As a way of managing my sanity while keeping Capistrano 1 and 2
installed for different projects, I created a few Bash aliases to make
the process more obvious.  My "cap" wrapper script is installed in /
opt/local/bin/cap, and I've setup the following:

alias cap='echo "You must run either cap1 or cap2."'
alias cap1='/opt/local/bin/cap _1.4.1_'
alias cap2='/opt/local/bin/cap'

Some examples of what you see on the command line, though it should be
pretty obvious:

>> mark @ strongbad [ /Users/mark ]
 % cap
You must run either cap1 or cap2.

>> mark @ strongbad [ /Users/mark ]
 % cap1 --version
Capistrano v1.4.1

>> mark @ strongbad [ /Users/mark ]
 % cap2 --version
Capistrano v1.99.0

Hopefully that'll be useful for other people who are as easily
confused as I am. :)


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