On Feb 24, 2007, at 1:14 PM, Jamis Buck wrote:

> Here it is, another Capistrano release, and less than a month since  
> the last one! Miracles truly never cease.
> Version 1.4.1, available just as soon as the mirrors get updated,  
> is a pretty minor update, but has one new feature:
> * You can now pass :env to 'run' (and friends), in order to specify  
> environment variables that should be set for that command. For  
> example:
>   run "some_batch_thang.rb", :env => { "DEBUG" => "1" }
> There is also one deprecation: if you are using UPPERCASE variables  
> in your Capistrano recipes, you'll being seeing warnings now.  
> Support for variables that start with uppercase letters will be  
> removed altogether in Capistrano 2.0. If you want uppercase  
> identifiers, you should use Ruby constants.
> The two fixes in this release:
> * Actor#get will not close the SFTP channel when it finishes. This  
> makes it possible to do multiple SFTP gets and puts in a single  
> session.
> * The subversion adapter now passes the "no-auth-cache" option, so  
> that if you configure an explicit subversion username for  
> deployment _other_ than your dev username, those deployment auth  
> tokens won't clobber your development tokens.
> So, go get it, "gem install capistrano." Or download it directly  
> from RubyForge (http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1420). And at  
> the risk of promising too much, too early: I expect this to be the  
> last 1.x release of Capistrano, barring any critical problems that  
> may arise with 1.4.1. Come on, cap2!
> - Jamis

        Awesome thanks Jamis!

-- Ezra Zygmuntowicz 
-- Lead Rails Evangelist
-- Engine Yard, Serious Rails Hosting
-- (866) 518-YARD (9273)

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