
well, finally all is working fine ...

there were some problems with thin configuration file and one missing require 
'rubygems' in the config.ru file, that curiosly, it was not necessary when 
starting thin manually ...



On 6ago, 2010, at 18:49 , Raimon Fernandez wrote:

> and my thin version: thin 1.2.7 codename No Hup
> and camping version: 2.0 
> still no idea why it is not working ...
> thanks,
> r.
> On 6ago, 2010, at 09:57 , Raimon Fernandez wrote:
>> here's is my config.ru
>> require 'list'
>> List.create if List.respond_to?(:create) # call List.create if it exists
>> run List # and run the app!
>> On 6ago, 2010, at 09:52 , Raimon Fernandez wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> I've moved my Camping app from my developer machine to my deployment 
>>> machine, a lucid linux.
>>> I use nginx + thin on all my RoR, and I want to use the same setup for my 
>>> Camping app.
>>> In the log of thin I have this error:
>>> "No adapter found for /u/apps/portablechecking"
>>> If I go to /u/apps/portablechecking/ and start camping manually there using:
>>> mo...@lucid:/u/apps/portablechecking$ thin start
>>>>> Using rack adapter
>>>>> Thin web server (v1.2.7 codename No Hup)
>>>>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>>>>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
>>> everything is OK, I can access to my camping app.
>>> If I start manually with the rack file:
>>> mo...@lucid:/u/apps/portablechecking$ thin -R config.ru start
>>>>> Thin web server (v1.2.7 codename No Hup)
>>>>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>>>>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
>>> everything is OK, I can access to my camping app.
>>> but when thin gets their config file for my camping app, it can't find an 
>>> adapter.
>>> here's the .yml config file for thin:
>>> # copy this file to: /etc/thin/
>>> ---
>>> user: montx
>>> timeout: 30
>>> max_conns: 1024
>>> require: []
>>> environment: production
>>> max_persistent_conns: 512
>>> servers: 3
>>> daemonize: true
>>> socket: /tmp/thin_portablechecking.sock
>>> chdir: /u/apps/portablechecking/
>>> pid:   /u/apps/portablechecking/pids/thin.pid
>>> log:   /u/apps/portablechecking/log/thin.log
>>> I'm using unix sockets to comunicate between nginx and thin
>>> I've posted this question in the thin list but seems the list is 'sleeping'
>>> After some googling I found something that can be related:
>>> * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
>>> - - - - - *
>>> Extracted from here: http://www.eleven33.com/?p=29
>>> %w[ rubygems camping active_record camping/db camping/session reststop json 
>>> active_support net/http rack ].each { |x| require x}
>>> Camping.goes :Operator
>>> #So after the Camping Instantiation I use this little piece of code to let 
>>> thin handle the static files.
>>> use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/static", "/images", "/css", "/javascripts"], 
>>> :root => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
>>> #All my Operator Code goes in here#
>>> #Here us the end of my file. To start the Thin + Camping application.
>>> Operator::Models::Base.establish_connection :adapter => ’sqlite3′, 
>>> :database => ‘operator.db’
>>> Operator::Models::Base.logger = Logger.new(‘operator.log’)
>>> run Rack::Adapter::Camping.new(Operator)
>>> * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
>>> - - - - - *
>>> the last line is really necessary ?
>>> run Rack::Adapter::Camping.new(Operator)
>>> what I'm doing wrong ?
>>> thanks !
>>> regards,
>>> r.
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