have this deploy.rb 

after 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:symlink_db', 'deploy:symlink_email'
after 'deploy:setup', 'setup:create_db_configuration', 

namespace :deploy do
  desc "Symlinks the email.yml"
  task :symlink_email, :roles => :app do
    puts "##Sybolic Link the email.yml"
    run "ln -nfs #{deploy_to}/shared/config/email.yml 

desc "Symlinks the database.yml"
  task :symlink_db, :roles => :app do
    puts "##Sybolic Link the database.yml"
    run "ln -nfs #{deploy_to}/shared/config/database.yml 

But when I deploy, after the deploy:update_code it starts with 

2013-07-27 03:30:30 executing `deploy:assets:symlink'


2013-07-27 03:30:32 executing `deploy:assets:precompile'

And when execution 

executing "cd -- /home/ubuntu/deployments/saleshub/releases/20130727013023 && 
RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets rake assets:precompile"

It fails, because the symbolic links were not created yet. How do I make 
sure the my tasks to create the symlinks before compiling the assets?

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