2007/9/26, why the lucky stiff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hey, campineros.  And many good handshakes to zimbatm for getting
> some patches applied.

You're welcome !

> Markaby's going to take much more work.  Part of the issue is: how
> does an app tell Camping that it needs to use Markaby without
> screwing up the other apps?  My hunch is we'll use some eval'd code
> to override render per-App like you see in camping/db.rb.

Adding method_missing to the views would be enough to proxy the calls
to Markaby. You'd still need to propagate the controller's instance
variables to the view tough.

One solution is to add the View into the controller. The disadvantages
is that it greaten the chances of method clashes and that the
distinction between Helper and Base module would be null. The
advantage is that method_missing could be reused, like it is for the
NotFound and ServerError classes.

> And, well, as for ActiveSupport, Camping only uses the supra-
> flexi-careless-hash, so we need a replacement.

I suggest that H is a child of Hash. Extensions can extend it to
provide method_missing goodness or anything else. The only concern I
have is about case-sensitiveness. I am not sure if the http headers
are normalized on input or not.

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