
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of October 11 to 18,

Table of Contents

Routes v2.0.0 released
Domainslib 0.5.0 released
Videos of ML 2022 workshop talks
OCaml 5.0.0, first beta release
ppx_deriving_yaml 0.1.0
A sandbox for proposing new features in odoc
OCaml Platform Installer alpha release
dkml-dune-dsl 0.x.x - Parameterizable Dune files embedded in OCaml
Other OCaml News

Routes v2.0.0 released


Anurag Soni announced

  I’d like to announce release of version 2.0.0 of [routes ] to the
  [ocaml package registry].

  *Routes* provides a DSL for typed bi-directional URI dispatch. It
  allows writing route definitions that can be used for both matching,
  and printing URI paths. The internal representation of the router uses
  a `trie' to perform route matching.

[routes ] <https://github.com/anuragsoni/routes/>

[ocaml package registry] <https://ocaml.org/p/routes/2.0.0>

Changes since the last opam release:

◊ New updates

  • use `ppx_expect' for tests.
  • A new `route' function is available and is an alias for `@-->' which
    is used to connect a route pattern to a “handler”.

◊ Breaking changes

  • Drop support for OCaml 4.05-4.07
  • Switch to a new model for trailing slash handling. In routes 1.0.0
    users needed to be careful about using `/?' and `//?' as the former
    would only match routes without a trailing slash, and the latter
    would enforce a trailing slash.
    • Users only need to use `/?' to end routes, and it will cover both
      routes ending with trailing slashes and without
    • The type used for representing match results has more information
      about whether it was an exact match, or if it was a match but the
      input target had a trailing slash at the end.
    • `MatchWithTrailingSlash' informs the user that the current target
      was considered a match, but that the target has an additional
      trailing slash

  Examples of how to use the library are available in the [tests ] and a
  [small demo ]

  Documentation can be found [here ]

  [tests ]

  [small demo ]

  [here ] <https://anuragsoni.github.io/routes/>

Domainslib 0.5.0 released


Sudha Parimala announced

  I’m happy to announce the release of [Domainslib 0.5.0].

  [Domainslib] is a parallel programming library for the upcoming OCaml
  5. Domainslib provides support for parallel operations such as
  `parallel_for', `async~/~await' tasks etc. with an efficient
  work-stealing mechanism in its core. Tasks are expressed with effect
  handlers, enabling efficient nested parallelism.

  You can give it a spin with the [5.0.0~alpha1 compiler]. For examples
  of Domainslib programs, here is a [tutorial on parallel programming
  with domainslib], KC’s [hands on tutorial] at the Tarides retreat, and
  [another one] Marek and I did at ICFP 2022.

  Submissions of interesting Domainslib benchmarks appreciated at
  [sandmark]. Results of existing ones can be viewed at
  <https://sandmark.tarides.com/> under the parallel benchamrks tab.
  Please feel free to add your multicore/effects libraries and
  experiments to [awesome-multicore-ocaml].

  Changes from the previous release:

  • Bug fix for `parallel_for_reduce' on empty loops.
  • Make Chan.t and Task.promise injective [Make Chan.t and
    Task.promise injective ocaml-multicore/domainslib#69]
  • Add lockfree dependency [remove Ws_deque module
  • CI fixes ([Add alpha repo to GitHub Actions
    ocaml-multicore/domainslib#73], [Run `5.0.0~alpha0' in the CI
  • Breaking change: Rename `num_additional_domains' to `num_domains'
    for setup_pool
  • Documentation updates ([Use `invalid_arg'
    ocaml-multicore/domainslib#80], [Document that non-commutative
    operators are okay ocaml-multicore/domainslib#81], [Explain what
    will happen with an empty pool ocaml-multicore/domainslib#82])

[Domainslib 0.5.0]

[Domainslib] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/domainslib>

[5.0.0~alpha1 compiler]

[tutorial on parallel programming with domainslib]

[hands on tutorial] <https://github.com/kayceesrk/ocaml5-tutorial>

[another one] <https://github.com/Sudha247/ocaml5-tutorial-icfp-22>

[sandmark] <https://github.com/ocaml-bench/sandmark>


[Make Chan.t and Task.promise injective ocaml-multicore/domainslib#69]

[remove Ws_deque module ocaml-multicore/domainslib#70]

[Add alpha repo to GitHub Actions ocaml-multicore/domainslib#73]

[Run `5.0.0~alpha0' in the CI ocaml-multicore/domainslib#76]

[Use `invalid_arg' ocaml-multicore/domainslib#80]

[Document that non-commutative operators are okay

[Explain what will happen with an empty pool

Videos of ML 2022 workshop talks


Benoit Montagu announced

  Dear community, the videos of the talks given at the [ML workshop] in
  September 2022 in Ljubljana are now [available]. Enjoy!

[ML workshop] <https://icfp22.sigplan.org/home/mlfamilyworkshop-2022>


OCaml 5.0.0, first beta release


octachron announced

  The release of OCaml 5.0.0 is drawing near.

  After two alpha releases, we have released a first beta version to
  help you update your softwares and libraries ahead of the release (see
  below for the installation instructions). The standard library has
  been stabilized and many opam packages already work with this release.
  If you find any bugs, please report them here:


  Compared to the last alpha release, this beta contains many small
  internal runtime fixes (in particular in the systhreads library). At
  the user level, the interfaces of the Domain and Effect modules have
  been tweaked to be more forward-compatible:
  • Exceptions related to effects are now defined in the Effect module.
  • The value `Domain.recommended_domain_count' is no longer a constant
    and the function `Domain.at_each_spawn' has been removed.
  With those changes, the standard library should be stable now. The
  final release of OCaml 5.0.0 is currently expected to be in December.

  If you are interested by the ongoing list of bug fixes, the updated
  change log for OCaml 5.0.0 is available at:


  You can also follow the state of the opam ecosystem on




  A short summary of the changes since the last alpha release is also
  available below.

Installation instructions

  The base compiler can be installed as an opam switch with the
  following commands on opam 2.1:
  │ opam update opam switch create 5.0.0~beta1

  For previous version of opam, the switch creation command line is
  slightly more verbose:
  │ opam update
  │ opam switch create 5.0.0~beta1 

  It might be also interesting to check the new support for parallelism
  by installing the domainslib library with

  │ opam install domainslib

  The source code for the beta release is available at these addresses:

  • <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/archive/5.0.0-beta1.tar.gz>
  • <https://caml.inria.fr/pub/distrib/ocaml-5.0/ocaml-5.0.0~beta1.tar.gz>

◊ Fine-tuned compiler configuration

  If you want to tweak the configuration of the compiler, you can switch
  to the option variant with:
  │ opam update
  │ opam switch create <switch_name> ocaml-variants.5.0.0~beta1+options 
  where `option_list' is a comma separated list of `ocaml-option-*'
  packages. For instance, for a `flambda' and `no-flat-float-array'
  │ opam switch create 5.0.0~beta1+flambda+nffa 
ocaml-variants.5.0.0~beta1+options ocaml-option-flambda
  │ ocaml-option-no-flat-float-array
  The command line above is slightly more complicated for opam versions
  anterior to 2.1:
  │ opam update
  │ opam switch create <switch_name> 

  In both cases, all available options can be listed with “opam search

◊ Optional opam alpha repository

  During the beta release, if your dependencies are not yet compatible
  with OCaml 5.0.0, you might want to check the alpha opam repository:


  Which can be installed with
  │ opam repo add alpha 
  You can check that the alpha repository has been correctly installed
  │ $ opam repo
  │ <><> Repository configuration for switch 5.0.0~beta1 
  │  1 alpha   git+https://github.com/kit-ty-kate/opam-alpha-repository.git
  │  2 default https://opam.ocaml.org
  This alpha repository contains various fixes that are in the process
  of being upstreamed, but it should be less and less required with the
  progress of the beta release.

Changes since the last alpha release

◊ Stdlib changes

  • [#11309], [#11424], [#11427], +[#11545]: Add
    Domain.recommended_domain_count. (Christiano Haesbaert, Konstantin
    Belousov, review by David Allsopp, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Gabriel
    Scherer, Nicolas Ojeda Bar)

  • [#11423]: Move the effect exceptions to the Effect module (KC
    Sivaramakrishnan, Xavier Leroy, and Florian Angeletti, review by
    Florian Angeletti, Xavier Leroy, and KC Sivaramakrishnan)

  • [#11593]: Remove `Domain.at_each_spawn' (Florian Angeletti, review
    by Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni and KC Sivaramakrishnan)

  [#11309] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11309>

  [#11424] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11424>

  [#11427] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11427>

  [#11545] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11545>

  [#11423] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11423>

  [#11593] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11593>

◊ Bug fixes

  • [#11303]: Ensure that GC is not invoked from bounds check failures
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Sadiq Jaffer and Xavier Leroy)

  • [#5299], [#4787], [#11138], [#11272], [#11506]: To help debugging,
    `Caml_state' now dynamically checks that the domain lock is held,
    and fails otherwise (with a fatal error at most entry points of the
    C API, or systematically in debug mode). A new variable
    `Caml_state_opt' is introduced, and is `NULL' when the domain lock
    is not held. This allows to test from C code if the current thread
    holds the lock of its domain. (Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni, review by
    Florian Angeletti, Damien Doligez, Sadiq Jaffer, Xavier Leroy, and
    Gabriel Scherer)

  • [#11223]: The serialization format of custom blocks changed in 4.08,
    but the deserializer would still support the pre-4.08 format. OCaml
    5.x removed support for this old format; provide a clear error
    message in this case. (Hugo Heuzard, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • [#11504], [#11522]: Use static allocation in `caml_make_float_vect'
    in no-flat-float-array mode, it’s more efficient and avoids a a race
    condition (Xavier Leroy, report by Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni,
    review by David Allsopp)

  • [#11461], [#11466]: Fix gethostbyaddr for IPv6 arguments and make it
    domain-safe (Olivier Nicole, Nicolás Ojeda Bär, David Allsopp and
    Xavier Leroy, review by the same)

  • [#11479]: Make Unix.symlink domain-safe on Windows (Olivier Nicole,
    review by Xavier Leroy and David Allsopp)

  • [#11294]: Switch minimum required autoconf to 2.71. (David Allsopp,
    review by Xavier Leroy)

  • [#11370], [#11373]: Don’t pass CFLAGS to flexlink during configure.
    (David Allsopp, report by William Hu, review by Xavier Leroy and
    Sébastien Hinderer)

  • [#11487]: Thwart FMA test optimization during configure (William Hu,
    review by David Allsopp and Sébastien Hinderer)

  • [#11468]: Fix regression from [#10186] (OCaml 4.13) detecting IPv6
    on Windows for mingw-w64 i686 port. (David Allsopp, review by Xavier
    Leroy and Sébastien Hinderer)

  • [#11482], [#11542]: Fix random crash in large closure allocation
    (Damien Doligez, report by Thierry Martinez and Vincent Laviron,
    review by Xavier Leroy)

  • [#11508], [#11509]: make Bytes.escaped domain-safe (Christiano
    Haesbaert and Gabriel Scherer, review by Xavier Leroy, report by Jan
    Midtgaard and Tom Kelly)

  • [#11516], [#11524]: Fix the `deprecated_mutable' attribute. (Chris
    Casinghino, review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär and Florian Angeletti)

  • [#11576]: Fix bug in Bigarray.Genarray.init in the the case of
    zero-dimensional arrays. (Nicolás Ojeda Bär, Jeremy Yallop, report
    by Masayuki Takeda, review by Jeremy Yallop and Florian Angeletti)

  • [#11587]: Prevent integer comparison from being used on pointers
    (Vincent Laviron, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  [#11303] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11303>

  [#5299] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/5299>

  [#4787] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/4787>

  [#11138] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11138>

  [#11272] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11272>

  [#11506] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11506>

  [#11223] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11223>

  [#11504] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11504>

  [#11522] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11522>

  [#11461] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11461>

  [#11466] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11466>

  [#11479] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11479>

  [#11294] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11294>

  [#11370] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11370>

  [#11373] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11373>

  [#11487] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11487>

  [#11468] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11468>

  [#10186] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10186>

  [#11482] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11482>

  [#11542] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11542>

  [#11508] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11508>

  [#11509] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11509>

  [#11516] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11516>

  [#11524] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11524>

  [#11576] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11576>

  [#11587] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11587>

◊ Documentation changes

  • [#11093]: Add tutorials on parallelism features and the relaxed
    memory model (KC Sivaramakrishnan, review by Damien Doligez, Anil
    Madhavapeddy, Gabriel Scherer, Thomas Leonard, Tom Ridge, Xavier
    Leroy, Luc Maranget, Fabrice Buoro, Olivier Nicole, Guillaume
    Munch-Maccagnoni, Jacques-Henri Jourdan)

  [#11093] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11093>

ppx_deriving_yaml 0.1.0


Patrick Ferris announced

  A new `0.2.0' version has just been released. Thanks to all the
  contributors (including Outreachy applicants!), there’s a lot of nice
  additions including:

  • `to_yaml' and `of_yaml' attributes allowing you to add custom
    encoders and decoders
  • a `skip_unknown' flag for ignoring yaml keys so you can partially
    decode yaml values
  • a `default' attribute
  • `[@@deriving yaml]' is now an alias to `[@@deriving to_yaml]' and
    `[@@ deriving of_yaml]' so you can get decoders, encoders or both.

  See the documentation in the README:

A sandbox for proposing new features in odoc


jbeckford announced

  /For people interested in good documentation for their projects, but
  need a bit more from odoc./

  I wanted to make a place where the broader OCaml community can
  experiment and propose odoc features:

  I had two goals for the sandbox:
  • Let you visually see any proposals for new features to odoc.
    Hopefully this will make scoping the proposal easier.
  • No one should be blocked. Assuming the proposal is ok, it may take
    months (or even years) to implement. Any early adopter could use the
    custom Dune rules from the experiment to adopt in their own
    projects. Early adoption would be complex (custom Dune rules) but
    since the syntax shouldn’t change they won’t have to throw out their

  I have one proposal in the sandbox and more will come later; there are
  also a few experiments using Sphinx and Markdown tools.

  The first proposal would translate an odoc verbatim block:

  │ {v
  │ ::code-block:: LANGUAGE
  │ source code
  │ v}

  into syntax highlighted code. [The visual results and the original
  `.mli' are available in experiment 400].

  As I mentioned earlier, it has Dune rules which can be copied if you
  need it in your own projects. I don’t precisely know _how_ it would be
  implemented for real in odoc (probably it would be a .mli transformer)
  but that is not the point. Instead if you have an implementation idea
  or simply love/hate the proposal, you can just go to GitHub and file
  an issue at [https://github.com/diskuv/odoc-sandbox/issues].


[The visual results and the original `.mli' are available in experiment
400] <https://diskuv.github.io/odoc-sandbox/400-codeblock/index.html>


OCaml Platform Installer alpha release


Thibaut Mattio announced

  In anticipation of the forthcoming OCaml 5 release—and hot on the
  heels of its beta release—we are thrilled to announce the alpha
  release of the [OCaml Platform Installer].

  As a reminder, the [OCaml Platform] is the recommended toolchain for
  developers to work with OCaml.

  The Platform Installer allows the user to easily setup OCaml’s
  development environment, both for a first-time installation and for
  any new opam switches.

  You can try it now by following the [installation
  instructions](#platform-installer-2), but TL;DR, you can install it

  │ $ bash < <(curl -sL 

  And run it to install the Platform in your opam switch with

  │ $ ocaml-platform

  Don’t hesitate to [open an issue] if you encounter any problem!

[OCaml Platform Installer]

[OCaml Platform] <https://ocaml.org/docs/platform>

[open an issue]

Update of the Platform State

  As part of the work on the Installer, we’ve updated the [state of the
  Platform] to make it up to date and clarify the requirements to
  include a project in the Platform. Here are some of the notable

  • `odoc' has been promoted from Incubate to Active
  • OCamlformat has been promoted from Incubate to Active
  • `ppxlib' and other metaprogramming frameworks have been removed from
    the Platform (and `ppxlib' is now documented as the official way to
    do metaprogramming, as part of the official [OCaml documentation])

  You can see the complete changes on the [corresponding PR].

  In parallel, we also want to make the Platform more open and
  transparent. To do this, we want to provide a clear governance model
  that can be driven by the community. The governance model should
  answer questions like:
  • How can I incubate my project in the Platform?
  • Who decides when a project can be promoted?
  • How to discuss changes that would impact multiple Platform projects?

  We’re currently following the [OCaml.org’s governance], but are
  exploring new ways to govern the OCaml Platform.

  We are leaning toward an RFC process for this, but we are still
  discussing the alternatives and how this could take shape. We will
  continue to experiment on the best governance model for the Platform
  with the project maintainers in the coming months, and we will publish
  the resulting governance on OCaml.org.

[state of the Platform] <https://ocaml.org/docs/platform>

[OCaml documentation] <https://ocaml.org/docs/metaprogramming>

[corresponding PR] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/571>

[OCaml.org’s governance] <https://ocaml.org/governance>

Platform Installer

  The Platform Installer provides the best way to install OCaml and the
  recommended development tools for both newcomers and existing users.

  *Simplicity.* It aims at replacing the [existing installation steps]
  with a much simpler workflow.

  To install the Platform Installer `ocaml-platform', you can run:

  │ $ bash < <(curl -sL 

  This script will install opam, if not already present in the system,
  and the latest version of `ocaml-platform'.

  Then, to install the Platform tools:

  │ $ ocaml-platform

  If opam is not initialised, this command will initialise it. Then it
  will proceed to installing the Platform tools in the current opam

  For first-time users, the above two lines will set them up with a
  working environment that’s complete enough to hack comfortably with

  *Speed.* In order to speed up the process of installing development
  tools, the Installer caches the binaries to avoid for redundant
  compilation. For instance, you will only need to compile `ocamlformat'
  once per version of the tool.

  However, some tools such as Merlin depend on the OCaml version. For
  those, the Installer’s cache distinguishes the binaries, depending on
  the version of the tool as well the OCaml version it was compiled

  *Integration.* The Installer integrates the development tools it
  installs as opam packages to make it fully aware of what has been
  installed. The binary provided by the Installer for the `dune' tool
  will allow the installation of any package with a Dune dependency
  without reinstalling it.

  However, some development tools include libraries in their opam
  package that are not provided by the Installer. In this case,
  installing the original opam package for the tool will replace the one
  provided by `ocaml-platform'.

  The opam packages installed by `ocaml-platform' are dependency-free.
  This means that installing specific versions of your development tools
  will never mess with the actual dependencies of your project!

[existing installation steps] <https://ocaml.org/docs/up-and-running>

◊ The Tools Installed

  The list of tools installed by `ocaml-platform' will ultimately be the
  platform tools listed in the [Platform Docs] as either Active and
  Incubate. Currently, this list is still incomplete for different
  reasons, such as keeping installation time short for new users, the
  number of dependencies, or other technical constraints.

  The set of installed tools already provides a complete working
  environment, with:

  • A build system: Dune
  • A documentation generator: `odoc'
  • A code formatter: OCamlformat
  • A release helper: `dune-release'
  • Editor integration: `ocaml-lsp' and Merlin.

  [Platform Docs] <https://ocaml.org/docs/platform>

Next Steps

  There’s still a lot to do!

  *Governance.* As mentioned above, we should have a clear governance
  model for how incubation and promotions happen in the Platform, who
  decides, and which criterias are applied. This should obviously be an
  open process driven by the community; however, we want to make sure
  that we propose a governance model that will work well, so we’re still
  discussing alternatives and experimenting on some options. We’d love
  your input on this, so expect a Discuss post with a proposed
  governance model for the Platform soon. Don’t hesitate to [reach
  out](<mailto:thib...@tarides.com>) to us before then if you want to
  get involved!

  *Editor Integration.* While the Installer is a step forward towards a
  simple way to install OCaml, the UX for newcomers can still be
  improved. We plan to integrate the Installer to the official VSCode
  plugin. This will provide a way to get a complete development
  environment in only a few clicks directly in the editor. We will also
  explore how to make the setup of Emacs and Vim more straighforward.

  *Remote Cache.* In order to further reduce the time taken to start
  hacking on a project, we are working on a remote cache for the
  Installer. The cache will be populated by a CI and would remove the
  need for compiling the tools locally. The local cache and compilation
  mechanism would still be used as a fallback if the remote repo is down
  or incomplete (such as for a pinned compiler).


  Thank you to the developers and alpha-testers who contributed to the
  Plaform Installer project, particularly the Tarides engineers who have
  been driving the development:

  • [Jules Aguillon]
  • [Paul-Elliot]
  • [Sonja Heinze]

  We’d also like to thank our major funder Jane Street for supporting
  our work to improve OCaml’s installation experience!

[Jules Aguillon] <https://github.com/Julow>

[Paul-Elliot] <https://github.com/panglesd>

[Sonja Heinze] <https://github.com/pitag-ha>

dkml-dune-dsl 0.x.x - Parameterizable Dune files embedded in OCaml


jbeckford announced

  I am pleased to announce dkml-dune-dsl, an embedding of Dune inside
  OCaml (aka. an eDSL) for developers that need to simplify complex Dune
  logic. An excerpt from the [README]:

        Once installed you will be able to write DSL expressions

        │ open DkmlDuneDsl
        │ module Build (I : Dune.SYM) = struct
        │   open I
        │   let res =
        │     [
        │       rule
        │         [
        │           target "{{{ name }}}.txt";
        │           action
        │             (with_stdout_to "%{target}"
        │               (echo [ "{{{ age }}}" ]));
        │         ];
        │     ]
        │ end

        that are run over the parameters in a JSON file:

        │ {
        │   "param-sets": [
        │     {"name": "batman", "age": 39},
        │     {"name": "robin", "age": 24}
        │   ]
        │ }

        You can do also do aggregation or, if you are really
        adventurous, define your own interpreter. Even if you
        don’t use parameterization you get things you take for
        granted with OCaml: type-safety, auto-complete and `let`

  The full documentation including installation instructions and
  examples are available in the [README].

  A few cautionary notes:

  • The current version (0.1.0 as of Oct 17 2022) does not have 100%
    coverage of all Dune expressions; it just has the parts of Dune I’ve
    needed in my own projects. That includes an encoding of the Ordered
    Set Language and virtual libraries but not (for example) `select'
    forms, plugins, ctypes and lex/yacc. But I strongly suspect the same
    people who need a tool like dkml-dune-dsl are the same people who
    can easily contribute a PR to add any parts of Dune they need.
  • The API is unstable; if someone adds more Dune expressions they may
    have to tweak the API. And I haven’t settled on whether the API
    needs some first-class features to track Dune’s `(lang dune X.Y.Z)'
  • This is not blessed in any way by the Dune team! Hopefully they
    don’t mind though.

[README] <https://github.com/diskuv/dkml-dune-dsl#readme>

Other OCaml News

>From the ocaml.org blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [the ocaml.org

  • [Real World OCaml Book Giveaway!]
  • [8 OCaml Libraries to Make Your Life Easier]
  • [ICFP 2022 Review]

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[8 OCaml Libraries to Make Your Life Easier]

[ICFP 2022 Review]


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