If you're going to build cookie sessions in to the core, it should either do the rails thing of using multiple cookies when one is not enough for the data, or raise a descriptive exception explaining why there's a problem and how switching to the database sessions thingo will solve that.

I totally agree with ditching the compressed version so long as there are new guidelines put in place as to how much camping is too much camping. We still need to fit it in our backpacks.

It would also be good if you continue to maintain some easy way to do the compression, so people who do care about size can get a smaller version. Someone might want to take camping with them everywhere they go in the form of a 3D barcode, loadable via the camera's on mobile phones and many computers, or maybe they've been running their website on a server they can only reach via TCP over Carrier Pigeon and it's important to them that they can upload camping.rb with the fewest pigeons possible.

Does Rack::Utils give us nice short easy escaping? Can we include in to camping in a way that they are just nice short methods?


On 22/05/2008, at 5:26 AM, Magnus Holm wrote:

1. Camping on Rack

I've just finished rewriting Camping to use Rack in the "core". I got rid of (a little less) than 1kB in camping.rb and removed lots of un- necessary files
(lib/server/*.rb, fastcgi.rb & mongrel.rb).

bin/camping does now only provide WEBrick, Mongrel and console- support and should only be used in development. It uses Rack::ShowExceptions to catch
error outside the app and I've also written a middleware for faking
X-Sendfile. For production you should create a rackup-file or setup Rack in
some other way:

 #!/usr/bin/env rackup
 # Auto-detects CGI & FastCGI
 # Start mongrel with: ./blog.ru -s mongrel -p 3301
 require 'blog'
 run Blog

Some notes:
* Branch: http://github.com/judofyr/camping/commits/rack
* You have to rename camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb in order to run apps.
* You're app is also a Rack-app  (aka respond_to?(:call))
* I'm using Rack::Request (@request) and Rack::Response (@response)
* Status, headers and body must be set using @status, @headers and @body,
 not @response.status, @response.headers or @response.body
* @headers is a Rack::Utils::HeaderHash
* @root, @input and @cookies behaves equally; @env is gone
* You can delete cookies with @response.delete_cookie("key")
* Set cookies with @cookies.key = ":)" or @response.set_cookie("key", ":)")
* You can also pass a Hash when you're setting cookies:
@cookes.key = {:value => ":)", :expires => Time.now + 3600, :path => '/app'}
* I've removed #qsp, #un and #escape. Use Rack::Utils instead
* This should close #104, #130 and #153

2. ORM-agnostic?

What about making Camping ORM-agnostic? If it's only AR which requires glue, we can just rename camping/db.rb to camping/ar.rb - if not we have to add
camping/og.rb, camping/dm.rb, camping/sequel.rb etc too.

3. Cookie Sessions as default

What do you think about using Cookie Sessions instead of database- based by default (in camping/sessions.rb)? It's much lighter and makes it simpler to create apps without database. It also helps making Camping ORM- agnostic.

I've fixed this in the cookie_session-branch (requires Rack) available at http://github.com/judofyr/camping/commits/cookie_session (highly based on
Jenna's work)

4. Renaming camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb?

I haven't touched camping.rb at all, do we really need to prove that it's a micro-framework? It just makes development/releasing harder. Let's just forget about the abridged version and rename camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb!

5. Camping 2.0

Here's my plan:
* We agree on which of these four/three features we should implement
* _why or zimbatm (or someone who really knows Camping) double-checks
 everything and fixes any bugs.
* Releasing 2.0 - Make lots of hype so everybody ports their apps to 2.0 * Then we'll see if any bugs appear, fixes them quickly and releasing 2.1.


This is just some proposals, the community (aka YOU) have to decide what we
should do. So what are your thoughts?

Magnus Holm
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