this seemed to b the issue:
set :port, 8888

1. was not working for me

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:22 AM, tom <> wrote:

> tom@debianb:~/00_railsapps/testapp$ ping
> PING (85.180.2.XXX) 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from (85.180.2.XXX): icmp_seq=1
> ttl=53 time=50.1 ms
> for security reason i changed the last 3 digits of the IP and obv
> "mysomething" is fake too.
> in the meantime i have
> a)
> one scenario using the above dns as a replacement for githug, meaning my
> own external gitserver
> b)
> trying to deploy to the webserver directly, meaning hosting the repo there.
> but both r failing due port 22 as it seems to me.
> thx for ur help
> i realllllly appreciate it.

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