The :user variable does not have any effect on sudo. It only controls who you are logging into your servers as, and who you are doing your SCM operations as. To specify a specific user when sudo'ing, give the :as option:

  my_sudo_user = "bob"
  sudo "...", :as => my_sudo_user

That will translate (effectively) to "sudo -u bob ..."

- Jamis

On Apr 30, 2008, at 10:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm unable to get both a sudoer's username and password while running
a $ cap deploy. I *can* get either the username or the password, but
not both. Here's the code:

set :user, "mongrel"
set :group, "mongrel"


namespace :deploy do
 desc "restart mongrels using monit"
 task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do

 # From
 namespace :monit do
   namespace :mongrel do
     [ :stop, :start, :restart ].each do |t|
       desc "#{t.to_s.capitalize} mongrel using monit"
       task t, :roles => :app do
         set :user, { Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Please enter
the name of a user you can sudo with: ") }
         sudo "monit -g wuntoo_mongrel #{t.to_s} all"

My setup here is where the regular deploying user is named 'mongrel',
so that when the svn export is executed, the results are owned by the
'mongrel' user, and are eventually executed by 'mongrel'.

(Yes, I know the name sucks, and I'll be changing it soon.)

My problem here is that the monit processes can only be manipulated by
root, so I’ve got to sudo every time I want to mess with it, like when
I’m restarting the mongrel processes it monitors.

So I thought I’d be able to just set the :user to be a sudoer prior to
running the 'sudo' method, and things would be peachy.

However, the CLI method is only executed *sometimes*.

$ cap deploy:monit:mongrel:restart    # I get asked for the sudoer's
$ cap deploy:restart                  # I don't get asked
$ cap deploy                          # I don't get asked

So I asked my friend John, who tells me that I should try leaving the out, and I end up changing my code to


task t, :roles => :app do
 user = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Please enter the name of a user you
can sudo with: ")
 set :user, user
 sudo "monit -g wuntoo_mongrel #{t.to_s} all"


Now I get:

$ cap deploy:monit:mongrel:restart
   triggering start callbacks for `deploy:monit:mongrel:restart'
 * executing `production'
*** Deploying to the   PRODUCTION   server!
 * executing `deploy:monit:mongrel:restart'
Please enter the name of a user you can sudo with: edwardog
 * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' monit -g wuntoo_mongrel
restart all"
   servers: [""]
   [] executing command
** [out ::]
   command finished

So at this point, I’m thinking that it’s worked, and I’m golden.

Nope! It turns out to be failing silently, and -v or -vvv doesn’t have
any effect.

What gives? Is there any way I can see what it’s doing?
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