Just for fun and to keep creative juives flowing I mocked up one idea of layout including a resizable look and a slideshow to showcase key points about Camping. That slideshow is using straight HTML and Javascript.
See http://rubycamping.monnet-usa.com/

On 6/30/2010 8:21 AM, Philippe Monnet wrote:
Sorry I actually meant to say that all key content and navigation should be visible in the top 1084 pixels (and maybe less). It's not so much that we can make the page longer but you loose visitor's attention span (see http://browsersize.googlelabs.com/).

On 6/30/2010 7:46 AM, Magnus Holm wrote:
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 14:57, Philippe Monnet<r...@monnet-usa.com>  wrote:
Thanks Magnus! I love the idea of working on the web site for 2.1.
I am still not crazy about the web site name though - as it is not easy for
people to remember if they don't know the connection with _why. I personally
would have preferred rubycamping.com or something linking Camping to Ruby
somehow. But if everyone prefers that name I am fine with that.
Sure, I don't care what's the domain name will be.

A couple ideas for the site:
Keep the home page simple with all content fitting within 1280 x 1024
I don't necessarily agree with this: users are used to scroll on the
internet (e.g.http://vowsjs.org/)

Use a catchy design (need some help here)
Of course! Unfortunately, I can't really help here either.

Accentuate that Camping is about Ruby (maybe also include the ruby logo

Have a brief note about the connection to _why and a link to a page
explaining the history of Camping with further links to _why's other sites
Agree. I feel these kind of pages should end up at the wiki (but we
might want to move away from GitHub's wiki).

Encourage people to try it by capitalizing on some of Camping's strengths:

Fast to learn - requires only basic Ruby skills
Much simpler than Rails but more structure than Sinatra/Padrino
Lightning fast and memory efficient allowing fast and efficient sites
Can evolve from simple file to organized directory structure
Can layer in more features later using persistence and choice of view
Totally agree!

How about using some kind of an animated (auto advancing) slideshow to
highlight some of the benefits? See an example at:
Interesting. We'll have to check that out.

How about a page on learning with a link to the book as well as a list of
links for other tutorials or short explanations on key topics (e.g. how to
do migrations, how to use include/extend, how to use different view engines,
This should hopefully be a part of the reference section

How about a page about plugins with some brief description of their intent?
Wiki material?

I would love for us to include _why's cartoons in some of the sub pages ;-)

Who would be interested in working together on the site?
I'm always interested, but I'm that good at design…

Could we do a couple graphic mockups of the main page? How should we
exchange them? Via the mailing list?
Not sure…

I am ready and excited to help with that. I think it would be great to
launch the site in time for _Why Day (Aug 19th)!


Also, I think we should store a lot of information on a wiki; Camping
is after all a pretty much "public" project. I still think we should
have a separate website though (which should both work as a place
where you can find Camping-related resources AND where we "advertise"
to new people).
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