Oh, and I also have the speed issue! That's definitely a bug. I'll
have a look at it later...

On Friday, June 18, 2010, Raimon Fernandez <co...@montx.com> wrote:
> buf, now I'm lost ...
> :-))
> no, really, thanks for that info, now I have working as I want ...
> :-)
> I've tested and created a new databse, and is working also.
> I've created a new sqlite3 from terminal and filled-up with some data and now 
> I can use this databse from Camping, cool!
> And, caping is serving the data with .xml format and I can get it from my 
> devices, cool!
> I'm going to play more with thise, sure I'll come back with more questions ...
> :-)
> ah, I always use Thin with Nginx for my RoR instead of Mongrel, I suppose 
> there would be no problem with camping ?
> and speed: normally it's all very fast, but sometimes, it takes a little bit 
> (3 or more seconds) to respond camping, and I'm not doing nothing serious at 
> all, just the example from pastie.
> is because I'm using the development mode instead of production, like in RoR ?
> thanks again !
> regards,
> r.
> On 18jun, 2010, at 12:33 , Magnus Holm wrote:
>> Yeah, people always get a little confused because you don't need to
>> define your database when you're using bin/camping (it has a default
>> SQLite database at ~/.camping.db).
>> I also see that there's some old, database code here; we definitely
>> need to update our documentation (yes, I'm working on it!)
>> First of all, the table name should be "list_people" (since "people"
>> is the plural to "person" and the table names are always in
>> lowercase), but you should rather do `create_table Person.table_name`
>> and `drop_table Person.table_name` because then you don't need to
>> think about it at all :-)
>> Secondly, you only need this in order to create the database:
>> def List.create
>>  List::Models.create_schema
>> end
>> Then it will use a SQLite database at ~/.camping.db (as long as you
>> start it with `camping list.rb`). This is perfect for just testing
>> things out (you can also run `camping -C list.rb` to get an IRB
>> console). Please note that if you only run `camping list.rb`, you'll
>> have to load the page in the browser before the migrations run.
>> If you want to use a specific database, you can add this:
>> def List.create
>>  List::Models::Base.establish_connection(
>>    :adapter => "postgresql",
>>    :username => "root",
>>    :password => "toor,
>>    :database => "list"
>>  )
>>  List::Models.create_schema
>> end
>> Or you might want to add the information in a database.yml file:
>> ---
>> adapter: postgresql
>> username: root
>> password: toor
>> database: list
>> And then rather do:
>> require 'yaml'
>> def List.create
>>  List::Models::Base.establish_connection(YAML.load(File.read("database.yml")))
>>  List::Models.create_schema
>> end
>> Please note that if you connect to a database which already has the
>> tables, DON'T run `List::Models.create_schema` as this will probably
>> delete the whole database. General rule: you only need migrations to
>> setup the database.
>> --
>> And thirdly: Yes, we are aware of that the migration support isn't
>> very nice. In the future we hope to have something like:
>> module List::Models
>>  class Person
>>    t.string :name
>>  end
>> end
>> def List.create
>>  List::Models.setup!
>> end
>> Until then, you'll have to stick with the current solution :-)
>> // Magnus Holm
>> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:09, Raimon Fernandez <co...@montx.com> wrote:
>>> On 17jun, 2010, at 21:04 , Magnus Holm wrote:
>>>> That's (hopefully) the simplest way to generate XML with Camping.
>>>> You still need to create a model to store/retrieve the data. Before we
>>>> can help you here, we need to know a few things: Is it going to fetch
>>>> data from a specific place, or should it create its own database (from
>>>> scratch)? Any specific database you want to use?
>>>> Here's a Pastie with all the code: http://pastie.org/1008983 (Should
>>>> work on any version of Camping).
>>> I'm trying to adapt your pastie to use a sqlite databse, but I'm having 
>>> some errors that I can't see ...
>>> Here's a Pastie with all code: http://pastie.org/1009797
>>> I'm just trying to create with code a simple table called Persons with some 
>>> fields but ...
>>> :-)
>>> Also,  I can't find where is creating the database ...
>>> thanks,
>>> regards,
>>> r.
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// Magnus Holm
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