
I've been tasked with getting a deployment system going for our rails
and sinatra apps. We had a working system a few months ago with
capistrano and it was abandoned because a few issues arose that we
couldn't get around. I'm now trying to get it working again. I've set
up the multistage extension and everything works great.

Where I'm running into problems is that I'd like to automate the
majority of the deploy scripts for each of our applications. We have
approximately 10 services (applications) that should inherit from a
master deploy script, and based on the name and type of the
application I'd like to have it override certain things (like server
hostname). Anyways, I feel like I'm mostly there, but just missing a
few pieces of info that are ultimately making this whole thing fail.

Here's the code I'm working with (server names are different to
protect the innocent):

There's more files and code there that I didn't post because the error
I'm getting is when it tries to get access to the configuration

Some more system info:
    OSX 10.6.6 (iMac 27" Core i7)
    $ ruby --version
    ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-darwin10.4.0]
    $ cap --version
    Capistrano v2.5.19
    $ rvm --version
    rvm 1.1.0
    $ bundle --version
    Bundler version 1.0.7

So, my assumption is that somehow I'm not loading the configuration
module properly. I got the inspiration to do this while reading
bundler's source and how it tacks on to capistrano to define the
bundle:install task[1]. If anyone has any inspiration or insight, I
would greatly appreciate some direction.



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