I posted part II of the series, detailing the steps to add ABingo to a test Camping app - http://blog.monnet-usa.com/?p=330
GitHub and RubyGems have been updated with a couple changes too.
There is also a very basic example at http://camping-abingo.heroku.com/

On 12/2/2010 5:34 PM, Philippe Monnet wrote:
After becoming interested in Patrick McKenzie's ABingo A/B testing framework for Rails I decided to adapt it for Camping after getting his blessing. The plugin can be found on GitHub at: https://github.com/techarch/camping-abingo
The camping-abingo gem is on RubyGems.
The doc is at: http://camping-abingo.monnet-usa.com/

And I started the first of a couple posts on ABingo for Camping: http://blog.monnet-usa.com/?p=322

Philippe (@techarch)

PS - for the moment I have not promoted the repository up to the Camping GitHub org but I can do that if people feel like it should be there.

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