
I don't understand why I don't have the right permissions.
I am on debian lenny and I try a deploy php file with capistrano from
github. I have a good public key which is register on github, there is no
problem to execute git command, but when the cap command does it, it doesn't

Here is my Capfile :

*load 'deploy' if respond_to?(:namespace) # cap2 differentiator*
*Dir['vendor/plugins/*/recipes/*.rb'].each { |plugin| load(plugin) }*
*set :scm_verbose, true*

*set :application, 'toto.com'*
*set :use_sudo, false*
*#set :home_path, "/var/www/toto.com"*
*set :checkout, "export"*
*set :deploy_to, "/var/www/#{application}"*
*set :scm, "git"*
*set :user, "deploy"*
*set :scm_passphrase, "toto"*
*set :repository, "g...@github.com:toto/toto.git"*
*set :branch, "master"*
*set :scm_password, "toto"*
*role :web, ""*
*namespace :deploy do*
*  task :restart do*
*  end*

I have this on my terminal :
*deploy@tawa:/var/www/toto.com$ cap deploy*
*  * executing `deploy'*
*  * executing `deploy:update'*
* ** transaction: start*
*  * executing `deploy:update_code'*
*    executing locally: "git ls-remote g...@github.com:toto/toto.git master"*
*Enter passphrase for key '/home/deploy/.ssh/id_rsa': *
*    command finished in 9338ms*
*  * executing "git clone g...@github.com:toto/toto.git /var/www/
toto.com/releases/20111004215644 && cd /var/www/
toto.com/releases/20111004215644 && git checkout -b deploy
3964e66788152850c424d0db9ab && (echo 3964e66788152850c424d0db9ab > /var/www/
*    servers: [""]*
*Password: *
*    [] executing command*
* ** [ :: err] Permission denied (publickey).*
* ** [ :: err] fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly*
* ** [ :: out] Initialized empty Git repository in /var/www/
*    command finished in 2959ms*
**** [deploy:update_code] rolling back*
*  * executing "rm -rf /var/www/toto.com/releases/20111004215644; true"*
*    servers: [""]*
*    [] executing command*
*    command finished in 9ms*
*failed: "sh -c 'git clone g...@github.com:toto/toto.git /var/www/
toto.com/releases/20111004215644 && cd /var/www/
toto.com/releases/20111004215644 && git checkout -b deploy
3964e66788152850c424d0db9ab& (echo 3964e66788152850c424d0db9ab > /var/www/
toto.com/releases/20111004215644/REVISION)'" on*

if I execute this command sh -c git.... it works!

Could you help me? maybe I don't have good rights for my user...

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