I'm trying to integrate Tilt (for providing Haml etc. support), but
are having some problems supporting both the previous `render` and
this new `render`.

Previous render:
- loads Markaby when needed
- Always wraps the layout
- render :index  # => Calls index() within Markaby
- render :index, 1, 2 # => Calls index(1, 2) within Markaby

What I want from the new render:
- loads Markaby when needed
- loads Tilt when needed
- render :index, :layout => false # => Don't wraps the layout
- render :foo # => Will check #{VIEW_PATH}/foo.* and render that file
(falling back on the Markaby methid)
- render :foo, :locals => { :bar => 123 } # => Same as above, but with
local variables set
- render :index, :locals => { :foo => 123 } # => :locals is ignored if
it's a Markaby method

I guess the question is: Does anybody actually use `render` with
multiple arguments (render :index, 1, 2)? If not, I guess we can
easily switch to this new `render` without breaking code.

// Magnus Holm
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