Because if you want to deploy with migrations there's a task for that


That gives you the ability to choose what's best for your situation

(site comes back up)

For long running migrations


(site comes back up)


(site comes back up)

Fastest deploy when you know you don't have migrations. 

You can also change the normal deploy to always do migrations. 

before "deploy:symlink", "deploy:migrate"

On Jan 3, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Matt <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Just curious - why is the default for `cap deploy` to *not* run migrations? 
> I accept that there may be some circumstances in which you'd want to skip 
> migrations on a deploy (long-running migrations you'll run later, I guess?). 
> But, in my years of deploying many many different rails apps, I can only 
> think of a handful of times I've wanted to deploy but not run migrations. And 
> even then, it was probably best done as a separate rake task.
> Indeed, whenever I start a new rails project I use RailsMachine's excellent 
> "moonshine" which runs migrations automagically. I don't even know if there's 
> a way to disable migration running on moonshine? 
> In any rate, it seems like it would best be done the other way around - `cap 
> deploy` does migrations, too, and `cap deploy:nomigrations` does what it 
> says. Is there something I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> --
> Matt
> -- 
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