Hey guys! I'm setting up Capifony (Capistrano for symfony) but I've an 
issue with ssh password when testing multiple server deploy.

Here some versions:

daniel@fiji:~$ ruby --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [i686-linux]

daniel@fiji:~$ cap --version
Capistrano v2.9.0

daniel@fiji:~$ uname -a
Linux fiji 3.0.0-13-generic-pae #22-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 2 15:17:35 UTC 2011 
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

And some configurations from deploy.rb:

set :domain, "mydomain"
set :user, "sshuser"
set :password, "sshpassword"
role :web, domain
role :app, domain

Deploying to a single server works great, no need to enter passwords. All 
fine. But if I try to add more servers to the configuration (I'll need to 
deploy to 6 to 9 machines) with a configuration like this:

set :user, "sshuser"
set :password, "sshpassword"
role :web, "ipaddr1", "ipaddr2"
role :app, "ipaddr1", "ipaddr2"

Capistrano starts to ask me ssh password for each server listed even if 
it's set as before...what's wrong with this configuration? Entering the 
password lets the process continue and all works, but I'd like to avoid to 
enter the password every time.


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