Gave this a shot, and now when I run Camping I get:

Invalid gemspec in [/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/specifications/camping-2.1.448.gemspec]: Illformed requirement ["#<YAML::Syck::DefaultKey:0x1023bfdc8> 0.8.7"]

Is that bad?

On 8/30/11 3:18 AM, Magnus Holm wrote:
We definitely need to put out a new release. Try this in the meantime:

  gem install camping --source

(I've just updated the DNS record, so it might take an hour or two to propagate correctly)

// Magnus Holm

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 07:09, John Beppu < <>> wrote:

    Let's say I have a pristine Unixy system in front of me.  (In my
    case, it's a new OS X 10.7 installation and I put MacPorts on there.)

    What is the simplest way to get an up-to-date Camping installation?

    (I've been out of the Ruby loop for a while.)

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