeremy Yallop)

• #1525: Make function set_max_indent respect documentation (Pierre
   Weis, Richard Bonichon, review by Florian Angeletti)

• #2202: Correct Hashtbl.MakeSeeded.{add_seq,replace_seq,of_seq} to
   use functor hash function instead of default hash
   function. Hashtbl.Make.of_seq shouldn't create randomized hash
   tables.  (David Allsopp, review by Alain Frisch)

Other libraries:

• #2533, #1839, #1949: added Unix.fsync (Francois Berenger, Nicolás
   Ojeda Bär, review by Daniel Bünzli, David Allsopp and ygrek)

• #1792, #7794: Add Unix.open_process_args{,_in,_out,_full} similar to Unix.open_process{,_in,_out,_full}, but passing an explicit argv array. (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, review by Jérémie Dimino, request by
   Volker Diels-Grabsch)

• #1999: Add Unix.process{,_in,_out,_full}_pid to retrieve opened
   process's pid.  (Romain Beauxis, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär)

• #2222: Set default status in waitpid when pid is zero. Otherwise, status value is undefined. (Romain Beauxis and Xavier Leroy, review
   by Stephen Dolan)

 • * #2104, #2211, #4127, #7709: Fix Thread.sigmask. When system
   threads are loaded, Unix.sigprocmask is now an alias for
Thread.sigmask. This changes the behavior at least on MacOS, where
   Unix.sigprocmask used to change the masks of all threads.
   (Jacques-Henri Jourdan, review by Jérémie Dimino)

• #1061: Add ?follow parameter to Unix.link. This allows hardlinking symlinks. (Christopher Zimmermann, review by Xavier Leroy, Damien
   Doligez, David Allsopp, David Sheets)

• #2038: Deprecate vm threads. OCaml supported both "native threads", based on pthreads, and its own green-threads implementation, "vm threads". We are not aware of any recent usage of "vm threads", and removing them simplifies further maintenance. (Jérémie Dimino)

• * #4208, #4229, #4839, #6462, #6957, #6950, #1063, #2176, 2297: Make #(nat)dynlink sound by correctly failing when dynlinked module names #clash with other modules or interfaces. (Mark Shinwell, Leo White,
   #Nicolás Ojeda Bär, Pierre Chambart)

• #2263: Delete the deprecated Bigarray.*.map_file functions in favour
   of `*_of_genarray (Unix.map_file ...)' functions instead. The
`Unix.map_file' function was introduced in OCaml 4.06.0 onwards. (Jérémie Dimino, reviewed by David Allsopp and Anil Madhavapeddy)

Compiler user-interface and warnings:

• #2096: Add source highlighting for errors & warnings in batch mode
   (Armaël Guéneau, review by Gabriel Scherer and Jérémie Dimino)

 • #2133: [@ocaml.warn_on_literal_pattern]: now warn on literal
   patterns found anywhere in a constructor's arguments.  (Jeremy
   Yallop, review by Gabriel Scherer)

• #1720: Improve error reporting for missing 'rec' in let-bindings. (Arthur Charguéraud and Armaël Guéneau, with help and advice from
   Gabriel Scherer, Frédéric Bour, Xavier Clerc and Leo White)

• #7116, #1430: new -config-var option to get the value of a single configuration variable in scripts. (Gabriel Scherer, review by
   Sébastien Hinderer and David Allsopp, request by Adrien Nader)

• #1733,1993,1998,2058,2094,2140: Typing error message improvements • #1733, change the perspective of the unexpected existential error
   • #1993, expanded error messages for universal quantification
   • #1998, more context for unbound type parameter error
• #2058, full explanation for unsafe cycles in recursive module
     definitions (suggestion by Ivan Gotovchits)
   • #2094, rewording for "constructor has no type" error
• #7565, #2140, more context for universal variable escape in method
(Florian Angeletti, reviews by Jacques Garrique, Armaël Guéneau,
    Gabriel Radanne, Gabriel Scherer and Jeremy Yallop)

• #1913: new flag -dump-into-file to print debug output like -dlambda into a file named after the file being built, instead of on stderr.
   (Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Thomas Refis)

• #1921: in the compilation context passed to ppx extensions, add more
   configuration options related to type-checking: -rectypes,
-principal, -alias-deps, -unboxed-types, -unsafe-string (Gabriel Scherer, review by Gabriel Radanne, Xavier Clerc and Frédéric Bour)

 • #1976: Better error messages for extension constructor type
   mismatches (Thomas Refis, review by Gabriel Scherer)

• #1841, #7808: the environment variable OCAMLTOP_INCLUDE_PATH can now
   specify a list of additional include directories for the ocaml
toplevel. (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, request by Daniel Bünzli, review by
   Daniel Bünzli and Damien Doligez)

 • #6638, #1110: introduced a dedicated warning to report unused
"open!" statements (Alain Frisch, report by dwang, review by and
   design from Leo White)

• #1974: Trigger warning 5 in "let _ = e" and "ignore e" if e is of function type and syntactically an application. (For the case of "ignore e" the warning already existed, but used to be triggered even when e was not an application.) (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, review by
   Alain Frisch and Jacques Garrigue)

• #7408, #7846, #2015: Check arity of primitives. (Hugo Heuzard,
   review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär)

• #2091: Add a warning triggered by type declarations "type t = ()" (Armaël Guéneau, report by linse, review by Florian Angeletti and
   Gabriel Scherer)

• #2004: Use common standard library path `lib/ocaml' for Windows, for
   consistency with OSX & Linux. Previously was located at `lib'.
   (Bryan Phelps, Jordan Walke, review by David Allsopp)

 • #6416, #1120: unique printed names for identifiers (Florian
   Angeletti, review by Jacques Garrigue)

 • #1691: add shared_libraries to ocamlc -config exporting
SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBRARIES from Makefile.config. (David Allsopp,
   review by Gabriel Scherer and Mark Shinwell)

• #6913, #1786: new -match-context-rows option to control the degree of optimization in the pattern matching compiler. (Dwight Guth,
   review by Gabriel Scherer and Luc Maranget)

• #1822: keep attributes attached to pattern variables from being
   discarded.  (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, review by Thomas Refis)

 • #1845: new `-dcamlprimc' option to keep the generated C file
   containing the information about primitives; pass
   `-fdebug-prefix-map' to the C compiler when supported, for
   reproducible builds (Xavier Clerc, review by Jérémie Dimino)

• #1856, #1869: use `BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP' when compiling primitives
   in order to make builds reproducible if code contains uses of
`__FILE__' or `__LOC__' (Xavier Clerc, review by Gabriel Scherer and
   Sébastien Hinderer)

• #1906: the -unsafe option does not apply to marshalled ASTs passed to the compiler directly or by a -pp preprocessor; add a proper
   warning (64) instead of a simple stderr message (Valentin

• #1925: Print error locations more consistently between batch mode, toplevel and expect tests (Armaël Guéneau, review by Thomas Refis,
   Gabriel Scherer and François Bobot)

 • #1930: pass the elements from `BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP' to the
   assembler (Xavier Clerc, review by Gabriel Scherer, Sébastien
   Hinderer, and Xavier Leroy)

• #1945, #2032: new "-stop-after [parsing|typing]" option to stop
   compilation after the parsing or typing pass (Gabriel Scherer,
   review by Jérémie Dimino)

• #1953: Add locations to attributes in the parsetree. (Hugo Heuzard,
   review by Gabriel Radanne)

• #1954: Add locations to toplevel directives. (Hugo Heuzard, review
   by Gabriel Radanne)

• * #1979: Remove support for TERM=norepeat when displaying errors (Armaël Guéneau, review by Gabriel Scherer and Florian Angeletti)

• #1960: The parser keeps previous location when relocating ast node.
   (Hugo Heuzard, review by Jérémie Dimino)

• #7864, #2109: remove duplicates from spelling suggestions. (Nicolás
   Ojeda Bär, review by Armaël Guéneau)

Manual and documentation:

• #7548: printf example in the tutorial part of the manual (Kostikova Oxana, rewiew by Gabriel Scherer, Florian Angeletti, Marcello Seri
   and Armaël Guéneau)

 • #7546, #2020: preambles and introduction for compiler-libs.
(Florian Angeletti, review by Daniel Bünzli, Perry E. Metzger and
   Gabriel Scherer)

• #7547, #2273: Tutorial on Lazy expressions and patterns in OCaml Manual (Ulugbek Abdullaev, review by Florian Angeletti and Gabriel

• #7720, #1596, precise the documentation of the maximum indentation limit in Format. (Florian Angeletti, review by Richard Bonichon and
   Pierre Weis)

• #7825: html manual split compilerlibs from stdlib in the html index
   of modules (Florian Angeletti, review by Perry E. Metzger and
   Gabriel Scherer)

 • #1209, #2008: in the Extension section, use the caml_example
environment (uses the compiler to check the example code). This
   change was made possible by a lot of tooling work from Florian
   Angeletti: #1702, #1765, #1863, and Gabriel Scherer's #1903.
   (Gabriel Scherer, review by Florian Angeletti)

• #1788, 1831, 2007, 2198, 2232, move language extensions to the core
   • #1788: quoted string description
   • #1831: local exceptions and exception cases
   • #2007: 32-bit, 64-bit and native integer literals
   • #2198: lazy patterns
   • #2232: short object copy notation
   (Florian Angeletti, review by Xavier Clerc, Perry E. Metzger,
    Gabriel Scherer and Jeremy Yallop)

• #1863: caml-tex2, move to compiler-libs (Florian Angeletti, review
   by Sébastien Hinderer and Gabriel Scherer)

• #2105: Change verbatim to caml_example in documentation (Maxime
   Flin, review by Florian Angeletti)

• #2114: ocamldoc, improved manpages for documentation inside modules
   (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Scherer)

• #2117: stdlib documentation, duplicate the operator precedence table
   from the manual inside a separate "OCaml_operators" module.
(Florian Angeletti, review by Daniel Bünzli, Perry E. Metzger and
   Gabriel Scherer)

• #2187: document "exception A | pat" patterns (Florian Angeletti,
   review by Perry E. Metzger and Jeremy Yallop)

 • #8508: refresh \moduleref macro (Florian Angeletti, review by
   Gabriel Scherer)

Code generation and optimizations:

 • #7725, #1754: improve AFL instrumentation for objects and lazy
   values.  (Stephen Dolan)

• #1631: AMD64 code generator: emit shorter instruction sequences for the sign-extension operations. (LemonBoy, review by Alain Frisch
   and Xavier Leroy)

• #7246, #2146: make a few int64 primitives use [@@unboxed] stubs on
   32bits (Jérémie Dimino)

 • #1917: comballoc: ensure object allocation order is preserved
   (Stephen Dolan)

• #6242, #2143, #8558, #8559: Optimize some local functions. Local
   functions that do not escape and whose calls all have the same
   continuation are lowered into a static-catch handler.  (Alain
   Frisch, review by Gabriel Scherer)

• #2082: New options [-insn-sched] and [-no-insn-sched] to control instruction scheduling. (Mark Shinwell, review by Damien Doligez)

• #2239: Fix match miscompilation with flambda (Leo White, review by
   Alain Frisch)

Runtime system:

• #7198, #7750, #1738: add a function (caml_alloc_custom_mem) and
   three GC parameters to give the user better control of the
out-of-heap memory retained by custom values; use the function to allocate bigarrays and I/O channels. (Damien Doligez, review by
   Alain Frisch)

• #1793: add the -m and -M command-line options to ocamlrun. Option -m prints the magic number of the bytecode executable passed as
   argument, -M prints the magic number expected by ocamlrun.
(Sébastien Hinderer, review by Xavier Clerc and Damien Doligez)

• #1867: Remove the C plugins mechanism. (Xavier Leroy, review by
   David Allsopp, Damien Doligez, Sébastien Hinderer)

• #8627: Require SSE2 for 32-bit mingw port to generate correct code
   for caml_round with GCC 7.4.  (David Allsopp, review by Xavier

• #7676, #2144: Remove old GC heuristic (Damien Doligez, report and
   review by Alain Frisch)

 • #1723: Remove internal Meta.static_{alloc,free} primitives.
   (Stephen Dolan, review by Gabriel Scherer)

• #1895: Printexc.get_callstack would return only one frame in native code in threads other then the initial one (Valentin Gatien-Baron,
   review by Xavier Leroy)

• #1900, #7814: avoid exporting non-prefixed identifiers in the debug
   and instrumented runtimes.  (Damien Doligez, report by Gabriel

 • #2079: Avoid page table lookup in Pervasives.compare with
no-naked-pointers (Sam Goldman, review by Gabriel Scherer, David
   Allsopp, Stephen Dolan)

• #7829, #8585: Fix pointer comparisons in freelist.c (for 32-bit
   platforms) (David Allsopp and Damien Doligez)

 • #8567, #8569: on ARM64, use 32-bit loads to access
caml_backtrace_active (Xavier Leroy, review by Mark Shinwell and
   Greta Yorsh)

 • #8568: Fix a memory leak in mmapped bigarrays (Damien Doligez,
   review by Xavier Leroy and Jérémie Dimino)


• #2182: Split Emacs caml-mode as an independent project. (Christophe
   Troestler, review by Gabriel Scherer)

 • #1865: support dark themes in Emacs, and clean up usage of
   deprecated Emacs APIs (Wilfred Hughes, review by Clément

• #1590: ocamllex-generated lexers can be instructed not to update their lex_curr_p/lex_start_p fields, resulting in a significant performance gain when those fields are not required. (Alain Frisch,
   review by Jérémie Dimino)

• #7843, #2013: ocamldoc, better handling of {{!label}text} in the latex backend. (Florian Angeletti, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär and
   Gabriel Scherer)

• #7844, #2040: Emacs, use built-in detection of comments, fixes an
   imenu crash.  (Wilfred Hughes, review by Christophe Troestler)

• #7850: Emacs, use symbol boundaries in regular expressions, fixes an
   imenu crash.  (Wilfred Hughes, review by Christophe Troestler)

• #1711: the new 'open' flag in OCAMLRUNPARAM takes a comma-separated list of modules to open as if they had been passed via the command
   line -open flag.  (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, review by Mark Shinwell)

• #2000: ocamdoc, extended support for "include module type of …"
   (Florian Angeletti, review by Jérémie Dimino)

• #2045: ocamlmklib now supports options -args and -args0 to provide extra command-line arguments in a file. (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, review
   by Gabriel Scherer and Daniel Bünzli)

• #2189: change ocamldep Makefile-output to print each dependency on a
   new line, for more readable diffs of versioned dependencies.
   (Gabriel Scherer, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär)

• #2223: ocamltest: fix the "bsd" and "not-bsd" built-in actions to recognize all BSD variants (Damien Doligez, review by Sébastien
   Hinderer and David Allsopp)

Compiler distribution build system:

 • #1776: add -no-install-bytecode-programs and related configure
options to control (non-)installation of ".byte" executables. (Mark
   Shinwell, review by Sébastien Hinderer and Gabriel Scherer)

 • #1777: add -no-install-source-artifacts and related configure
options to control installation of .cmt, .cmti, .mli and .ml files. (Mark Shinwell, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär and Sébastien Hinderer)

• #1781: cleanup of the manual's build process. (steinuil, review by
   Marcello Seri, Gabriel Scherer and Florian Angeletti)

 • #1797: remove the deprecated Makefile.nt files.  (Sébastien
   Hinderer, review by Nicolas Ojeda Bar)

 • #1805: fix the bootstrap procedure and its documentation.
(Sébastien Hinderer, Xavier Leroy and Damien Doligez; review by
   Gabriel Scherer)

• #1840: build system enhancements. (Sébastien Hinderer, review by
   David Allsopp, Xavier Leroy and Damien Doligez)

• #1852: merge runtime directories (Sébastien Hinderer, review by
   Xavier Leroy and Damien Doligez)

• #1854: remove the no longer defined BYTECCCOMPOPTS build variable.
   (Sébastien Hinderer, review by Damien Doligez)

 • #2024: stop supporting obsolete platforms: Rhapsody (old beta
   version of MacOS X), BeOS, alpha*-​*​-linux*​, mips-​*​-irix6​​*​,
alpha​*​-​*​-unicos, powerpc-​*​-aix, ​*​-​*​-solaris2​*​, mips​*​-​*​-irix[56]​*​,
   i[3456]86-​*​-darwin[89].​*​, i[3456]86-​*​-solaris​*​, ​*​-​*​-sunos​*​
​*​-​*​-unicos.  (Sébastien Hinderer, review by Xavier Leroy, Damien
   Doligez, Gabriel Scherer and Armaël Guéneau)

 • #2053: allow unix, vmthreads and str not to be built.  (David
   Allsopp, review by Sébastien Hinderer)

 • * #2059: stop defining OCAML_STDLIB_DIR in s.h.  (Sébastien
   Hinderer, review by David Allsopp and Damien Doligez)

 • * #2066: remove the standard_runtime configuration variable.
   (Sébastien Hinderer, review by Xavier Leroy, Stephen Dolan and
   Damien Doligez)

 • * #2139: use autoconf to generate the compiler's configuration
   script (Sébastien Hinderer, review by Damien Doligez and David

 • #2148: fix a parallel build bug involving CamlinternalLazy.
(Stephen Dolan, review by Gabriel Scherer and Nicolas Ojeda Bar)

• #2264, #7904: the configure script now sets the Unicode handling
   mode under Windows according to the value of the variable
   assumed to be the current code page encoding. If
WINDOWS_UNICODE_MODE is "compatible" or empty or not set at all, then encoding is UTF-8 with code page fallback. (Nicolás Ojeda Bär,
   review by Sébastien Hinderer and David Allsopp)

 • #2266: ensure Cygwin ports configure with `EXE=.exe', or the
compiler is unable to find the camlheader files (subtle regression
   of #2139/2041) (David Allsopp, report and review by Sébastien

 • #7919, #2311: Fix assembler detection in configure (Sébastien
   Hinderer, review by David Allsopp)

• #2295: Restore support for bytecode target XLC/AIX/Power (Konstantin
   Romanov, review by Sébastien Hinderer and David Allsopp)

 • #8528: get rid of the direct call to the C preprocessor in the
   testsuite (Sébastien Hinderer, review by David Allsopp)

• #7938, #8532: Fix alignment detection for ints on 32-bits platforms
   (Sébastien Hinderer, review by Xavier Leroy)

• * #8533: Remove some unused configure tests (Stephen Dolan, review
   by David Allsopp and Sébastien Hinderer)

• #2207, #8604: Add opam files to allow pinning (Leo White, Greta
   Yorsh, review by Gabriel Radanne)

• #8616: configure: use variables rather than arguments for a few
   options (Sébastien Hinderer, review by David Allsopp, Gabriel
   Scherer and Damien Doligez)

• #8632: Correctly propagate flags for –with-pic in configure. (David
   Allsopp, review by Sébastien Hinderer and Damien Doligez)

• #8673: restore SpaceTime and libunwind support in configure script
   (Sébastien Hinderer, review by Damien Doligez)

Internal/compiler-libs changes:

• #7918, #1703, #1944, #2213, #2257: Add the module Compile_common, which factorizes the common part in Compile and Optcompile. This also makes the pipeline more modular. (Gabriel Radanne, help from Gabriel Scherer and Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Mark Shinwell
   and Gabriel Radanne, regression spotted by Clément Franchini)

 • #292: use Menhir as the parser generator for the OCaml parser.
Satellite GPRs: #1844, #1846, #1853, #1850, #1934, #2151, #2174 (Gabriel Scherer, Nicolás Ojeda Bär, Frédéric Bour, Thomas Refis and François Pottier, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär, Leo White and David

• #374: use Misc.try_finally for resource cleanup in the compiler codebase. This should fix the problem of catch-and-reraise `try .. with' blocks destroying backtrace information – in the compiler. (François Bobot, help from Gabriel Scherer and Nicolás Ojeda Bär,
   review by Gabriel Scherer)

 • #1148, #1287, #1288, #1874: significant improvements of the
tools/check-typo script used over the files of the whole repository; contributors are now expected to check that check-typo passes on their pull requests; see CONTRIBUTING.md for more details. (David
   Allsopp, review by Damien Doligez and Sébastien Hinderer)

• #1610, #2252: Remove positions from paths (Leo White, review by
   Frédéric Bour and Thomas Refis)

• #1745: do not generalize the type of every sub-pattern, only of
   variables. (preliminary work for GADTs in or-patterns) (Thomas
   Refis, review by Leo White)

 • #1909: unsharing pattern types (preliminary work for GADTs in
or-patterns) (Thomas Refis, with help from Leo White, review by
   Jacques Garrigue)

 • #1748: do not error when instantiating polymorphic fields in
   patterns.  (Thomas Refis, review by Gabriel Scherer)

• #2317: type_let: be more careful generalizing parts of the pattern
   (Thomas Refis and Leo White, review by Jacques Garrigue)

 • #1746: remove unreachable error variant: Make_seltype_nongen.
   (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Radanne)

• #1747: type_cases: always propagate (preliminary work for GADTs in
   or-patterns) (Thomas Refis, review by Jacques Garrigue)

• #1811: shadow the polymorphic comparison in the middle-end (Xavier
   Clerc, review by Pierre Chambart)

• #1833: allow non-val payloads in CMM Ccatch handlers (Simon Fowler,
   review by Xavier Clerc)

• #1866: document the release process (Damien Doligez and Gabriel Scherer, review by Sébastien Hinderer, Perry E. Metzger, Xavier
   Leroy and David Allsopp)

 • #1886: move the Location.absname reference to Clflags.absname
   (Armaël Guéneau, review by Jérémie Dimino)

 • #1894: generalize highlight_dumb in location.ml to handle
highlighting several locations (Armaël Guéneau, review by Gabriel

 • #1903: parsetree, add locations to all nodes with attributes
   (Gabriel Scherer, review by Thomas Refis)

• #1905: add check-typo-since to check the files changed since a given
   git reference (Gabriel Scherer, review by David Allsopp)

 • #1910: improve the check-typo use of .gitattributes (Gabriel
   Scherer, review by David Allsopp and Damien Doligez)

• #1938: always check ast invariants after preprocessing (Florian
   Angeletti, review by Alain Frisch and Gabriel Scherer)

• #1941: refactor the command line parsing of ocamlcp and ocamloptp
   (Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Florian Angeletti)

 • #1948: Refactor Stdlib.Format. Notably, use Stdlib.Stack and
Stdlib.Queue, and avoid exceptions for control flow. (Vladimir
   Keleshev, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär and Gabriel Scherer)

• * #1952: refactor the code responsible for displaying errors and
   warnings `Location.report_error' is removed, use
`Location.print_report' instead (Armaël Guéneau, review by Thomas

• #7835, #1980, #8548, #8586: separate scope from stamp in idents and explicitly rescope idents when substituting signatures. (Thomas
   Refis, review by Jacques Garrigue and Leo White)

• #1996: expose Pprintast.longident to help compiler-libs users print Longident.t values. (Gabriel Scherer, review by Florian Angeletti
   and Thomas Refis)

• #2030: makefile targets to build AST files of sources for parser testing. See parsing/HACKING.adoc. (Gabriel Scherer, review by
   Nicolás Ojeda Bär)

• * #2041: add a cache for looking up files in the load path (Jérémie
   Dimino, review by Alain Frisch and David Allsopp)

• #2047, #2269: a new type for unification traces (Florian Angeletti, report by Leo White (#2269), review by Thomas Refis and Gabriel

• #2055: Add [Linearize.Lprologue]. (Mark Shinwell, review by Pierre

• #2056: Use [Backend_var] rather than [Ident] from [Clambda] onwards; use [Backend_var.With_provenance] for variables in binding position.
   (Mark Shinwell, review by Pierre Chambart)

 • #2060: "Phantom let" support for the Clambda language.  (Mark
   Shinwell, review by Vincent Laviron)

 • #2065: Add [Proc.destroyed_at_reloadretaddr].  (Mark Shinwell,
   review by Damien Doligez)

• #2070: "Phantom let" support for the Cmm language. (Mark Shinwell,
   review by Vincent Laviron)

• #2072: Always associate a scope to a type (Thomas Refis, review by
   Jacques Garrigue and Leo White)

• #2074: Correct naming of record field inside [Ialloc] terms. (Mark
   Shinwell, review by Jérémie Dimino)

 • #2076: Add [Targetint.print].  (Mark Shinwell)

 • #2080: Add [Proc.dwarf_register_numbers] and
[Proc.stack_ptr_dwarf_register_number]. (Mark Shinwell, review by
   Bernhard Schommer)

• #2088: Add [Clambda.usymbol_provenance]. (Mark Shinwell, review by
   Damien Doligez)

 • #2152, #2517: refactorize the fixpoint to compute type-system
   properties of mutually-recursive type declarations.  (Gabriel
   Scherer and Rodolphe Lepigre, review by Armaël Guéneau)

• #2156: propagate more type information through Lambda and Clambda
   intermediate language, as a preparation step for more future
optimizations (Pierre Chambart and Alain Frisch, cross-reviewed by

• #2160: restore –disable-shared support and ensure testsuite runs correctly when compiled without shared library support. (David
   Allsopp, review by Damien Doligez and Sébastien Hinderer)

 • * #2173: removed TypedtreeMap (Thomas Refis, review by Gabriel

 • #7867: Fix #mod_use raising an exception for filenames with no
   extension.  (Geoff Gole)

• #2100: Fix Unix.getaddrinfo when called on strings containing null bytes; it would crash the GC later on. (Armaël Guéneau, report and
   fix by Joe, review by Sébastien Hinderer)

 • #7847, #2019: Fix an infinite loop that could occur when the
(Menhir-generated) parser encountered a syntax error in a certain specific state. (François Pottier, report by Stefan Muenzel, review
   by Frédéric Bour, Thomas Refis, Gabriel Scherer)

• #1626: Do not allow recursive modules in `with module' (Leo White,
   review by Gabriel Radanne)

• #7726, #1676: Recursive modules, equi-recursive types and stack overflow (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jeremy Yallop, review by Leo

• #7723, #1698: Ensure `with module' and `with type' do not weaken module aliases. (Leo White, review by Gabriel Radanne and Jacques

• #1719: fix Pervasives.LargeFile functions under Windows. (Alain

• #1739: ensure ocamltest waits for child processes to terminate on
   Windows.  (David Allsopp, review by Sébastien Hinderer)

• #7554, #1751: Lambda.subst: also update debug event environments
   (Thomas Refis, review by Gabriel Scherer)

 • #7238, #1825: in Unix.in_channel_of_descr and
   Unix.out_channel_of_descr, raise an error if the given file
description is not suitable for character-oriented I/O, for example if it is a block device or a datagram socket. (Xavier Leroy, review
   by Jérémie Dimino and Perry E. Metzger)

• #7799, #1820: fix bug where Scanf.format_from_string could fail when the argument string contained characters that require escaping.
   (Gabriel Scherer and Nicolás Ojeda Bär, report by Guillaume
   Melquiond, review by Gabriel Scherer)

 • #1843: ocamloptp was doing the wrong thing with option
-inline-max-unroll. (Github user @poechsel, review by Nicolás Ojeda

• #1890: remove last use of Ctype.unroll_abbrev (Thomas Refis, report
   by Leo White, review by Jacques Garrigue)

• #1893: dev-branch only, warning 40(name not in scope) triggered spurious warnings 49(missing cmi) with -no-alias-deps. (Florian
   Angeletti, report by Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Gabriel

• #1912: Allow quoted strings, octal/unicode escape sequences and identifiers containing apostrophes in ocamllex actions and comments.
   (Pieter Goetschalckx, review by Damien Doligez)

 • #7828, #1935: correct the conditions that generate warning 61,
   Unboxable_type_in_prim_decl (Stefan Muenzel)

• #1958: allow [module M(_:S) = struct end] syntax (Hugo Heuzard,
   review by Gabriel Scherer)

• #1970: fix order of floatting documentation comments in classes
   (Hugo Heuzard, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär)

 • #1977: [@@ocaml.warning "…"] attributes attached to type
declarations are no longer ignored. (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, review by
   Gabriel Scherer)

• #7830, #1987: fix ocamldebug crash when printing a value in the scope of an `open' statement for which the `.cmi' is not available.
   (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, report by Jocelyn Sérot, review by Gabriel

• #7854, #2062: fix an issue where the wrong locale may be used when using the legacy ANSI encoding under Windows. (Nicolás Ojeda Bär,
   report by Tiphaine Turpin)

 • #2083: Fix excessively aggressive float unboxing and introduce
   similar fix as a preventative measure for boxed int unboxing.
   (Thomas Refis, Mark Shinwell, Leo White)

• #2130: fix printing of type variables with a quote in their name (Alain Frisch, review by Armaël Guéneau and Gabriel Scherer, report
   by Hugo Heuzard)

• #2131: fix wrong calls to Env.normalize_path on non-module paths
   (Alain Frisch, review by Jacques Garrigue)

• #2175: Apply substitution to all modules when packing (Leo White,
   review by Gabriel Scherer)

 • #2220: Remove duplicate process management code in
otherlibs/threads/unix.ml (Romain Beauxis, review by Gabriel Scherer
   and Alain Frisch)

• #2231: Env: always freshen persistent signatures before using them
   (Thomas Refis and Leo White, review by Gabriel Radanne)

• #7851, #8570: Module type of allows to transform a malformed module type into a vicious signature, breaking soundness (Jacques Garrigue,
   review by Leo White)

• #7923, #2259: fix regression in FlexDLL bootstrapped build caused by refactoring the root Makefile for Dune in #2093) (David Allsopp,
   report by Marc Lasson)

 • #7929, #2261: Subst.signature: call cleanup_types exactly once
   (Thomas Refis, review by Gabriel Scherer and Jacques Garrigue,
   report by Daniel Bünzli and Jon Ludlam)

• #8550, #8552: Soundness issue with class generalization (Jacques Garrigue, review by Leo White and Thomas Refis, report by Jeremy

Dungeon crawler game

Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/dungeon-crawler-game/3850/1>

Alex Lugo announced

Hey all! I recently made a simple text-based dungeon crawler using a mix functional and object-oriented programming in OCaml. Feel free to check it out if it interests you :) I have a video of the game being played and explained [here]. You can find the source on GitHub [here].

[here] <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De8OH6279qA>

[here] <https://github.com/alugocp/crypts-and-camls>

Jbuilder support will stop in one month


Jérémie Dimino announced

This is a reminder that we are planning to stop supporting Jbuilder projects in Dune in July this year, so in about one month time. After this, projects using jbuilder will not be co-installable with the latest version of Dune. If you have a project for which the latest version that is released in opam still depends on jbuilder, you should
 consider upgrading to dune and submitting a new opam
 release. Upgrading to Dune can be done automatically via `dune
 upgrade'. For more information, please refer to this blog post:

cstruct 5.0.0 with new capability types


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

Cstruct is a library and syntax extension to make it easier to access C-like structures directly from OCaml. It supports both reading and writing to these structures, and they are accessed via `Bigarray'.

Hot on the heels of [cstruct 4.0.0], I am pleased to announce another
 major rev [cstruct 5.0.0] that adds a new module with more
sophisticated types to distinguish between different sorts of buffers.
 The full changelog is below:

*Security*: This release tightens bounds checks to ensure that data outside a given view (but still inside the underlying buffer) cannot
  be accessed.
 • `sub' does more checks (mirage/ocaml-cstruct#244
   mirage/ocaml-cstruct#245 @hannes @talex5 review by @dinosaure)
• `add_len' and `set_len' are now deprecated and will be removed in a
   future release. (mirage/ocaml-cstruct#251 @hannes)
 • do not add user-provided data for bounds checks
(mirage/ocaml-cstruct#253 @hannes, report and review by @talex5)
 • improve CI to add fuzzing (mirage/ocaml-cstruct#255
   mirage/ocaml-cstruct#252 @avsm @yomimono @talex5)

*Remove Unix dependency*: cstruct now uses the new `bigarray-compat' library instead of Bigarray directly, to avoid a dependency on Unix
  when using OCaml compilers less than 4.06.0.  This will break
  downstream libraries that do not have a direct dependency on
`Bigarray'. Simply fix it in your library by adding a `bigarray' dependency in your `dune' file. (mirage/ocaml-cstruct#247 @TheLortex)

 *Capability module*: To improve the safety of future code with
stronger type checking, this release introduces a new [`Cstruct_cap' module] which makes the underlying Cstruct an abstract type instead of a record. In return for this extra abstraction, the module can enforce read-only, write only, and read/write buffers by tracking them as phantom type variables. Although this library shares an implementation internally with classic `Cstruct', it is a significant revision and so we will be gradually migrating to it. Feedback on it is welcome! (mirage/ocaml-cstruct#237 @dinosaure and many excited

*Ppx compare functions*: A new `compare_X' function is generated for `cenum' declarations. This respects custom ids supplied in the cenum
  declaration and so is more robust than polymorphic compare
  (mirage/ocaml-cstruct#248 @emillon)

The CI has also been switched over to both Azure Pipelines and Drone in addition to Travis, and as a result the tests all run on Windows, macOS, various Linux distributions, on x86 and arm64 machines, and
 runs AFL fuzz tests on the Drone cloud (mirage/ocaml-cstruct#255

[cstruct 4.0.0]

[cstruct 5.0.0] <https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cstruct/releases>

[`Cstruct_cap' module]


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 [Alan Schmitt]

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