The fonts don't display because Opera sucks balls when it comes to

I have ran into problems with it before (when dynamically changing
.style.textTransform of an <input> field, the text displayed is not
updated - testcase: and reported
them, and that was almost a year ago now, and is still not fixed.

Opera is pretty cool, but really sucks when it comes to handling bug
reports, eh.

You can work around this with a simple bit of JavaScript:

if(window.opera) // if you're feeling like it, you could maybe somehow
detect that the text is not shown correctly and check for this,
instead of just detecting Opera
    var lst = document.querySelectorAll('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6')
    for(var i=0; i<lst.length; i++) lst[i].firstChild.nodeValue =

(Or you could change the HTML source to use uppercase text, but I
guess you don't want to do that.)

(Or you could change the font files to use the same glyphs for upper-
and lower-case characters, but I guess that would require some work.)

-- Matma Rex
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