At 23:54 -0700 5/27/08, Ezra Zygmuntowicz wrote:
> It looks like you are just trying to deploy to localhost?

The target machine is localhost (PM G5 running Mac OS X 10.4).
I'm not deploying, merely running commands.

> Do you have an sshd server running on your local machine?

Yes.  I also played with ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, as follows:

  ssh-dss ... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with the result that I can run the following command:

  $ ssh localhost pwd
  tcsh: /dev/tty: Device not configured.

I then edited my script to eliminate user/password references
and to use a full path name for the command (just in case):

  # t2.cap

  # Specify some relevant parameters:

  set  :application, 'localhost'
  role :arti,        application

  # Supply values, even for things we shouldn't need:

  set  :run_method,   :run              # Shouldn't be needed.
  set  :use_sudo,    false              # Shouldn't be needed.

  set  :repository,   '/tmp'            # Shouldn't be needed.
  set  :current_path, '/tmp'            # Shouldn't be needed.
  set  :release_path, '/tmp'            # Shouldn't be needed.
  set  :shared_path,  '/tmp'            # Shouldn't be needed.

  # Now try running a command.

  desc 'Run a test command.'
  task :test_cmd, :roles => [:arti] do
      cmd = '/bin/pwd'
      run cmd do |channel, stream, data|
        case stream
        when :err
          puts "stderr from #{channel[:host]}: #{data}"
        when :out
          puts "stdout from #{channel[:host]}: #{data}"
    rescue => e
      puts "Command failed: #{e}"

Nonetheless, the command still fails:

  $ cap -f ./t1.cap test_cmd
    * executing `test_cmd'
    * executing "pwd"
      servers: ["localhost"]
  Command failed: connection failed for: localhost
  (NoMethodError: private method `split' called for nil:NilClass)

So, I'm still rather blocked (not to mention perplexed :-).  My
suspicion is that I have left out a setting that Capistrano needs.

--            Rich Morin     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     +1 650-873-7841

Technical editing and writing, programming, and web development

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