returned = capture("ls /etc/sudoers.d/deploy_permissions 2>&1")

is a String, and thus doesn't have transformations (wrapping it in the sudo
su ..) applied:

     returned = capture(:ls, "/etc/sudoers.d/deploy_permissions 2>&1")

Lee Hambley
+49 (0) 170 298 5667

On 18 March 2014 03:42, Roy Miller <> wrote:

> Using Cap 3.1.0. I have this in a task I run after a deploy is done:
> task :'check-dependencies' do
>   on roles(:all) do |host|
>    [...]
>    as :root do
>      puts capture(:whoami)
>      returned = capture("ls /etc/sudoers.d/deploy_permissions 2>&1")
>    end
>   end
> end
> That task runs, and the puts statement prints "root" on the console, as
> one would expect, so it looks like the "as" magic and the capture statement
> are working fine (same result with 'root' as a string or :root as a
> symbol). The problem is, the second capture statement fails like so:
> DEBUG [e8cc068a] Running */usr/bin/env if ! sudo su root -c whoami > 
> /dev/null; then echo "You cannot switch to user 'root' using sudo, please 
> check the sudoers file" 1>&2; false; fi* on [server].com
> [00:04:13.766] DEBUG [e8cc068a] Command: if ! sudo su root -c whoami > 
> /dev/null; then echo "You cannot switch to user 'root' using sudo, please 
> check the sudoers file" 1>&2; false; fi
> [00:04:13.832] DEBUG [e8cc068a] Finished in 0.065 seconds with exit status 0 
> (*successful*).
> [00:04:13.832] DEBUG [068c401a] Running */usr/bin/env whoami* on [server].com
> [00:04:13.833] DEBUG [068c401a] Command: sudo su root -c "/usr/bin/env whoami"
> [00:04:13.889] DEBUG [068c401a]         root
> [00:04:13.892] DEBUG [068c401a] Finished in 0.059 seconds with exit status 0 
> (*successful*).
> [00:04:13.893] root
> [00:04:13.893] DEBUG [76bb93f0] Running */usr/bin/env ls 
> /etc/sudoers.d/deploy_permissions 2>&1* on [server].com
> [00:04:13.894] DEBUG [76bb93f0] Command: ls /etc/sudoers.d/deploy_permissions 
> 2>&1
> [00:04:13.905] DEBUG [76bb93f0]         ls:
> [00:04:13.905] DEBUG [76bb93f0]         cannot access 
> /etc/sudoers.d/deploy_permissions
> [00:04:13.906] DEBUG [76bb93f0]         : Permission denied
> When I SSH into the box, get root, and run the statement, I can see the
> file (which is indeed owned by root). Am I doing something wrong? I thought
> any statement inside the "as [blah]" section would execute as the given
> user. The result of the first capture statement tends to confirm that it's
> working as expected, but the second capture statement failing is mysterious
> to me.
> Incidentally, the "run as a different user" example on the sshkit example
> page shows this:
> on hosts do |host|
>   as 'www-data' do
>     puts capture(:whoami)
>   end
> end
> But when I try to use the "on hosts do |host|" bit, I get an error like
> this:
> [00:04:12.138] ** Invoke diagnostics:check-dependencies 
> (first_time)[00:04:12.138] ** Execute 
> diagnostics:check-dependencies[00:04:12.138] cap aborted![00:04:12.139] 
> undefined local variable or method `hosts' for main:Object
> So I reverted to use "on roles(:all)". I wonder if I'm not understanding
> something fundamental. Am I?
> Roy
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