
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of April 13 to 20,

Table of Contents

Preface (initial release)
OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2021
Timere 0.1.3 - Dealing with time and time zones has never been easier
Release of `multipart_form.0.2.0'
Engineer position for the development of the Squirrel prover
Martin Jambon presentation on Semgrep, Wed April 21 @ 7pm Central

Preface (initial release)


Xavier Van de Woestyne announced

  Hello, @d-plaindoux and @pytre and I are very happy to present
  *Preface*, a project that has occupied part of our free time for
  almost 2 years. We received a lot of help from various people (as
  mentioned in the [CREDITS] page), including some present on this forum
  (@gasche, @octachron and @snowleopard)

        Preface is an opinionated library designed to facilitate
        the handling of recurring functional programming idioms in
        [OCaml]. Many of the design decisions were made in an
        attempt to calibrate, as best as possible, to the OCaml
        language. Trying to get the most out of the module
        language. *The name "preface" is a nod to "Prelude"* .

  • [Github repository]
  • [Online documentation]


[OCaml] <https://ocaml.org>

[Github repository] <https://github.com/xvw/preface>

[Online documentation]

About the project, and motivation

  When learning functional programming, one is often confronted with
  constructs derived (or not) from category theory.  Languages such as
  Haskell offer very complete libraries to use them, and thus,
  facilitate their learning. In OCaml, it often happens that these
  abstractions are buried in the heart of certain libraries/projects
  ([Lwt], [Cmdliner], [Bonsai], [Dune] etc.). This is why one of the
  objectives of Preface is to propose tools for concretising these
  abstractions, at least as a pedagogical tool.

[Lwt] <https://ocsigen.org/lwt/latest/manual/manual>

[Cmdliner] <https://erratique.ch/logiciel/cmdliner>

[Bonsai] <https://github.com/janestreet/bonsai>

[Dune] <https://dune.build>

Is Preface useful

  Since OCaml allows for efficient imperative programming, Preface is
  probably not really useful for building software.  However, we (the
  maintainers) think that Preface can be useful for a few things:

  • technical experimentation with abstractions (especially those from
    the Haskell world) that allow programming in a fun style.
  • As an educational tool. Many teaching aids generally only offer the
    minimal interfaces to these abstractions. Preface tries to be as
    complete as possible.
  • It was a lot of fun to make. The last point is obviously the
    lightest but building Preface was really fun! So even if some people
    won't see the point… *we had fun making it*!

  Let's imagine this scenario! Oh, there's this article that seems to
  describe quite precisely how to solve `this complex problem',
  elegantly, using this `collection of abstractions'. After reading, the
  article is clear and I know how to use this `collection of
  abstractions' in practice. I would like to test it. Not having enough
  RAM to install Cabal, I decided to do it in OCaml. But as one
  abstraction leads to another, I am obliged to build an armada of
  things and I abandon my experimentation.

  So now, rather than doing it, locally, for the understanding of an
  article, I add it in Preface.

Additional links

  The [README] is quite expansive on motivations and some design
  choices, but we have tried to add some concrete guides:
  • [ Understanding the module breakdown of Preface]
  • [Effect handling using Freer]
  • [Error handling with Result/Validation and a Free Applicative]

  And in addition here is a project, by a friend of ours, that uses
  Preface, to build static blog generators (very original isn't it :P),
  the code is highly documented and can be an entry point into how to
  use it: [Github repository of the project]

[README] <https://github.com/xvw/preface#preface>

[ Understanding the module breakdown of Preface]

[Effect handling using Freer]

[Error handling with Result/Validation and a Free Applicative]

[Github repository of the project]


  Preface does not offer much that is new, but we have tried to make it
  user-friendly and to document as much as possible the code and design
  choices. It's a lot of fun to build… and it will probably be just as
  much fun to maintain.

  *We are extremely open to contributions and feedback.*

  And my last words will be a warm thank you to the OCaml ecosystem that
  has facilitated so much of our development: Testing with [Alcotest]
  and [QCheck] is a pleasure. [Dune] is a fast and pleasant build
  system. [ODoc] has allowed us to have more control over the generation
  of documentation, especially with the `@inline' comment (on includes)
  which allows signatures from different modules to be merged. And [MDX]
  which I did not know at all and which is used extensively for guides.

  I hope you can find interest in this project! Good luck with the rest
  of the containment (for those concerned).

[Alcotest] <https://github.com/mirage/alcotest>

[QCheck] <https://github.com/c-cube/qcheck>

[Dune] <https://dune.build>

[ODoc] <https://github.com/ocaml/odoc>

[MDX] <https://github.com/realworldocaml/mdx>

OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2021


Frédéric Bour announced

  It is my pleasure to invite submissions to the OCaml Users and
  Developers Workshop 2021, which is again co-located with ICFP and will
  be held virtually this year.

  The OCaml Users and Developers Workshop brings together industrial
  users of OCaml with academics and hackers who are working on extending
  the language, type system, and tools. Previous editions have been
  co-located with ICFP 2012 in Copenhagen, ICFP 2013 in Boston, ICFP
  2014 in Gothenburg, ICFP 2015 in Vancouver, ICFP 2016 in Nara, ICFP
  2017 in Oxford, ICFP 2018 in St Louis, ICFP 2019 in Berlin, and was
  virtual for ICFP 2020, following the OCaml Meetings in Paris in 2010
  and 2011.

Important Links

  • [https://icfp21.sigplan.org/home/ocaml-2021 ]
  • [https://ocaml2021.hotcrp.com ]

[https://icfp21.sigplan.org/home/ocaml-2021 ]

[https://ocaml2021.hotcrp.com ] <https://ocaml2021.hotcrp.com>

Important dates

  • Thursday 20th May (any time zone): Abstract submission deadline
  • Friday 18th July: Author notification
  • Friday 27th August: OCaml Workshop


  Presentations and discussions focus on the OCaml programming language
  and its community. We aim to solicit talks on all aspects related to
  improving the use or development of the language and its programming
  environment, including, for example (but not limited to):

  • compiler developments, new backends, runtime and architectures
  • practical type system improvements, such as GADTs, first-class
    modules, generic programming, or dependent types
  • new library or application releases, and their design rationales
  • tools and infrastructure services, and their enhancements
  • prominent industrial or experimental uses of OCaml, or deployments
    in unusual situations.


  Presentations will be held in the online format. Each presentation
  comprise a prerecorded presentation and an interactive live Q&A
  session after the talk. Each talk will be re-translated three times in
  different time zones.  Session chairs and volunteers will assist the
  authors in preparing and casting the presentation. Each presentation
  will be made available through the ocaml.org website.


  To submit a presentation, please register a description of the talk
  (about 2 pages long) at <https://ocaml2021.hotcrp.com/> providing a
  clear statement of what will be provided by the presentation: the
  problems that are addressed, the solutions or methods that are

  LaTeX-produced PDFs are a common and welcome submission format. For
  accessibility purposes, we ask PDF submitters to also provide the
  sources of their submission in a textual format, such as .tex
  sources. Reviewers may read either the submitted PDF or the text

Camera ready presentations

  A pre-recorded versions of accepted presentation shall be provided
  before August, 13th. Volunteers will provide technical assistance to
  authors as well as provide necessary feedback and ensure that all
  videos match our quality standards.

ML family workshop

  The ML family workshop, held on the previous day, deals with general
  issues of the ML-style programming and type systems, focuses on more
  research-oriented work that is less specific to a language in
  particular. There is an overlap between the two workshops, and we have
  occasionally transferred presentations from one to the other in the
  past. Authors who feel their submission fits both workshops are
  encouraged to mention it at submission time and/or contact the Program

Program Commitee

  • Frédéric Bour, Tarides, France
  • Cristina Rosu, Janestreet, UK
  • Hakjoo Oh, Korea University, Korea
  • Hugo Heuzard, Janestreet, UK
  • Jeffrey A. Scofield, Formalsim, USA
  • Jonathan Protzenko, MSR, USA
  • Joris Giovanangeli, Ahrefs, Singapore
  • Jun Furuse, Dailambda, Japan
  • Kihong Heo, KAIST, Korea
  • Kate Deplaix, OCaml Labs, UK
  • Medhi Bouaziz, Nomadic Labs, France
  • Simon Castellan, INRIA, France
  • Ryohei Tokuda, Idein, Japan
  • Vaivaswatha Nagaraj, Zilliqa, India
  • Youyou Cong, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Questions and contact

  Please contact the PC Chair ([Frédéric Bour]) for any questions.

[Frédéric Bour] <mailto:frederic.b...@lakaban.net>

Timere 0.1.3 - Dealing with time and time zones has never been easier


Darren announced

  Timere 0.2.1 has landed!

  This release adds nanosecond precision support to timere (and
  fractional second support at various places), along with other small

Release of `multipart_form.0.2.0'


Calascibetta Romain announced

  I am pleased to announce the release of [`multipart_form']. Throughout
  the development of [mrmime], we have gained a thorough knowledge of
  the RFCs about email. However, these RFCs also describe mechanisms
  that are found in HTTP/1.1.

[`multipart_form'] <https://github.com/dinosaure/multipart_form>

[mrmime] <https://github.com/mirage/mrmime>


  More specifically, a lot of work has been done on [RFC 2045] & [RFC
  2046] (see [RFC 7578 § 4]) which describe the `multipart' format
  (found in emails and in `HTTP/1.{0,1}' requests when serializing a

  From this work (~ 2 years), we decided to extract the parts allowing
  to manipulate a `multipart/form-data' content for `HTTP/1.{0,1}'
  responses (plus [RFC 2183]). This resulted in the creation of

  This project is a cross between what many users have been waiting for
  (for [CoHTTP] and [http/af]), a knowledge of what exists and its
  limitations, and finally a development in the spirit of MirageOS.

  The result is an API that is _"full stream"_. Indeed. a question arose
  from the beginning, how to manipulate this format while:
  • not having access to a file system (MirageOS)
  • not exploding memory usage for file uploads

[RFC 2045] <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045>

[RFC 2046] <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046>

[RFC 7578 § 4] <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7578#section-4>

[RFC 2183] <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2183>

[CoHTTP] <https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp>

[http/af] <https://github.com/inhabitedtype/httpaf>

Memory bound implementation

  With the help of @Armael and the [`memtrace'] tool, we were able to
  implement and extend `multipart_form' so that it is easier to use and
  really ensures our original assumption about memory consumption.

  So we experimented with use cases like uploading very large
  files. Here is the result that `memtrace' gives us with a 100Mb file:


  The application tries to save the games in files. We use [opium] (and
  thus http/af) but tests were also done with CoHTTP. The code is
  available [here] for people who want to reproduce.


[opium] <https://github.com/rgrinberg/opium>


Documentation & encoding

  Finally, a major effort has been made in the documentation to explain
  in detail how to use `multipart_form'. Version `0.2.0' also adds a way
  to produce a `multipart/form-data' document (experimental) with the
  same constraints on memory usage.

  I hope this work will be useful to a lot of people. The documentation
  is available [here].


Engineer position for the development of the Squirrel prover


David Baelde announced

  We are looking for an engineer to support the development of Squirrel,
  an interactive theorem prover for security protocols. The position
  will be funded by ERC POPSTAR. You may find more details here:


  Skilled OCaml developers would be most welcome!

Martin Jambon presentation on Semgrep, Wed April 21 @ 7pm Central


Claude Jager-Rubinson announced

  Please join us this coming Wednesday at 7pm Central when @mjambon will
  talk about Semgrep, an open-source ployglot static analysis tool
  written in OCaml.

  Details and connection info are available at [Houston Functional

[Houston Functional Programmers] <https://hfpug.org>


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schm...@polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

[online] <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/>

[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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