Hello. I'm interested in this as well.


On 11.07.2007, at 23:26, Ernest Prabhakar wrote:

> Hi all,
> I love the elegance of Markaby for HTML generation. I'd like to do  
> something similar for SVG, e.g.:
> svg11 do
>   title "Slide Title"
>   rect({:x=>2,:y=>2,:width=>508,:height=>318,:fill=>"aqua"})
>   g({:style=>"fill:blue; stroke:black", :transform=>"translate 
> (17,-38)"}) do
>       circle({:cx=>70, :cy=>100, :r=>50})
>       rect 
> (:x=>"150", :y=>"50", :rx=>"20", :ry=>"20", :width=>"135", :height=>"1 
> 00")
>       line(:x1=>325, :y1=>150, :x2=>375, :y2=>50)
>       polyline(:points=>"50, 250 75, 350 100, 250 125, 350 150, 250 175,  
> 350")
>       polygon(:points=>"250, 250, 297, 284, 279, 340, 220, 340, 202, 284")
>       ellipse({:cx=>400, :cy=>300, :rx=>72, :ry=>50})
>   end
> end
> I've hacked a custom subclass of Builder (SVGBuilder) that can  
> handle this, but that's probably the wrong approach -- since most  
> users will want to embed SVG inside HTML.
> Any Markaby experts here who can help me figure out the best way to  
> integrate SVG support into Markaby?
> Thanks,
> -- Dr. Ernie
> http://ihack.us/
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