
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of October 15 to 29,

Sorry for the hiatus last week, I was away with no internet access.

Table of Contents

MirageOS 3.6.0 released
Is it possible to use Machine Learning and Deep Learning frameworks through OCaml?
Category theory for Programmers book - OCaml flavor
Ocaml-lxc (binding to Linux Containers) - progress report, looking for feedback and contributors
Ocaml-protoc-plugin 2.0.0

MirageOS 3.6.0 released

Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/mirageos-3-6-0-released/4554/1>

Martin Lucina announced

We are pleased to announce the release of MirageOS 3.6.0. This release
 updates MirageOS to support [Solo5] 0.6.0 and later.

 New features:

• Support for the Solo5 `spt' (sandboxed process tender) target via `mirage configure -t spt'. The `spt' target runs MirageOS unikernels in a minimal strict seccomp sandbox on Linux `x86_64', `aarch64' and
   `ppc64le' hosts.
• Support for the Solo5 _application manifest_, enabling support for multiple network and block storage devices on the `hvt', `spt' and `muen' targets. The `genode' and `virtio' targets are still limited
   to using a single network or block storage device.
• Several notable security enhancements to Solo5 targets, such as
   enabling stack smashing protection throughout the toolchain by
default and improved page protections on some targets. For details,
   please refer to the Solo5 0.6.0 [release notes].

 Additional user-visible changes:

 • Solo5 0.6.0 has removed the compile-time specialization of the
`solo5-hvt' tender. As a result, a `solo5-hvt' binary is no longer built at `mirage build' time. Use the `solo5-hvt' binary installed
   in your `$PATH' by OPAM to run the unikernel.
 • `mirage build' now produces silent `ocamlbuild' output by
default. To get the old behaviour, run with `--verbose' or set the
   log level to `info' or `debug'.
 • New functions `Mirage_key.is_solo5' and `Mirage_key.is_xen',
   analogous to `Mirage_key.is_unix'.

Thanks to @hannes for help with the release engineering for MirageOS

[Solo5] <https://github.com/Solo5/solo5>

[release notes] <https://github.com/Solo5/solo5/releases/tag/v0.6.0>

Is it possible to use Machine Learning and Deep Learning frameworks through OCaml?


Brando90 asked

 I was wondering if this was possible at all?

The reason I am asking is because there has been some attempts at doing this but from Python to OCaml like languages. Outlined here:

Anton Kochkov replied

 Yes it is totally possible, see these resources:
• [OCaml Owl] scientific computing library, in particular [Neural Networks] and [Algorithmic Differentiation] chapters of their manual
 • [Deep Learning with OCaml] blog post from Jane Street
 • [OCaml in Data Science] discussion at this forum
• <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/will-ocaml-be-a-good-choice-for-writing-high-performance-parallelizable-machine-learning-libraries/558>
   discussion at this forum

If you are interested in improving the OCaml capabilites in this area, I think joining Owl development is the way to go, you can see their
 repositories here: <https://github.com/owlbarn/>

 They have some ideas on possible improvements of the library at
 [Proposed Projects] page.

[OCaml Owl] <https://ocaml.xyz/>

[Neural Networks] <https://ocaml.xyz/chapter/neural.html>

[Algorithmic Differentiation] <https://ocaml.xyz/chapter/algodiff.html>

[Deep Learning with OCaml]

[OCaml in Data Science]

[Proposed Projects] <https://ocaml.xyz/project/proposal.html>

Yaron Minsky added

 There's also a couple of followup posts to that first one:

• One on [reinforcement learning], using pytorch via OCaml (creating
   bots for playing Atari games!)
 • One on [transfer learning] using pytorch as well.

[reinforcement learning]

[transfer learning] <https://blog.janestreet.com/of-pythons-and-camels/>

Category theory for Programmers book - OCaml flavor


Arul announced

Hello, I've been working on translating this book in OCaml for few months now. @mseri has been kind enough to review all of my OCaml snippets and provide feedback. As we approach the final stages of this book(I'm currently translating snippets in Chapter21) and the book shows some advanced code, we were wondering if it'd be better to get more eyes on the OCaml snippets. Would anyone else be interested in reviewing the OCaml snippets of this book, atleast from Chapter 20 and

 If so, you could join the conversation here -
<https://github.com/ArulselvanMadhavan/ocaml-ctfp/pull/22> and I will
 add you as reviewer to all future chapter releases.

Finally, Thanks @XVilka for posting about the book on here, before I even knew that it existed, and getting more traction for the book.

Ocaml-lxc (binding to Linux Containers) - progress report, looking for feedback and contributors


Darren announced

I'm writing to share the progress on [ocaml-lxc], check if anyone's interested, and also looking for feedback or potential contributions

[ocaml-lxc] <https://github.com/darrenldl/ocaml-lxc>


 ocaml-lxc is an OCaml binding to Linux Containers C API

 The high level exposed design aims to largely match the one of
[go-lxc], but with adjustments to make it more ergonomic and closer to
 idiomatic OCaml

[go-lxc] <https://github.com/lxc/go-lxc>


 • Low level API
• Low level internal API (`lxc_c.ml', `lxc_c.mli') which matches
     closely with C API has been completed, and offers (almost)
     complete coverage of the C API
 • High level API
• Core parts of the high level exposed API (`lxc.ml`, `lxc.mli`) have been completed, you can see [here] for feature set comparison
     to go-lxc
 • Documentation
• You can see [here] for the documentation of the high level API. I have not actually written the documention yet, so this is only
     useful for examining the library structure atm.


[here] <https://darrenldl.github.io/ocaml-lxc/>


This section is more useful if you're planning to contribute. Feel
 free to skip.

 • Code generation
• Cinaps is used to generate glue code for both C and OCaml side to
     access `lxc_container' C struct function pointer fields. See
     `code_gen/gen.cinaps' for all the core code generation code.
 • Stubs generation
• Stubs generation via Ctypes is used to offer high confidence that
     things are done correctly at compile time. See
     `code_gen/ffi_bindings.ml', `code_gen/ffi_types.ml',
     `code_gen/types.ml', and `code_gen/stubs_gen.ml'.
 • C glue code
• Additional glue code is added to handle things like conditional compilation based on LXC version, working around anonymous struct (not supported by Ctypes), etc. See `code_gen/lxc_glue.c' and
 • Low level API
• Low level API ties all the loose ends together, provides a fairly direct mapping to the C API, and is the main abstraction layer
     used by the higher level API. See `src/lxc_c.ml' and
 • High level API
• High level API introduces more abstraction, masking C objects, and has a more hierarchical structure compared to the flat structure
     used by lower level API. See `src/lxc.ml' and `src/lxc.mli'.

What I'm looking for

 • If you're interested in using the library, please feel free to
   provide feedback on the API design
• e.g. what can be improved, what you don't like, what's missing • If you're interested in contributing, please feel free to reach out to me to coordinate etc. Following is the rough todo list I have atm
   • Add test code (copy go-lxc's test suite)
   • Add examples
   • API documentation
• Document build flow architecture (specifically how dune fits into
     it maybe)
   • Document code architecture


A lot of the core bits of ocaml-lxc are done and took way too much time, looking for people to help out with the remaining really tedious yet crucial parts. And get sanity checks from people who may become
 users of ocaml-lxc.


 This is just a aggregated list of the links above
 ocaml-lxc repo
 go-lxc repo
 Comparison to go-lxc
 API Documentation

Ocaml-protoc-plugin 2.0.0


Anders Fugmann announced

 It is my pleasure to announce release of 2.0.0 of

[ocaml-protoc-plugin] <https://github.com/issuu/ocaml-protoc-plugin/>

Highlights for this release

 • Moved to a new name: The main module have been renamed to
`Ocaml_protoc_plugin' (from `Protobuf'), to avoid conflicts with
   projects still using `ocaml-protoc'
 • Messages with only one field are not wrapped in a record by
default. This can be controlled by the option `singleton_record'.
 • Oneof structures with only one field are not wrapped in a
   Polymorphic variant (controlled by option `singleton_record')
 • Added googles `well known types'

 The release is available through opam: `opam install
 ocaml-protoc-plugin.2.0.0', or from [github]


Full changelog

 • Add examples
 • (*) Oneofs with only one element should not be a variant type
• Add test when including proto files which defines the same package
 • Add google well know types (library
 • (*) Move module to ocaml-protoc-plugin
 • Optimize deserialization of large nested structures
• Provide pretty_printers aka deriving_show for `Result.error' and
 • Fix stack overflow when deserializing big nested structures
 • (*) Add option to not wrap single field type in records
 • Refactor type emitter to closely follow spec (refactor)

 (*) indicates breaking change


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 [Alan Schmitt]

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[the archive] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

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[Alan Schmitt] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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