On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 22:50 +0200, Jonas Pfenniger wrote:
> 2007/9/28, Nathaniel Talbott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > As far as I can tell, sending an actual HTTP PUT request to a Camping
> > app will never parse the params out of the request body - or am I
> > going nuts?
> No you aren't at all. Actually, Camping is only a toy to quickly hack
> small apps together. I am highly skeptical that we'll never be able to
> implement the 397K of the HTTP1.1 rfc into it's 4K limitation but I
> would be happy if somebody does it :) In the mean time, it doesn't
> mean that it can't provide some facilities for extension. Actually,
> the initialize method is the biggest method in Camping and I remember
> _why talking about splitting it up.
> Concerning the PUT method, the rfc starts it's description with the
> following terms : "The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be
> stored under the supplied Request-URI." (sec9.6). As I understand it,
> it is intended to store files under a specific URL, but who knows what
> an "entity" exactly is ? If I am right, a form is not really a file
> since it's entries order are not strictly defined. At least, it
> rapidly becomes complex because the RFC doesn't specifies a strict
> list of accepted verbs. From the standard ones, OPTION, GET, HEAD and
> TRACE should be "safe" and thus not accepting "post" data I guess and
> DELETE makes no sense with an entity attached but I didn't find any
> MUST or SHOULD attached to that assertion.

The entity is the requst body. It's in the RFC.

PUT does specify to store something -- there's response codes for "We
assigned a URI" (201 -- Created, with Location:)

It's very different than POST -- Far more semantic load than POST.

I'm using PUT in Camping with no trouble -- XML body, doing CalDAV --
and it works well. But it's totally different than POST, true.


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