Just thought it worth mentioning, we now collectively do own camping.io - this 
is where judofyr's site will go when it's ready, and we're planning to use 
github pages as hosting for now (yes, we won't be running it as a dynamic 
camping website, seeing as we can't think of any good dynamic functionality)  

Speaking of dynamic functionality. Do you guys remember the old ruby/rails 
beast forums? They kind of died out, but a really simple clean forum can be a 
really nice thing, and it send a clear message by being publicly readable - 
camping is not dead. You wouldn't need to join a mailing list to find that out. 
I've been thinking about forums a lot lately, and I think 
http://camendesign.com/nononsense_forum is a really great way to build a really 
simple forum - you use folders for sub forums, and rss or atom feeds for 
threads. This way you can subscribe to them also, and it has a built in API of 
sorts. Probably atom is the way to go. rss is a bit of a hack job.

I'm really keen to kill this myth that camping is inactive. Another way I think 
we might do this is to bring in camping-related projects as well. In the same 
way rails is the home of active record, perhaps camping aught to be the home of 
things like mab.  

Jenna Fox

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