Why are you using the 'p' function in your controller? this is strange.

You give it a string containing ruby code... maybe closer to what you want is p { render :newctrl } but even then, you are wrapping your entire html response inside a <p> and probably also yet another layout? recursive craziness I say!

On 23/04/2009, at 5:41 PM, in-seok hwang wrote:

hi all!

i has some question.

first, my camping ver is 1.5.180
markaby is 0.5
mongrel is 1.1.5

i want connect some controller by div
As a result,
i want transfer input text from "Newsctrl" class

i will show my code.

this is my controller

212     class Newsctrl
213         def get
214             p 'render :newsctrl'
215         render :newsctrl
216         end
217         def post
218             p 'post neonsign'
219         end
220     end

this is my views

 module Conf::Views
309     def layout
310         html do
311             head do
 body do
322                 div :class => 'header' do
323                     #div :class =>
324                     " ";br
325                     h1{a 'INFO_AGENT', :href => '/'}
326                     code :class => 'header' do
327                         '$ 배재대학교 정보과학관 303호'
328                     end
329                 end
330                 div :id => 'news-blocker' do
331                     div :id => 'news-text' do
332                         self << news
333                     end
334                 end
336                     div :id => 'news-button' do
338 a "add", :href => "#", :onclick => "Effect.SlideDown('newsctrl');return false;"
339                     end
340 div :id => 'newsctrl', :style => "display:none; width:99%; height:22px;" do
341                     div do
342 self << newsctrl # i want connect by my controller, but this code has error occurs
343                     end
344                 end

this function is  in views

443     def newsctrl
444         form :method => :post do
445             label "내용";input :name => :title;
446             label "이름";input :name => :name;
447             input :type => :submit
448         end
449 a "close", :href => "#", :onclick => "$ ('newsctrl').hide(); return false;"
450     end

how can i solve my question?

plz help me .

thank you for reading my article.
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