Hi Gregor,

I wasn't able to track the error on Camping side, but it comes from
r2r that defines nil.error_missing.

2007/9/27, Gregor Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>     require "rubygems"
>     require "ruby2ruby"

# It works in this case but probably breaks r2r on a larger scale.
class NilClass
  undef method_missing

>     Camping.goes :Test
>     module Test
>       module Controllers
>         class Index < R '/'
>           def get
>             div.literate_programming! do
>               example { 1 + 1 == 2 }
>             end
>           end
>         end
>       end
>       module Helpers
>         def example(&block)
>           pre( block.to_ruby.gsub(/^proc \{\n(.*)\n\}$/m, '\1'))
>         end
>       end
>     end

> I don't know where the :href attribute comes from and I don't know,
> why it only appears within camping and not in markaby itself.

Camping overrides [:href,:action,:src] to translate relative links to
absolute ones. See Mab at the end of camping-unabridged.

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