2008/3/12, Paul van Tilburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello all,
>  On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 05:58:00PM +0100, Jonas Pfenniger wrote:
>  > what do you think of releasing the current trunk as camping-1.6 ?
>  > Nothing much has moved since a while and apart from FastCGI, I believe
>  > most bugs where ironed out.
> Yeah, I see in the roadmap that there are two bugs open (you mention
>  one here).  Are these real blockers?  It would be greate to have a relase.

You're right. Actually the ESPIPE error (#130) is hard to solve.
jsheets proposed to read the full upload in a StringIO. That idea
clearly doesn't scale to big files. The ideal solution would be to
rewrite that big chunk in #initialize to not use IO#revert but I never
had the guts to do it. So while I could wait for somebody to do the
work, I prefer to state that file uploads doesn't work in CGI instead
of penalizing the other adapters. I clearly have to be documented
somewhere at least.

>  > After the gem release, I propose putting some effort on documentation
>  > and how to use Rack's FastCGI. When that's done, we'll have a
>  > Rubyforge announcement and such.
> Don't forget the tarball release. ;)


>  By the way, do you/we have any release notes, or NEWS listing the new
>  features?

The changes are only noted in the SVN actually. I'll scan trough it
when updating the doc.

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