On 1/29/09 1:35 PM, Chris wrote:
> Thanks for this hack!  This helped me out quite a bit.  For as long
> capistrano has been out there, I can't believe there are still so many
> issues with deploying from a Windows machine!!

I'm not even going to go there. I think everyone knows my stance on this.

>> I be there are otherwindowsusers that face this issue.  What would
>> it take to get this included in a future version of Capistrano?

A patch, submitted either via a GitHub pull request, or uploaded as a
diff to http://capistrano.lighthouseapp.com.

As I've said before, if someone submits a patch for a windows issue, and
it doesn't break any of the tests when I run it on my (OS X) machine,
and it doesn't uglify the codebase, I'll commit it. Note that I will do
this without any testing or further confirmation from the windows
community, so if you're a windows user, you are encouraged to watch the
commits closely and do your own quality control.

Windows is, as far as I'm concerned, use-at-your-own-risk.

- Jamis

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