On May 8, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Anthony Durity wrote:

> Is this like Heroku or something?

My understanding is that Heroku uses a different system for what I gather 
mostly virtualized. This is a running on a traditional physical dedicated 

> What are the use cases for this?
> It's an app server?

My idea of the use was to be able to deploy a camping app directly from the 
code in github. So once you have it in github you don't need to push it to 
another git (as I think it is the case on heroku) but just fetch and run it 
from the admin. 

> What are the limitations?
> How much does it cost?
There are some soft limitations on memory usage - mostly to avoid abuse and not 
to slow down the app - it is entirely free. 

> If it is free, why is it free?

why not? :)


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