Hello Everyone,
sorry for the longish silence but as you know sometimes it can be busy at
I just wanted to let you know about a complete update on the free hosting
system I did prepare from camping. The github idea was not that bad but it
didn't work in many cases (too many!) and did not give enough control to
the users.

So I am testing a completely rebuild system with these currently working

- SFTP access to users: no more github madeness and total control over your
files. It is as drop and run as it can get;
- MySQL available to all users - it is popular so regardless of other
cutting edge possibilities I think it is an important add-on
- Fairly secure environment: users can't read other users files (which
seems like a no brainer but it is not possible to do or at least not easily
with nginx so we are using apache with a worker that runs everything as the
owner of the file)
- Ruby and PHP side by side? yes! see
http://testme.2.ai  camping app
This is a quick test regarding permissions e.g. this user cannot open via
PHP or Ruby another user file

It also works with other rack frameworks like Sinatra http://dotgeek.2.ai

So in short it supports secure Ruby (Camping, Sinatra, even ROR but not
fully tested) and PHP hosting with MySQL, Sqlite or Kirbybase ;)

What do you think ? Would you be interested in testing the system ?  Do you
think it could be interesting to users as an alternative to heroku etc ?I
will soon move the domain 1.ai to the new system so that you can test.
Initially I plan to add a key of some sort to make it by invitation only or
sort of for the alpha stage.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!
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