Today's focus:  Getting social with your online identity


In this issue:

* Midentity helps you control your online personal identity
* Links related to Identity Management
* Featured reader resource
This newsletter is sponsored by Imprivata 
Enterprise Single Sign-On: The critical questions every company 
needs to ask 

There are a growing number of Enterprise Single Sign-On (ESSO) 
solutions, each with its own capabilities, associated costs, 
resource requirements, deployment needs, and implementation 
times. This white paper is intended to make the ESSO evaluation 
process simpler and faster by identifying the critical questions 
you need to ask when you are evaluating ESSO solutions.

Recently 23 prominent IT executives and academics gathered at 
Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH for a daylong roundtable to 
address such questions. CIOs and VPs from some of the largest 
and most well-known companies in the US shared with peers their 
security fears, goals, frustrations and challenges.  Find out 

Today's focus:  Getting social with your online identity

By Dave Kearns

There seems to be a push for more personal control of identity 
information. Two companies I came across at the recent Digital 
ID World show exemplify this.

Sxip Networks, now a-year-old, is the brainchild of Dick Hardt. 
Hardt also founded ActiveState, a leader in open source 
programming languages and anti-spam software, which was acquired 
in 2003 by U.K.'s security software company, Sophos.

Midentity, only slighty older than Sxip, grew out of the fertile 
imagination of Simon Grice, a co-founder of eTribes, which 
specializes in online communities. Grice appears to like 
capitalizing the second letter of words.

Both Sxip and mIdentity provide a way for an individual to share 
personal identity data in a fine-grained manner. Today, we'll 
look closely at mIdentity and examine Sxip in the next issue.

The Midentity product reminds me in many ways of the late, 
lamented DigitalME project Novell launched some years ago, as 
well Novell's more recent (but still dormant) personal directory 
project ( 
<> ).

At the Digital ID World conference, each attendee was invited to 
fill out a personal information document (complete with picture) 
and publish it on the Midentity network for the show. This 
allowed attendees to contact each other and see their picture to 
identify them if they needed to meet.

The full-blown product mIdentity software (downloadable from the 
Midentity Web site 
<> ) installs on 
your Windows desktop and interfaces with your Outlook and mobile 
phone address books. Any Midentity-enabled contact in your 
address book is then automatically updated whenever that user 
changes information that is published. You can, of course, 
choose which information to publish to any given user.

In many ways, this is similar to Plaxo ( <> 
) or LinkedIn ( <> ) and other social 
networking apps that try to keep contact information accurate 
and useful. That certainly reflects Grice's eTribes background 
but he has bigger plans than simply up-to-date address books. As 
he says, as long as you're sharing e-mail addresses, home page 
URLs and phone numbers you could also be sharing presence 
information (whether you're logged in or not), location and 

Much of what's currently available for Midentity, and much of 
the discussion on the Web site, is geared more towards finding 
people with your cell phone. That was the genesis, but Grice has 
grabbed the concept of directory-based services very well and 
envisions much more to come in the way of service oriented 
activities for users. He's coming from one direction, while a 
number of electronic provisioning companies that I spoke to at 
the recent Mobile ID Services show, are also discovering that 
people want to be able to locate services through identity 
applications using personal profile data along with phones that 
have GPS functionality.

You can download and use the Midentity client for free, although 
there are more extensive services available for a subscription 
fee as well as an instant messaging application so that you can 
chat with your contacts.

This is the beginning of something growing out of Web-based 
social communities that might be useful in business as well as 
personal environments. It can't hurt to check on it.




Sxip Networks
To contact: Dave Kearns

Dave Kearns is a writer and consultant in Silicon Valley. He's 
written a number of books including the (sadly) now out of print 
"Peter Norton's Complete Guide to Networks." His musings can be 
found at Virtual Quill <>.

Kearns is the author of three Network World Newsletters: Windows 
Networking Tips, Novell NetWare Tips, and Identity Management. 
Comments about these newsletters should be sent to him at these 

respective addresses: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

Kearns provides content services to network vendors: books, 
manuals, white papers, lectures and seminars, marketing, 
technical marketing and support documents. Virtual Quill 
provides "words to sell by..." Find out more by e-mail at 
This newsletter is sponsored by Imprivata 
Enterprise Single Sign-On: The critical questions every company 
needs to ask 

There are a growing number of Enterprise Single Sign-On (ESSO) 
solutions, each with its own capabilities, associated costs, 
resource requirements, deployment needs, and implementation 
times. This white paper is intended to make the ESSO evaluation 
process simpler and faster by identifying the critical questions 
you need to ask when you are evaluating ESSO solutions.

Breaking identity management news from Network World, updated 

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