
Could you please show me the preferred/nicest way
to run my Camping application as a Rack all?  I like
doing my work in Rack because it's easy to run my app
in a standalone webserver, or "mount" it to a path in
my production environment as a FastCGI app.

require 'rubygems'
require 'rack'
app = ...
Rack::Handler::FastCGI.run app, :Port => nnnn

I use Camping as a proof-of-concept framework, but it's
time to turn some of my apps into production, and I'm looking
for the right way to do this, and I think this is to make it run
as a Rack app.  I've found code snippets on the net but
none of them worked.  This one is the less wrong one:

require 'rubygems'
require 'rack'
require 'camping'

Camping.goes :X
module X
    # my Camping app here #


Rack::Handler::FastCGI.run X, :Port => 8899

I know it's not good.  Basicly my question is:  how to repair this? :)

I have two problems:

1) X.create makes ugly error messages
2) if I comment out the X.create line, it seems to work, but does
not really do.  It listens for connections on 8899, but it halt on
the first fcgi connection from the webserver.

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