Hey, campineros.  And many good handshakes to zimbatm for getting
some patches applied.

So, yeah, I'd really like to get rid of any serious dependancies with
this 1.6 release.  Anything that's not in stdlib has to go.  Of course,
camping-omnibus will still assume the whole ActiveRecord, Markaby,
Mongrel setup that's in the history books.

Metaid can be removed and replaced with:

  def Object.meta_def n,&b
  (class<<self;self;end).instance_eval{define_method n,&b};end

Markaby's going to take much more work.  Part of the issue is: how
does an app tell Camping that it needs to use Markaby without
screwing up the other apps?  My hunch is we'll use some eval'd code
to override render per-App like you see in camping/db.rb.

The default will be plain strings:

  def render *a,&b;s=send(*a,&b);s=send(:layout){s} if /^_/!~a[0].
  to_s and m.respond_to?:layout;s;end

And, well, as for ActiveSupport, Camping only uses the supra-
flexi-careless-hash, so we need a replacement.

I'm not too hot on [symbol] and [string] equivalence.  But I do like
to call the query string vars like methods.  What do you think about
using OpenStruct instead?

I've been testing with this:

  class H < OpenStruct
    def u h;for k,v in h;@table[k.to_sym]=v;new_ostruct_member(k);end
    def self.[] *a;new *a;end

Or, you know, just Hash is okay, right folks?

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