Hi all,

Just a quick note to say that following the discussion 
on https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano/issues/926, I would strongly 
encourage all Capistrano v3 users whose organisations may see any issue in 
using GPLed software as part of their deployment stack to seek independent 
legal advice regarding the GPL.

SSHkit is GPL, and Capistrano uses it.

Lee's IP lawyers have a very different interpretation of the license of the 
resulting work to that of the IP specialists we have engaged, and in my 
personal experience, the majority of people discussing OSS licenses on the 
net interpret the GPL to mean that any combined work must be GPLed, based 
primarily on the following license.

If the latter interpretation is correct then Capistrano v3 is GPLed, even 
though its own code is MIT as per the license file.  This may or may not be 
an issue for you depending on your situation.

Best regards,

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